Chapter 38 ;)

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Your POV;


Everything is empty.

You try to turn your head to look to the sides, but it feels like your being hold back into place. You can't move a muscle and if you look around you're only met with white lights. It's making you tired, seeing only white. You wonder where you are and what you are doing and what is going to happen and why you can't feel and why you can't move.

You wonder.

But that is the only thing you can do. It's like you're floating through space but without actually feeling like you're floating, because you feel nothing.

Your body feels empty and so does your mind. You can't think about something in particular, you just wonder what's going on. You feel useless and lifeless.

Wait didn't you have a baby?


Lucas's POV;


Tears everywhere.

Surrounded by distant noises of monitors beeping and faded chatters of people trying to approach me. But I'm not responding, to nothing.

Tears, that is what I'm focused on. My own tears, which formed a small pool next to my feet on the ground. My own tears, which made my pants and shirt dripping wet. My own tears, who represent my pain.


The pain I'm feeling.

It's unbearable. The person. The persons. I loved and will love unconditionally. They are in pain. So how does that mean I can be okay.

Her pain is my pain. Her tears are mine and her heart is mine. Everything that once belonged to her, now belongs to us. Everything that once belonged to me, now belongs to us. She won't leave us, she won't leave me, right?

The last 7 hours have been the most dreadful seven hours of my life. Seven long hours of constant pain and suffering, not for me, but also for her.

Seven... what a horrible number.

It's like living in a blur, you know what's going on but you just can't really process it. You know you are going to get bad new but you can't comprehend just yet. You know you're not alone, but without her by my side, I can't help but feel alone.

The past 7 hours people tried to approach me, they tried to talk to me or made me answer their questions. Until now, finally after the arrival of my friends and family, people understand to just shut the fuck up and leave me alone.

But my lonesome peace gets interrupted by a soft hand being placed on my back.

"Dude, they need you, please, Moon needs you." I hear the vaguely familiar voice of Mark whirl around my brain for a couple of minutes until his words make sense.

I slowly life my face up from it's hiding place between my knees and look around the place for the first time.

I'm sitting on the ground, in a corner of the hospital waiting area. I've been here since they took my Star to the intensive care. When My sight gets a bit less blurry I can make out the figure of Mark crouched down beside me and in front of me are Mrs and Mr Park looking at me with pure concern. Next to them is a nervously moving Chaeryoung with big red bloodshot eyes and breathing in a brown bag from time to time.

"Yeah." I croak out, my voice hoarse from the crying and not talking, drinking or eating for the past 10 hours or something.

"Good." Mark smiles forcedly and helps me stand up. "We are going to get you some food and water and after you have strengthened and are a bit more at ease. You are going to talk with the doctors and we'll come with you to see Moon, okay?" Mark asks in a soothing voice.

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