Chapter 20

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My parents came home few weeks later than they were suppose to, they had a big busy things happen at work or something. Laura already got a place of her own a couple of weeks before they came home. She's living in a apartment close to here but it's a half hour drive which isn't so calming for me. I don't know why but I just have a sudden urge that it's my job to protect her when everyone else has failed to do that. I can't fail, if I do, who does Laura trust next? Who can she trust when everyone else has given up on her? Who? She doesn't go to school anymore, she's doing school online now. She says it's better but for me it isn't. I won't get to see her when we're passing by each other in the hallways. She's not my locker buddy anymore, it's this preppy new girl that has a crush on me, but she's too preppy for my taste. I mean, I like preppy, but a normal prep, not a major one like that new girl. Chad and Chris don't know about me and Laura's new friendship, Laura thinks it's best for both me and her. I don't really know what to think about that idea she planned. I haven't seen her since I moved her stuff in that apartment. I don't know what happened to our friendship but I guess it really isn't a friendship if one person still tries thinks and the other just wants nothing to do with that person. *sigh*

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Ross: Come in

Stormie:(Walks in) Ross, Chad and Chris are outside waiting for you

Oh yeah, I was suppose to go to the skate park with them.

Ross: Can you tel them that I'm not really feeling well

Stormie: Again? That's the 3rd time you flaked on them Ross

Ross: I don't know what's wrong. Can you just tell them, please?

Stormie:(Sighs) Fine

She walks out of my room shutting the door behind her. I get up and walk over to my window sill and look outside. I see Chad and Chris skating away from my house. I don't know why but I don't feel like I'm in a 'go out and hang with friends' kind of guy now. I don't know why or how this happened but it just has. Maybe there's something wrong with me, I'll ask mom if I can she can book me an appointment or something. I really want to know what's up with this thing. I want to know what's happening with Laura. I Just want my questions to be answered but they won't as long as I'm stuck in my room being a pathetic loser. :( I just wish things were better for me. Like my mom and dad when they were teens. They were high school sweethearts, they couldn't be separated or anything, their love was to strong and powerful. That's what I want. I want a relationship just like my parents. A strong powerful love that'll last forever and ever. But how am I suppose to find that girl if I'm stuck in my room all damn day long?

Note: Sorry it's short, tired. -.-zzzzz

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