Chapter 28

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I was up by the turbulence and Chad shaking me.

Ross:(groans) what do you do want Chad?

Chad: We're gonna be landing soon

Ross:(yawns) Cool now shut up so I can sleep

Chad:(rolls his eyes) Bossy

I had my eyes shut but I slapped my hand onto Chad's mouth grabbing his lips together and shut them, hard. I think he got the message. I let go and go back to sleeping.

. . .

I'm sooo tired! Ugh jet lagged is the worst for me, especially now, I want to find Laura ASAP but maybe that ASAP will happen as soon as I sleep.
We checked into our room and as soon as I saw a bed I immediately crash on the bed falling to sleep.

. . .

Ross...Ross wake up. ROSS!

I fall off the bed startled by someone shouting my name. I sit up having my arms on the side of the bed lifting my weight off, and there was Chad with an innocent cheeky smile. Ugh that moron.

Ross:(stands up) what was that for??

Chad:(smiles) I got us room service

Ross: That's it?!

Chad:(smiles singing a bit) I got pancakes!

Ross:(rolls his eyes) Oh joy....

Chad: Come on man, it's the afternoon now and we got to find Laura


Realization came over me. This wasn't some vacation, this was a rescue. A rescue to save Laura from a person who I thought I could call friend.
I get up and look at Chad.

Ross: Let's get going

. . .

We were driving around Maui tracking Laura and Chris. She must be so scared right now. We gotta save her, and fast.

Ross: Not to be rude or anything but can you go faster?

Chad: I'm already going 60 in a 40km

Ross: I just want to save her

Chad: I know you, so do I but we'll be there in time

I breathe out a big deep breathe leaning against my seat and look out the window. I hope Chad's right because I don't want to be known as Laura's superhero who is 5 minutes late.
All of a sudden something happened to the tracking device. It started going haywire.

Ross:(a little panicky) Chad, what's going on with the tracking device?

Chad pulls over immediately to grab the tracking device and see what happened.

Chad: No no no no no!!

Ross:(worried) What happened?!

Chad just looks at me. A look that isn't too pleasant.

Ross: Chad....

Chad: We lost Laura's track

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