Chapter 38

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We've been driving for hours and hours. Chris had some goons follow us but I'm pretty sure we lost them. We're now taking a stop. Chad went in the store to grab us some food along the way, as Laura went to take a bathroom break. I stayed and filled the gas as I wait for them. Good thing we took Chris's wallet in advance.
I still couldn't believe on how we just managed to get away from Chris and his goons without having any bullets go through body. The car took quite a beating but hey, at least we're okay. I see Laura walk out of the store yawning and rubbing her tired looking eyes.

Ross: Why don't you get some shut eye Laura

Laura:(shakes her head standing next to him) I don't want to wake up and see you and Chad gone and.... (sniffles looking away)

Ross:(wraps his arm around her kissing the top of her head) We're still gonna be here, alright?

Laura:(Sighs) I just don't want you guys to be taking all the beatings, they are mine anyways

Ross:(Shakes his head and looks in her eyes) No matter how thick and thin this life of ours may be, we're all gonna be together and stay with each other no matter what. I don't care if Chris has thousands of guys lined up waiting, I just want to protect you

Laura:(grins little and kisses his cheek) I love you

Ross:(smiles) I love you too. Now go take a nap, we'll be here when you wake up

She sighs in tiredness and gets in the backseat of the car laying down on her side and falling asleep.
Soon, Chad walks out of the store with a box of filled with food to the very top.

Ross:(smiles) Nice work Chad

Chad:(smiles walking towards him) All in a days work

Ross: Put in the back but be quiet, Laura's sleeping

He nods his head and does what I say.

Chad: So where are we going next boss?

Ross: To a hospital. I got to make sure everything is okay with us, especially Laura

Chad:(nods) Good thing to. I think I got a bullet in me

Ross:(eyes widen in fear) What?

Chad:(pulls up his sleeve to show the wrapped up bullet wound in his forearm) Yeah, it's not a life or death kind of thing but it does hurt

Ross:(nods) We're gonna get there as soon as possible. Man, why didn't you say anything?

Chad: I didn't even realize till I went in the bathroom to see my sleeve all bloody

Ross:(stops filling the gas) Get in the car, we got to go

We get back in the car and start driving to any hospital that we could get an eye on.


We thankfully got to a hospital that was 5 miles away. We all got checked in and examined. Chad was getting some stitches, Laura was getting a semen check as I was getting my cuts patched up as being questioned by the police about our kidnap.

police:(writing in his note book) Anything else that you forgot to mention, Mr. Lynch?

Ross:(thinks and shakes his head) No, I'm pretty sure

police:(closes his note book) Thank you for you service Mr. Lynch, I tell you we are gonna find this guy and lock him away for good

Ross:(nods) Thanks

police: We have your rooms booked and tomorrow, your flight back home is ready to go

Ross:(smiles) Thanks again so much officer, this is a really huge relief off of our shoulders hearing you say that

police:(nods) We'll inform the police down you place and get you guys some 24/7 protection. We will not let this guy step into your house


Police: I know this is really scary to you and for your friends but don't let fear give in, everything is gonna be alright (smiles and walks away)

I was done with my fixing up and was just waiting for Chad and Laura. Chad was still stitching up some things so I went over to Laura's room and see how she is. I step inside her room to see her getting questioned by a police officer as well.
Once they were done, I walked in the room to be hugged by Laura.

Ross: How you feeling? (pulls away looking in her eyes)

Laura:(nods) A little sore but I'm okay

Doctor:(walks in) Oh hello Mr. Lynch

Ross:(turns to face him) Ross, please. Um how's Laura?

Doctor:(reads through his clipboard) Well luckily, the rapist was smart enough to wear a condom so there isn't any signs of semen in her body. The bruises should heal soon and no serious injuries to be too concern about (looks up at them) You'll just need to get a lot of rest

Ross:(smiles) Thank you Doctor

The doctor nods and walks out of the room leaving me and Laura alone.

Laura: Where's Chad?

Ross:(holds her hands) He's getting some stitches done, he should be finished soon

Laura:(nods) What about you? (checks his body)

Ross:(Smiles) I'm good. I got a few stitches but it'll heal

Laura:(sighs pecking his lips) I haven't heard from you in weeks, I thought something bad happened to you, I thought...(starts to shed tears)

Ross:(wipes her tears away) Hey... I'm okay. I don't care if I'm hurt or what, I just want you to be safe and not have a scratch on your body

Laura:(grins little) Thank you (kisses his cheek and hugs him)

Ross:(hugs back) I love you so much

Laura:(smiles) I love you too

We shared a passionate kiss and head down to Chad's room to see how he's doing.


With all of us patched up and ready to go. We get a ride from the police to our hotel. They said that they'll even keep watch on us till tomorrow for our flight. We all got changed into some clothes the police gave us and finally had a good night sleep.

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