Chapter 21

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I was at Chad's house hanging out with him watching the game. Right now, our team is losing. Sucks right?

Chad: So what have you been doing all along? I haven't been hanging out with you for a while

Ross: Yeah sorry about that

Chad: It's no problem

Ross: So where's Chris?

Chad: He went to visit his family a little while back, he'll be coming home in 2 weeks or so

Ross:(nods) cool

Chad: So you gonna answer my question or not?

Ross: Sorry, it's just.... please don't get mad

Chad: You make it sound like we're girls (Chuckles)

Ross:(breathes out a chuckle) Funny

Chad:(Smiles) Spit it out man, what's up?

Ross:(sighs) I've been hanging out with Laura

Chad:(sighs) Ro--

Ross: Just listen to me. She isn't that bad. Chris and her family has been causing those things to her, they're the reason why she's been having a life full of hell. Chris made her lose trust in people, she's afraid of letting people in now. Her family has disowned her, she has no family but my parents and me. She has no one Chad, no one. If you were me, you wouldn't to the first thing that people say. You would do your research and figure out what the real story is, not listen to some bullshit about an innocent sweet girl

Chad: So the drugs are fake?

Ross: She needed food and to pay her house, she didn't have any other choice

chad: Uh, getting a job?

Ross: No one would hire her, they all thought she was worthless like everyone else thinks of her, but not me and my parents. We have faith in her

Chad kept asking questions and I always answered them. I gave him the full explanation and everything. I know I can trust him when I need to.

. . .

I decided to finally see Laura after weeks of not seeing her. I finally had to grow some balls and face the music like my grade 6 music teacher always said, even though she talked in a strong Australian accent. I finally got to her room number and knock on her door.

Laura:(opens the door) R-Ross?

Ross:(Smiles a bit) Hey Laur

Laura:(looks around and pulls him in)

Ross:(stumbles in)

Laura:(shuts the door and looks at him leaning on the door) What are you doing here Ross? (cross his arms)

Ross: I just came to see a friend

Laura:(sighs) Ross, right now isn't a good time

Ross: What's wrong Laura? You promised me that we'll still be in contact, what happened to that? Now you keep avoiding me and everything, did I do something wrong?

Laura just shakes her head and sighs looking down a bit.

Laura: Ross, just go

Ross: Why?! What did I do?!

Laura: It doesn't matter! Just get out!

Ross: Where's that Laura I use to know?! Where's that Laura--

Laura: Get out Ross!

Ross: Where's that Laura I used to love?!

Right when I say that, I totally regretted that. I didn't know that I loved her. What the heck? Her face went blank as soon as I said the 'L' word. Awe crap!

Ross: I-I'm sorry, I-I'll go

She slowly nods not looking at me and moves aside. I put my hand on the door knob and look at Laura.

Ross: I'm so sorry Laura

She didn't respond. No head nod or anything. I sigh and walk out of her apartment. I walk in the elevator and about to press the lobby button but Laura runs out.

Laura: Ross!

Ross: Yes?

She runs over to me and jumps into my arms and crashes her lips onto mine. I, of course kiss back snaking my arms to her waist. Her lips were much more amazing than I thought they were. Her lips were so soft and plump, her strawberry lipstick made our lips stick for a bit making our kiss more memorable. This is the best first kiss ever! We pull away unfortunately out of breathe.

Laura: I love you Ross

Ross:(Smiles) I love you too

Laura:(frowns) But we can't be together

Ross: W-W-Why?

She shattered my heart as she said that. My first love and it was already shattered.

Laura:(tears up) I-I want to tell you but--

Ross: Tell me then, why can't we be together? I love you, you love me, tell me

Tears were slipping out of her eyes. She unwrapped her arms from me and stepped away a bit. She shook her head wiping her tears away.

Laura:(whispers) I'm sorry

Ross:(Shakes his head)

She stepped out of the elevator waving goodbye to me and walking off to her apartment. I sigh and shut the elevator doors going down to the lobby. I kept hitting the wall over and over again trying to get the anger out of me. I wasn't mad at Laura, I was mad at myself. I was mad of myself. I was mad that I didn't ask her to be mine before she couldn't be with me. I was mad of whoever made Laura reject me. I was just mad to the world. I was mad at everything and everyone but I couldn't be mad at Laura. I just couldn't. I walk out of the building and head into my car. I drove home heartbroken and silent through the entire drive.

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