Chapter 11

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I was sitting at the side of my bed just staring at Laura's unconscious body. Yeah, it's been over an hour now and nothing so far. My parents and I didn't take Laura to the hospital since my mom is really good at taking care of people and was a nurse before so she knows what to do in these time of things.

Stormie:(walks in) How's she doing?

Ross:(sighs) She hasn't woken up yet

Stormie: Well don't worry sweetie, she'll wake up soon. I'm sure of it

Ross:(nods) Okay mom

Stormie: So what happened?

I explained everything to her. Us walking to her house then her parents and then our argument and all that.

Stormie: Ross, that isn't like you

Ross:(Sighs) I know. I guess my frustrations just snapped and it just went out on her, but to be fair she is the one who caused all of those frustrations

Stormie: Ugh Ross (messes up his hair)

Ross:(whines) Mom!

Stormie:(Smiles) Tell me when she does .... well anything really

Ross:(nods) I will

Stormie: Thanks sweetie

She kisses the top of my head and walks out of my room shutting the door behind her. Maybe I should say sorry to her once she wakes up and then I can ask her to tell me everything so she can get stuff off of her chest or something like that ..... yeah maybe.

. . .

Nothing yet out of Laura and it was almost my bed time, yeah I have a bed time, so what? I was video chatting Chad leaning on the foot of the bed.

Chad: She's seriously at your house?!

Ross:(nods) She's asleep on my bed right now as we speak

Chad: Dude! That's crazy! Once Chris finds--

Ross: Please don't tell Chris! Please please please!

Chad: Okay but why?

Ross:(Sighs) Don't tell anyone else what I'm about to tell you now

Chad:(nods) I promise

Ross: While we were walking to her house, we had this huge argument and suddenly her walls just broke on her and all of her feelings that she's kept for a long time have just broke from the insides and she was just spilling everything to me. How she doesn't want to get hurt again, her parents dying or something and how she's been bullied before and doesn't want that to happen to her again

Chad: Ouch

Ross: Yeah I know, I feel so bad for yelling at her

Chad: Well she is the one who caused all that

Ross: That's the exact thing I told my mom! You get me!

Chad:(chuckles) Well I got to get to bed, night man

Ross: Cya tomorrow

Chad's face was exchanged for a blank black screen. I get up and put my laptop on my desk and just look at Laura. I sigh. I don't know what to do now, I better ask my parents about what's gonna happen.

Ross:(walks into Stormie and Mark's room) Mom, dad

Stormie: Yes?

Ross: What's gonna happen now? When Laura wakes up and everything?

Mark: Well she'll be sleeping in your room till she wakes up

Ross:(nods) So I'll be sleeping on the couch?

Mark:(nods) Sorry buddy

Ross: Oh, it's okay. I understand

Stormie: And we'll give her the time she needs till she's ready to leave

Ross:(nods) Okay then

As I was about to walk out, my mom called my name and I put my full attention to her.

Stormie: Try to make friends with her, Ross, please?

Ross:(nods) You know me mom (Smiles a bit) never back down a challenge

Mark:(chuckles) Night son

Ross: Night mom, night dad

I walk out of their room shutting the door behind me and grab a extra blanket from the cabinets upstairs where we keep all the extra pillows and blankets and towels and whatnot and walk downstairs laying on the couch with the blanket on top of me. Well tomorrow should be fun. I shut my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

. . .

It's the next morning meaning .... school. I was ready to go eating my breakfast away but still hoping that Laura would wake up so we can walk or drive or something together to school.

Stormie: Ross, school

Ross: Alright

I put my dish in the sink washing my hands a shaking the water off then wipe it on my pants.

Ross: What about Laura?

Stormie: Don't worry about her, just focus on your studies

Ross: I'm doing well on my-- on second thought, never mind

Stormie: Wait wha--

Ross: Bye mom!

I kiss her on the cheek quickly and run out of the house grabbing my board and helmet and skate to school.

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