Chapter 39

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I woke up early the next morning that the sun hasn't even risen yet. I took a quick shower and had some breakfast that the police officers generously got for us.

Chad:(groans shuffling in bed)

Ross: Morning Chad (takes a bite)

Chad:(yawns sitting up rubbing his tired eyes) Morn-- ooh! Breakfast (runs over and eats)

Ross: Save some for Laura ya pig

Chad:(swallows all the food that's in his mouth) So what's on the agenda for us?

Ross: Well we have a plane ride around 9:00am, then we go to my house and get 24/7 protection

Chad:(sighs shaking his head) So long normal teenage life

Ross:(looks back at Laura) It sucks that she's sucked into this and she did nothing wrong

Chad:(looks at Laura too and nods) Yeah, Chris is a real bastard

Ross:(looks at Chad) Let's make a pack. No matter what happens, we won't let Chris put a hand on Laura ever again (extends his hand)

Chad:(nods) Deal (shakes his hand) If I die, don't you ever let my parents sell my comic books, burying them with me

Ross:(laughs) You're so lame

Chad:(Shrugs) I don't have a girlfriend so those books are all I got



The police officers drove us to the airport and walked us to our private jet since they didn't want us to drive with other people just to be sure one of Chris's goons wasn't on with us.
Chad was somewhere on the plane calling his parents and informing them on what's going on. I did the same with my parents as I had Laura sleep on my shoulder, my arm draped over her to make it more comfortable.

Ross: Yeah I know mom.....we'll be there soon, don't, don't come, it's for your protection. I don't want anything to happen to you or dad because of me.....(grins little) I love you too mom and dad.....okay I got to go, love you (hangs up)

Chad:(walks over to him and sits) Well I talked to my parents and they agreed to stay far away from home and to leave my comic books alone

Ross:(chuckles) You're pathetic

Chad: Oh, I also told them to write letters instead of calling

Ross:(nods) I talked to my parents as well, the police are already there getting everything installed and are packing all of Laura things and yours as well

Chad:(nods and rubs his hands together taking a deep breathe) Man, I feel like this is a movie

Ross:(Sighs) This is real my friend (lets a deep breathe out) scary real


We got home a few hours later. We left our phone's on the plane for the pilot to dispose of them. The police picked us up from the airport and are now driving us to my house.

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