Chapter 9

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Chad and Chris run up to me.

Chad: Dude! What was that?!

Chris: You could've gotten hurt!

Ross: I know I know but I couldn't let them hurt someone that didn't do anything to hurt them

Chad: How do you know that--

Ross: I just know guys

Chris: Well are you okay?

Ross:(nods) The didn't even get a scratch on me

Chad: Well let's go back to skating

Chris:(nods) Yeah

Ross: Alright

We walk back to the skate park and just start skating for a long time having fun but it was kind of hard since I am worried about Laura. I know it's strange 'Ross get over her! She doesn't even want you to talk to her so stop worrying about her' that's the problem though, I can't. Sh-She's different and I just want to help her. No one deserves to be treated this way, even if they're a ex girlfriend or a weird girl, no one deserves to be bullied, it's just not right.

. . .

My parents called me a little while before so I could come home for dinner. I made some dinner with the help of my mom and we all sat down and eat.

Stormie: So how's school honey?

Ross:(shrugs) Okay I guess. I started work shop

Mark: That's nice

Ross: Then I went boarding with Chad and Chris till I see these guys who were messing with Laura

Stormie: Did you do something?

Ross:(nods) I kicked one guy in the nuts then the other just ran away scared

Stormie: Are you alright?

Ross:(nods) Yeah, they didn't even hit me

Mark: What do they want with her?

Ross: They said they wanted drugs but she kept telling them that she doesn't do that

Stormie: What's up with that?

Ross:(sighs) People have been spreading rumors about Laura selling drugs and all that

Mark: Well that's not nice

Ross: Yeah I know, it's terrible. I keep trying to help her out but she doesn't want to let anyone in

Stormie: Do you know her lifestyle or anything?

Ross: I'm not a stalker mom


Mark: Maybe we should invite her over for dinner

Ross: She didn't want to come in the first place

Stormie: Let's just try Ross

Ross:(Sighs) Alright but I can't promise you anything

My parents nod and continue to eat and start having their own conversation. How the heck am I suppose to get her to come to my house if she won't even let me be 5 feet from her? This is a mission that I'm thinking is possibly impossible.

. . .

Okay so no school today. Yeah! Bad news is that I have to try and convince Laura to come over and have dinner with us. I'm as ready as I can ever be and walk out of the house. Okay, do I remember good enough to know where she lives? Hmm..... Oh crap.

. . .

Finally! I finally found her house! I walk over to her front door and knock. She opens the door.

Ross:(Smiles) Hi

She rolls her eyes and shuts the door but I stop the door with my foot in the nick of time.

Laura: Are you stupid, idiotic, deaf or just all of the above? I told to leave me alone

Ross: I know but my parents are wondering if you wanted to join us for dinner tonight

Laura: No

Ross: Why aren't you being nice? I saved your butt twice unlike other people who would just let you get jumped. I want to help you but you keep pushing me away. You know I could've been like those other people, I could've just listened to those rumors and think you're a freak but I don't because I'm not like that and I want to know who you really are but I guess that was just a big waste of my time. I'll tell my parents that you don't want to come

I walk away and walk home. I've done many things for her but she just doesn't want it so I'll do her a favour and not bother her anymore. I just wasted my weeks of trying to help her, boy was I stupid.

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