Chapter 18

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Today's school. I was ready as ever but Laura was complete opposite. She was so nervous, I tried to clam her down but it's not really working. Ugh, I wish I had a sister so she could help me with this, or a friend of Laura's, but I'm all she's got right now and I have to be by her side no matter how ugly it'll get. I was eating breakfast, my specialty, a bowl of cereal and milk.

Stormie:(walks down) Where's Laura? You guys have to get to school

Ross: I think she's still getting ready

Stormie: Well your dad and I are gonna be gone for a couple of days

Ross:(sighs) Okay

Stormie: I know it sucks honey, we're super sorry

Ross: I understand. You got to work or no house, food or anything to support us

Stormie:(kisses his cheek) Thank you for understanding

Ross: You're welcome mom

Stormie:(smiles and walks away)

I put my dishes in the sink and get Laura so we can leave.

Ross:(walks upstairs to their room) (knocks) Laura, it's time for school

She didn't answer.

Ross: Laura? (knocks)

I was growing impatient and worried so I just barged in and see Laura on the bed looking super nervous.

Ross: Laura, what's wrong? (sits next to her)

Laura: I don't want to ruin your reputation

Ross: My reputation? I didn't know I had one

Laura: You're gonna be known all around school for hanging out with 'freak girl'

Ross: I don't care. They can kiss my ass for all that matters

Laura:(Smiles a bit)

Ross: They haven't met you yet Laura, they shouldn't do these things to you, it's just not right or fair but I'm gonna change all of that

Laura:(looks at him) How?

Ross: Not really sure but I'll just wing it

Laura:(Smiles a bit) Thanks Ross

Soon tiny arms are being wrapped around my neck as Laura leans on me, pressing our body's together. I wrap my arms around her and give her a big hug back.

Ross:(pulls away) Come on, we got to go to school

Laura:(takes a breathe) Alright

We grab our bags and walk out of the house and walk to school.

. . .

So far everything is good. Chad and Chris haven't seen Laura, I think she's avoiding them, and I got an A on my math pop quiz. Boom! This better get me a puppy, I really want one. :( I was at my locker getting ready for P.E till the principal's voice went through the intercom.

Principal: Ross Lynch to the nurse's office, Ross Lynch to the nurse's office

What? People don't usually get called to the nurse's office, hmm..... I shut my locker and run down to the nurse's office.

. . .

I walk in the nurse's office to see the nurse mending a girl, not just any girl, it was Laura.

nurse:(looks at Ross) Oh hello Ross

Ross: What's going on here? (walks over to Laura and the nurse)

nurse:(looks at Laura) Want to tell him Laura?

Laura:(looks down shaking her head)

Ross:(looks at the nurse)

nurse: The populars have been messing with Laura and got her to have a concussion on her head and break her ankle

Ross:(eyes widen) You okay Laur?


nurse: Ross, I need you to hold the ice pack on Laura's ankle while I talk to the principal about Laura's injury and the populars

Ross: Sure

I take over for the nurse holding the ice pack on Laura's ankle. She walks out shutting the door behind her leaving me and Laura here by ourselves.

Ross: Are you okay Laura?

Laura:(nods) Yeah

Ross: When did they do this?

Laura: Right when I got out of class. There was a note on my locker and I thought it was you, so I went outside to the parking lot where the note told me to go and then the populars just started to hit me

Ross:(Sighs) I'm sorry this happened to you

Laura: It's my fault for being stupid and actually believing it was you

Ross: Don't blame yourself Laur, the populars are just jealous of you

Laura: What's there to be jealous of me? I have no family, I have no stylish clothes, I have no friends, I have to live with people I barely know and--

Ross: Okay those are all lies. You do have family, you have amazing taste in fashion, you have me and we'll get you more friends and we're not total strangers to you Laur

Laura: I understand the family, friends and not really strangers but you're the one who mostly picked out all of my clothes while we were shopping, you're the one with fashion sense my friend

Ross:(smiles) See, we are friends

Laura:(Smiles a bit)

Ross: How about we'll go hangout once you get better

Laura:(Smiles) I'd like that, thanks Ross

Ross: No problem, just to make it more special, you can pick where we'll go on our hang out

Laura:(Smiles bigger) Thank you Ross

Ross: You're welcome (smiles)

The nurse walks back in.

nurse: Laura you'll have to be heading home


Ross: Ms. Mia, Laura's currently living at my house right now and my parents aren't home since they're on a business trip, is it okay if I skip school as well?

nurse:(thinks) Sure Ross, I'll sign out the both of you, you guys are free to leave. Laura make sure to put ice on that ankle of yours and rest a lot

Laura:(nods) I will

We thank her and walk out of the office. I was helping Laura walk to her locker. I sat her down on the bench and grab both of our bags.

Ross: I think it's easier if I carry you

Laura: No, I'll be heavy

Ross:(chuckles) Yeah right

I gently pick her up and walk us to the car. I get Laura in, our bags then myself and drive us home.

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