Chapter 28 ;)

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Your POV;

"I'll text you when I land my pretty Star."

"I'll text you when I land my pretty Star."

"I'll text you when I land my pretty Star."

His words keep lingering trough your mind. Like poison trying to kill you from the inside. His words make you feel a aching pain in your heart and force big Bambi like tears to roll down your cheeks. Not because you're sad, well you are, but mostly angry tears, frustrated tears. Tears that make you feel like the useless slut you've been since Jackson came in your life. Tears who mock you for trusting and believing blindly. You shouldn't trust. Trust is a lie people feed you, to use you afterwards. And you needed to learn that again, the hard way.

Trust nobody.

Want to know what went wrong? Well let me tell you....

It has been two weeks since you last seen or heard of Lucas!!! Two fucking whole weeks.

And you must think right now, "he is an idol, he will be busy", well no, he isn't. Because as much as Lucas totally removed you from his life, Mark texts you every day and since he left you've called 10 times in the span of two weeks.

And from Lucas you received... nothing.

So like the very, way too emotionally attached, person you are. You ask about him every time you talk with Mark. And Mark always has the same answer.

"I'm sorry Moon, but he is doing just fine. I don't know what's going on."

That stupid sentence, which you by now have heard 10 times at least, breaks you even more than the memories of Lucas. Just knowing he is doing fine without you, like nothing happened, not even bothered the slight least to even massage you, not even a "I don't want to continue, let's break off contact." He just left you hanging full of hopes.

And as much as you want to be angry at him, you can't, you're angry at yourself. Which makes this whole situation more troublesome. And as much as you tried to hide it. Your boss and his wife forced you to have dinner with them and tell them what has been bothering you.

So you did, because they are nice people and besides Chaeryoung and Mark, the only ones who haven't ever deserted you or made you feel small. They were always there and as much as they hate you for saying it, without them you actually doubt you would still be alive. So you told them. Everything.

From how you met Lucas and Mark, till the dates you had with Lucas, till the intimate moments you guys shared, and the things he told you, how he made you feel loved and like you could trust and open up again.

After telling, your boss's first reaction was, to hunt Lucas down and kill him with his bare hands, but after seeing how you blamed yourself for it, totally breaking down and exclaiming how much you still treasure the stupid boy, they only comforted you and tried to make you feel better.

Besides the whole drama between you, Lucas and Mark, all of the staffs that worked with you during the tour, have told your boss about your amazing work and everyone praised you and asked to work with you again. Which made your boss feel like a proud mama bird.

So as the amazing person he is, he gave you a month off of work, to reconnect with yourself and treat yourself to a maybe vacation.

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