Chapter 2

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After my class, I decided to go check out my locker. Now.... #234. Okay then, 234.... 234... 234... aha! Locker #234!

Ross:(opens his locker but the combination isn't working) What gives? (tries again) Hey! (slams on the locker) This is so stupid!

???:(taps his shoulder)

Ross:(turns around)

???:(whispers) Your locker is the next one, this one's mine

I look at the locker number and see it's locker #235 oops....

Ross:(embarrassed scratching behind his neck) Sorry about that

I couldn't see the person's face bc her hood was hiding her face but I do know that it's a girl. So that sort of sums it up?... Probably not. I open my real locker and put my backpack and English text book away. Just then Chad and Chris walk over to me.

Chad: Hey man

Ross: Hey

Chris: You should really decorate this locker afterwards

Ross: Huh?

Chris: This'll be your locker for a while so you gotta do at least something

Ross: Even next year?

Chris:(nods) Yup

Ross:(Smiles) Cool, I'll figure something out. Maybe tomorrow at next period

Chad: Cool

Ross: Are we aloud spray paint?

Chad: Dude, it's your locker, you can do whatever you want

Ross:(smiles big) Cool

I see the girl close her locker and walk away. She's mysterious if you ask me.

Ross: Who was that girl?

Chad: Who?

Ross: There was this girl who had her hood over her head so I couldn't see her face but I know it's a girl. That one

I point at the girl who is sitting on the bench. That mysterious girl.

Chad: Oh.... you don't want to talk to her or even have a one time contact with her

Ross: Huh? Why?

Chris: She's just bad news

Ross: But why though? You can't judge a book by it's cover

Chad: You want to judge now? She was in jail for almost assaulting a girl

Chris: And she was smuggling illegal drugs

Ross: What?

Chad: She's bad news man, you don't want to get involved with her

Chris: Let's get to class guys (A/N: Yeah Ross has 1st, 2nd, 4th, lunch and 7th period with them)

They push me to our next class but I always kept looking at that mysterious and I guess dangerous girl. She looked up a bit almost like she was trying to look at me but I couldn't tell. She looked back to her sketch book I'm guessing. I looked back forward. I'm not sure if I can really believe Chad and Chris, maybe rumors were spreading about her from horrible prep girls or something. I should sit and talk to her at lunch maybe.

. . .

It was lunch at last. It felt like forever, I guess I was just really anxious to talk to this girl. I grabbed paid for my lunch and searched the crowd for this girl. I was walking around and some girls kept on begging me to sit at their table, um..... no thanks. I couldn't find her anymore and just gave up. I did spot Chad and Chris though, I sit with them at their table with my chin resting on my folded arms on the table.

Chad: What's up with you?

Ross: I was trying to find that 'dangerous' girl

Chris: Why?

Ross: I wanted to know her story, I wasn't gonna take your word for it

Chad: Well you should. I'm telling you Ross, she isn't good to hang around with

Ross: How do you know? You've never talked to her

Chad: No but I saw her sealing a guy drugs

Ross: Where?

Chad: On the streets at night

Ross: How do you know it was really her? It could've been someone else, it was dark outside

Chad: Trust me man, it was really her

Chris: And I saw a video of her getting arrested

Ross: Where did you--

Chris: I don't know, it just popped up on my phone

Ross:(sighs shaking his head) Guys don't judge her just yet, you haven't even heard her side of the story

Chad: Bc she doesn't talk

Ross: Now you're being unreal

Chad: It's true, I've never heard her talk before. Almost everyone in this whole school's never heard her talk before

Ross: Well she just talked to me when I was at my locker

Chris: What?! She did?!

Ross:(nods) Yeah

Chad: Woah! What did she say?

Chris: What did she sound like?

Chad: Was she trying to sell you drugs?

Ross: Okay stop! She just told me that I was trying to open the wrong locker bc it was hers, she sounded like a girl and not a scary person and she did not try to sell me drugs

Chris: She probably didn't have anything at the moment

Ross:(rolls his eyes)

Lunch was over and we had to get to class. I had a free period though and the Principal also wanted to speak to me after lunch. I said bye to the guys and walk to the office .... if I only remembered where it is. I just kept walking and walking till...

Ross:(bumps into someone and falls) Ouch! I really got to stop doing that

???: Are you okay?

Ross: Yeah I'm--

Wait.... I know that voice. I look up.

Ross: Mystery girl?

???: What?

Ross:(stands up) You're my locker buddy, you're that mysterious girl

???: Okay.....

Principal, Ross!

Ross: Do you know where the office is? It's my first day and I don't know where anything is right now

???: I can tell bc if you weren't new you would know not to talk to me

Ross: What?

???: Just from now on, don't talk to me

Ross: But--

???: I'll show you the office

She walked ahead and I just followed her but at a right distance. Why doesn't she want me to talk to her? What's her story?

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