Chapter 15

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Dinner was being set on the table and I was still working on my drawing of Laura and her family. I already finished like 2 of them but this one is different from all the others. The others were just past drawings of Laura and her parents but this one is unique and I like it. It's just an imagination of Laura and her parents together. Since I've never seen Laura parents before, I only did her face with eyes, mouth nose, etc but I left her parents with no faces. I'll ask her about it later probably.

Knock! knock! Knock!

I tell the person to come in not taking my eyes off or stopping this drawing. I hear my door be open and hear footsteps walk in.

Mark: Hey son

Ross: Oh, hey dad

Mark: Dinners ready

Ross: Okay thanks

Soon my dad's shadow was hovering over my drawing.

Mark: Wow Ross, you have some big talents in you

Ross:(Smiles) Thanks dad, it's not done though

Mark: Is that Laura?

Ross:(nods) Yeah

Mark: Who are the other two?

Ross: They're suppose to be her parents but I don't know what they look like so I left their faces blank

Mark: Well it's beautiful

Ross:(chuckles a bit) Thanks again dad

I spin my chair around to face my dad and see him look at Laura.

Mark: How's she warming up to the place and us?

Ross: Well she's been having a hard time with life so she's having trouble warming up to people and all that

Mark:(nods) I understand

Ross: She's really liking this place and she's really thankful

Mark:(Smiles) Well it's the least we can do

Ross: So what's gonna happen?

Mark: With the sleeping arrangements?

Ross:(nods) yeah

Mark: Well your mom and I got to go see our insurance people to let us renovate this house and build some extra rooms

Ross: Isn't that gonna cost a lot?

Mark: Yes but your mother and I don't want you to sleep on the couch forever till you go off to college

Ross: Well sorry for wasting your money

Mark: Don't worry about it son, don't be sorry for anything. We're really proud of you to do this for a person in need

My dad puts a 'I'm proud of you' smile on his face and rest his hand on my shoulder.

Mark: We're really proud of you

Ross:(Smiles) Thanks dad

Mark: No problem son (smiles a bit) Well dinner is gonna be ready so I suggest that you wake up Laura so you can both come down and eat

Ross:(nods) Okay dad

My dad gives me one last smile and walks out of my room. I finish a few touches of the drawing and end it for now. Time to wake up Laura.

Ross:(Stands up and walks over to Laura) (Shakes her up) Laura, wake up, it's time to eat dinner

She stirs in her sleep a bit but wakes up fluttering her eyes open.

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