Chapter 3 ;)

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Your POV;

You're standing at the airport. It is two in the morning. NCT is about to arrive.

Your boss send you along to pick them up in their touring car so you could already talk with their manager.

You're nervous as frick. In about 10 minutes you are going to be in the same bus as whole fricking NCT.

You may not be able to talk with them and they probably won't notice you but you're here for their manager.

You carry the profiles you made in some sort of portfolio.

What will their manager think? Will they be satisfied with your work? Will a member of NCT notice you and talk with you? Are you looking okay?

You're overwhelmed with questions in your head and it is driving you insane.

You need to get your shit together so you can be confident. You'll need it next to a group of 23 boys.

You're small. Just over 5 feet (155 cm). And all of NCT is pretty tall. You'll just need to get along with Ten.

You wore small heels and stand tall to make a professional impression. You see a big group walking towards your sign.

Seeing it is 2 in the morning and no one knew when NCT would arrive, the airport is pretty empty. So a group of 23 boys with their managers and bodyguards stick out.

You are waiting together with the bus driver and the man who organised their US tour.

You're again really small next to them so they probably won't notice you.

"Hey maybe you should hold the sign, you're taller than me." You ask the tour leader politely.

He looks you up and down and his face forms into a smile.

"Oh dear, yes, I'll hold it. How can someone be so small?" He jokes.

You give the sign to the tour leader with a scoff.

"I apologise for my height. I was born with it and to be honest it has never been a big help in my life." You joke back.

He smiles again. You like him already. He is much older than you, your dads age. But he has this same confident but kind vibe as your boss has and you seem to like those kinds of personalities.

"They are coming. Are you nervous?" He asks.

You look shocked. "Can you see I'm nervous?!" You start to panic.

He lays a hand on your shoulder. "No don't worry, you look very chilled and professional but I heard you are a fan so I thought maybe you would be nervous to meet your idols?" He calms you down.

"Oh yes I'm pretty nervous but I learned to hide it well, at least I hope so. This is my first solo project in my whole life. I was always a personal assistant and now I'm a project manager. I need to do well and my nerves are not going to help with that." You rant to him.

He looks at you, shocked. "Your boss must have some amazing trust in you. This my biggest project and I have been in the business for almost 25 years." He explains.

You feel even more pressured.

"Yes! My boss trusts me a lot so I hope I can meet his expectations!" You say.

You look over him. He is wearing a suit and he is lightly sweating. He must also be pretty nervous. Poor man. He needs to deal with 23 crackheads, at his age, good luck.

You smile at him, as you see NCT walking closer.

"Good luck!" You tell him. "You're going to need it!"

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