Chapter 17

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School is starting again soon. Ugh, it was fun while it lasted, the week of freedom. Ah.... I miss them. My parents are getting the best workers to renovate the house. Finally, I'll be able to sleep on something more comfortable and not damage my back more. It hurts! Well, Laura and I are just swimming in the pool just talking casually about random things, till.....

Laura: Ross, I just realized something

Ross: That you finally like me (Smirks joking)

Laura:(laughs) Yeah right!

Ross:(chuckles) I'm not that bad

Laura: Want a bet?

Ross: Ouch Marano

I fake pretend to be hurt by her words and put my hand over my chest. She just laughs and I join her.

Ross: Okay, so what did you find out?

Laura: What are Chad and Chris gonna say that you're friends and now living with 'freak girl'

Ross: You're not a freak Laura

Laura: Well that's what everyone else thinks I am

Ross: Because they never bothered to know your whole story unlike me and my parents

Laura: What are they gonna say? What's Chris gonna say?

Ross: Chris can just suck it up, you're my best friend and he can't just tell me who and who not to hang out with

Laura: But--

Ross: Laura, everything is gonna be fine, I won't let them do anything bad to you, I won't let anyone try to hurt you, you can trust me

She looks at me for a second.

Laura: I know but.... I just don't want to ruin your life

Ross: You're not ruining it, you're making it better, more interesting

Laura: Good or bad?

Ross:(Smiles) Good

Laura:(smiles a bit) Okay then

Ross: So do you like the things that we bought for you?

Laura:(nods) I really do, thanks again

Ross:(Smiles) You're welcome

Laura: I never thought that I'd get those awesome clothes, they're so much money for what I can bargain for

Ross: Well you're welcome and besides, you do need those things

Laura:(Smiles) Well I'll be right back

She gets out of the pool, drying herself a bit and walks in the house. I just swim around a bit relaxing and enjoying the sunny day. The sun wasn't shining that much and they sky was cloudless, all there was is a blue sky and a dim sun but I like it. I couldn't help but think on how Chris and Chad would react to knowing that I'm hanging with Laura. I know they had a past with her and everything but I don't care what they've been through with her. It's technically Chris's fault for doing this to her. She had to go to jail and spend a month or 2 in jail, she was framed and he spilled rumors about her. They lied to me. They told me they weren't the ones who did it but they were, well Chris was I don't know about Chad though. I just can't believe they'd do that. No one deserves to be treated this way that Laura is being treated. She just had to take the blame for Chris's stupid mistake, she had to pay the consequences, not him, which I find totally unfair. She didn't have enough money, so she had the only option left, selling drugs. She wasn't proud of it but she had to find the money to pay her rent and to get food on the table for her. Chris just had to get into her personal life and just try and destroy her slowly so she could suffer. Once we're back in school. I'll be going straight to Chris's locker and knock some sense into him, maybe he'll understand to lay off of Laura and let there be peace between them. I just hope.

. . .

Laura comes back minutes later and does a cannon ball in the pool splashing water all over the place, more to me though.

Ross: Hey!

Laura just looks at me and waves smiling innocently.

Laura: Hey

Ross:(rolls his eyes playfully) Not the hey I was looking for

I splash water on her.

Laura: Hey!

Ross:(mocks her) Hey

Laura:(glares at him) Oh, it's on

Ross: It was on when you got your butt into this pool

We glare at each other for a few seconds till we get into battle mode and start splashing each other crazy, almost drowning each other.

. . .

The war was over, I think I won. It was a blast though! :D Laura and I continued to goof off in the pool. We were just trying to do syncranize swimming but totally failed but whatever, we're young and we're dumb but we're living life to the fullest. :)

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