Chapter 12

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I had my free period and decided to call my mom and see how Laura was doing. I went outside to the field and sat on the bleachers and gave my mom a call.

Stormie: Hello?

Ross:(Smiles) Hi mommy

Stormie:(laughs a bit) Hi Rossy. How's school so far?

Ross: Good, just on my free period. What's happening at home?

Stormie: Well your dad is busy at work and I'm still on Laura watch so yeah

Ross: Has she woken up?

Stormie: Not yet sweetie, sorry

Ross:(Sighs) I'm worried

Stormie: She'll be fine, it takes a while to wake up

Ross: Alright but can you give me a call or text or something to tell me that she's awake

Stormie: I will sweetie, don't worry about it

Ross: alright mom

Stormie: What do you have after?

Ross: All we have is an assembly

Stormie: Come home then

Ross:(smiles) Seriously?

Stormie: Yeah, you have no studies after so come home. I made you your favourite dessert

Ross:(gasps smiling big) You did?!

Stormie: Yup

Ross: I'm coming home mommy!

I hang up the phone and run to my locker grabbing my bag and skateboard and skate home.

. . .

I love mom's desserts! :D She just makes the food melt in my mouth and .... agh!! I just love it! I was eating on the table, probably with the dessert all over my face. Footsteps were walking down the stairs and soon I see my mom.

Stormie: Ross, Laur-- Oh Ross

She face palms herself and just shakes her head. I grab a napkin and wipe it off my face.

Ross: Sorry mom, what were you about to say?

Stormie: Laura's awake

Finally. I was starting to worry more about her.

Ross: Sweet. I'll go talk to her

I was walking up the stairs but my mom stops me on the 3rd step.

Stormie: Take it easy on her and just try to be friends with her

Ross:(nods) I know mom, that was just a mistake earlier and my anger got the best of me, but it won't happen again, I promise

Stormie:(nods) Good (smiles) I raised my boy well

Ross:(Smiles) Thanks mom

I jog upstairs to my room and slowly open the door to see Laura awake just sitting up looking around. Once she heard the door creak open, she looked at me.

Ross: Hey

I shut the door behind me and pull over my swivel chair and sit down.

Ross: How you feeling?

Laura:(shrugs) A bit better I guess

She was mumbling quietly so it was kind of hard to understand what she was saying.

Ross: Well, do you want anything?

She shook her head.

Ross: Alright then. Do you want to talk about anything? Things that you want to get off your chest?

She just looked at me.

Laura: You wouldn't understand

Ross: Why would you think that?

Laura: You have loving parents who love you for you, you have people who love you and won't break you, you don't get bullied or anything, you're an all out American boy

Ross: Well I'm not that. I have parents who work a lot and their job always makes us move so we keep moving around the world so I don't get to have actual friends. Trust me, I don't have a perfect life, no one does

Laura: Well my life is likely the farthest life of a perfect life

Ross: Want to talk about it?

Laura: How can I trust you just like that?

Ross: well I can tell you that I'm not gonna hurt you. I keep my promises and never spill it to a soul so....

Laura:(sighs) Fine, but if you tell anyone about this, I swear I will--

Ross: I won't tell anyone, don't worry

Laura:(takes a deep breathe) Well....

. . .

After hearing Laura's story about her childhood, it was just terrible. Her mom died on her when she was very young and her dad just lost it and did terrible and illegal things that put him in jail ever since then. Laura wouldn't dare to go visit him because she's too scared and too nervous to see him. For the past few years, she's been living by herself put her payment for the house kept on coming and coming and Laura could barely pay for them. She told me that yes she deals drugs but because she had to get the money for the house but she stopped that in the summer and is trying to find other ways to pay for the house. Anyways, she didn't find a way as soon as she needed and her house is being sold to someone else since she can't pay for the house anymore. It's just truly horrible. I feel so bad for yelling at her like that before.

Ross: What about getting hurt? You know, getting hurt by people that you were talking about

Laura:(Sighs) I use to date Chris, your friend

Ross: Yeah.... I already found out about that, sorry

Laura: It's okay. Anyways, we dated and he was my first boyfriend, he was so sweet to me and everything but then.... (Sighs) I caught him cheating on me with another girl. I broke up with him and it just made him mad and he wanted to get revenge on me. So he spilled all of my secrets to the school. How I had my first kiss at age 15, how he was my first boyfriend, how I was a drug dealer, how my parents died and everything. It was just horrible and I wanted my life to end right there. I was gonna commit suicide but I guess my body just didn't want to follow the actions that I wanted, so I didn't. I was so hurt and felt betrayed and just.... (tears up) I couldn't trust another person ever again

Ross: I'm sorry Laura, I had no idea

Laura:(nods) That's why I'm so isolated to people. Chris partly started everything of my new look. Before I was hurt, I was happy and open to things but now I'm dark and isolated to people (sighs) I just can't anymore

I pull Laura into my chest giving her a big hug. I totally understand why she has been so rude to people and everything, her life has been broken and shattered and she just can't do this right now, she can't do life right now. Well I'm gonna help her and I'm planning to get the old Laura back.

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