Chapter 16

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It was the next morning and my back was killing me! I fell out of this couch 5 times last night and it is no where near comfortable. Agh great! -_-

Ross:(stands up trying to crack his back)

Stormie:(walks down) Morn-- what's up with you? (walks in the kitchen)

Ross: Didn't get a good sleep

Stormie: Oh I'm sorry to hear that sweetie

Ross: Eh

Stormie: Well your school called and said no school since it flooded

Ross: Oh my god. Is everyone okay?

Stormie:(nods) There's just no school until further notice

Ross:(nods) Oh okay. Do you have work?

Stormie: No, your dad and I are gonna go see our insurance people so we can get the stamp of approval for renovating this house

Ross: Sweet (yawns)

Stormie: You go back to sleep honey

Ross:(Shakes his head) I don't really want to have my back suffer more pain

Stormie:(smiles) I mean sleep in your father and I's room, dummy

Ross: Oh, well thanks mom and also, can Laura and I go to the mall so we can get her things

Stormie:(nods) Yup, you need some money?

Ross: Um....

Stormie:(hands Ross $500) Don't spend it all in one place (Smiles)

Ross:(eyes widen) Woah! Mom, this is a lot of money!

Stormie: It doesn't matter. Laura's gonna need a lot of things

Ross: Thanks mom, I'll pay you back .... I'm not sure how but I'll pay you back

Stormie:(Smiles) It's alright sweetie, no need

Ross:(smiles) Thanks mom

Stormie: You're welcome sweetie (kisses his cheek)

My dad finally comes down. They say goodbye to me and walk out of the house, getting in their car and drive off. Well I should get Laura and we can both go to the mall and start shopping for her things.

Ross:(goes upstairs and knocks on Laura's door) Laura?

Few moments later, Laura opens the door with her hair all bedhead and she rubs her eyes looking so tired.

Laura: What is it Ross? I'm tired

Ross: Well get ready because I'm gonna take you shopping

Well that woke her up. She had her eyes widen on me, shocked.

Laura: R-Ross, no

Ross: Why not? My mom gave us money and everything

Laura:(shakes her head)

Ross: Why not?

Laura: I'll be fine without those things

Ross: Laura, you don't have any clothes that'll actually fit you. You need things from the mall and I'm helping you

Laura: How will I pay your mom back though?

Ross: No need, my mom's doing this as a favour, like a welcome to the family thing

Laura:(sighs) Fine, I'll get changed and we'll leave

Ross:(Smiles) Sweet

She shuts her door. I walk to my room and start getting ready for our shopping day.

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