Chapter 31

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Ross:(sighs) Can you drive faster please?!

Chad: I'm going as fast as I can without getting caught by the police!

Ross: Ny grandma can drive faster than you! And she's dead!

Chad: Are you gonna keep insulting me or shut up so I can keep driving or I'll turn this car around

I sigh and keep my mouth shut leaning back on my seat.

. . .

We finally get to Chris's uncle's house. From Chad's slow driving, I never thought we'd be here while the sun is still shining.

Ross: Finally, we're here

Chad: One more insult out of you and I'll get in that car leaving you stranded here

Ross: Sorry

I look around the area to see this house trashed and looking abandoned, also it's the only house in 30 miles.

Ross: Are you sure this is the right place?

Chad: Well it's what the GPS said

I'll take the chance.

We walk towards the house, knocking on the door.

Ross: I hope he'll answer some of our questions

Chad pats me on the back a few times.

Chad: Don't worry man, we'll find her

I take a deep breathe and nod as I jog in place a few seconds.
Then the door opened to reveal a middle aged man with a cigarette in his mouth with an unshaved face. He had a stained white shirt with multiple stains and faded ripped jeans.

Ross: Um... are you Chris's uncle?

He takes his cigarette out of his mouth and taps on it getting the ashes off.

Dan: Depends, are you cops?

We shook our heads.

Dan: Then... yeah, I'm his uncle. What's it to you?

Chad: Chris is--well was our best friend

Ross: He's taken something that's very important to me

Dan: What is it?

Ross: Um, whom. He... he took the love of my life

Chris's uncle's expression totally changed when he heard me say it was a person than an object.
He invited us in and we all sat down on his dusty couch. He sat on a sofa chair across from us.

Dan: Drinks

He ask as he pours himself a shot.

Chad:(shakes his head) No thank you sir

Ross: Uh, can we talk about Chris again?

He sighs but nods his head.

Dan: This isn't the first time he's done this


Chad: What?

Dan:(nods) It's true. He kidnapped a girl just last year

Ross: And the cops don't know about this?

He shakes his head.

Dan: His dad is the captain of the police station in California. He kept his son's files in a private area in his house or in the station

Ross: How many times has he done this?

Dan: Well he's very fond of girls and doesn't like to be rejected. This started when he was 16 so.... this is his 10th time

My jaw just drops. I can't believe he would do that, and so many times.

Ross: do you know what he does to the girls he kidnaps?

He shrugs.

Dan: No clue and I don't attend to get involved with that messed up nephew of mine

Ross: Do you know where he is? Or where he usually takes his captives?

Dan:(shakes his head) Nope but he did come here a few days ago so I can lend him some money

Ross: Did he tell you where he was going or what's he gonna do with the money?

Dan: Well.... he said he needed to get plane tickets

He's leaving again? He knows we're here.

Chad: did he say where?

Dan: Nope, sorry

I sigh and shake my head looking down to my shoes. I let her slip through my fingers. She could be anywhere by now.
Chad claps me on the back. He says thank you to Chris's uncle and we walk out of the house to the car driving back to the hotel.

Chad: I'm so sorry man. I thought we'd get some clues on where she is

Ross: We do have clues though. That he was here and that he's planning to leave or has already left

Chad: So what are we gonna do now?

I take a deep breathe and run my hands through my hair.

Ross: There isn't much we can do now. I...I don't know what to do now

The rest of the car ride remains silent.

How am I gonna find Laura now? She could be anywhere around the world, and what's even worse, she's with a psycho who I thought I could call friend.

Ths is not how I imagined her rescue to be like.

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