Chapter 22

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I haven't left the house since that big kiss with Laura. I just couldn't get it out of my head. It's been 3 days now. Chad knows but I didn't tell Chris yet. I didn't want to deal with his wrath at the moment.

Stormie:(knocks) Ross, open up, it's been 3 days now. It's been 3 days straight of you missing school, I'm worried about you (knocks) Ross

That's all she's been doing for the past 3 days. My dad knows when to give me space but my mom doesn't. She's really super protective of me since I'm her only child and that she just wants what's best for me, the only thing that I want though is Laura, but no one can give me that if she won't even accept me.

. . .

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Ugh! I thought my left for work! Please tell me she didn't call in sick just so she could get me out of bed. That'll just give me guilt for a long time. I get up and walk over to the door opening it and see Chad.

Chad: Hey, I haven't seen you in a while, with you and Chris both gone school is getting boring-er without you guys there with me

Ross: Now's not a good time man

Chad: That's what I'm here for. Your mom came to school so she could talk to me. She wanted me to talk to you and see what was going on. So what is going on?

I sigh and let him in. He grabs my swivel chair and sits down. I shut the door and sit on my bed.

Ross: I went over to Laura's house a few days ago

Chad: Did you ask her out? How did it go?

Ross: She doesn't want me to hang out with her anymore yet... we kiss

Chad: What?!

Chad falls out of the swivel chair. Oh god.

Chad:(stands up) You kissed?!

Ross:(nods) Yeah

Chad: What happened after? (sits back on the swivel chair)

Ross: After she said she loved me but she doesn't want us to be together, she said we couldn't

Chad: What? Why?

Ross:(shrugs) I don't know, it doesn't make sense but I'm guessing she just doesn't love me

Chad:(stands up and starts pacing back and forth rubbing his chin) No. That's not it

Ross: well what are the other ways? Please enlighten me because I don't want to think that my dream girl doesn't love me

Chad:(looks at him) I don't know but it's not possible that Laura wouldn't love you

Ross: Then what?

Chad: I'm not sure but we'll figure it out (looks at him) But you got to get your lazy butt out of this bed

Ross: Ugh, are you serious?

Chad: Do you want your dream girl or do you just want to sulk in here like a loser?

Ross: Never mind. Let me take a shower

Chad: Don't have to tell me twice, you need a million showers

Ross:(Rolls his eyes and walks into his bathroom)

As I turn on the water and get the shower ready I couldn't help but hope and pray that Chad & I would figure out what's wrong with Laura. This possibly couldn't be just Laura's own decision, she hates deciding and when it comes to this, I know she'll just do what her heart says and I know her heart isn't telling her to do this.

. . .

After I finished my shower. I left a note for my parents and got in Chad's car driving to Laura's apartment. We intended to press on her why she can't be with me, it just doesn't add up.

Chad: I hope she's still there

Ross: Where else would she be? She barely goes out

Chad: True

Ross:(Sighs) I'm nervous to see her again

Chad: Why? It's just Laura

Ross: I know but things are different between us now. We're distant to each other, we had a heated kiss in the elevator, I wouldn't even call it a kiss I would call it a make out session

Chad:(chuckles) Hormones, classic

Ross:(rolls his eyes and shoves Chad) Shut up

Chad:(chuckles) Alright alright. So if Laura agrees to date you, how would you feel?

Ross: I thought we weren't girls moron

Chad: Shut up and just answer, I'm bored and I don't like quiet car rides

Ross:(Shakes his head) Well if she would really date me, that would be awesome but I don't know

Chad: You are so clueless with love

Ross: Ugh (looks out the window turning his back to Chad)

. . .

We got to the building and got in the elevator walking to Laura's room.

Ross: I'm nervous

Chad: Well man up then, I am not gonna give you my pants when you pee in yours for being a coward

Ross: I wasn't even going too anyways

We were right in front of Laura's door but we heard talking, and it wasn't Laura's voice. Who's in there? Chad and I look at each other and press our ear to the door trying to listen.

"Yup. He should be long gone and over that girl eventually.......... she's awake already?......... *laugh* Ha! What a loser is she!"

The conversation kept going on but I did not want to hear anymore. I kneel in front of the door and start to pick the lock with my ear buds.

Chad: Dude, that's not gonna--

The door opened just a crack not making the girl notice.

Chad: Never mind

We slowly crept in the apartment. We hid behind a shelf and saw a girl with long black hair. What is going on?

"Yeah...... yeah have fun with her....... of course I was sarcastic, I mean have you seen her?......... Exactly"

Laura's beautiful not disgusting, I don't know what's wrong with these people. I couldn't stand this anymore and walked out of the hiding spot.

Ross: What is going on here?!

Chad: Ross

The girl looked at us and gasped. She dropped her phone from the surprise making her screen crack and turn off on it's own. I grab her by the throat and push her up against the wall making her feet dangle a few feet.

Ross: Where's Laura?!

girl:(trying to catch her breathe)

Chad:(rest his hand on Ross's shoulder) Calm down man, let her down so she can explain everything to us

I glare at the girl who's still trying to catch her breathe.

Ross: Lock the door and stand there so she won't escape

Chad nods and does as he was told. I dropped the girl who lays on the floor holding onto her neck gasping for air. She looked frightened of me.

Ross: You better talk and I want to know everything. Where's Laura?!

She soon spilled everything but not about where Laura's location was.

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