Ch 1 - The Beginning

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Once there was a boy named Rahul . He lived with his family, mother, father and five brothers . It was late at night and Rahul was not home yet . His father , Ajay, was really tense . He called his friends but no one knew anything. Then Ajay called Rahul's best friend Mohit and got to know that he has left his home and is going away from them and in three hours he has a flight . Rohit, one of Rahul's brothers and Ajay ran to the airport and Amrita (Rahul's mother) was praying to god . After reaching they went inside ,they searched for him everywhere and at last they found him . Ajay was angry ,he grabbed ahul's hand and took him back . after reaching home Ajay asked "You were running away but why?"

"Because you are not my family", Rahul replied.

"We are not your family, what are you saying dear?"

"Yes ,i heard you in the morning talking about me , my progress and praising me then you said that it's too good that your adopted child is doing better than your own children ",rahul said and he was crying , " why didn't you tell me this and from where did you take me ? and why did you take me ? i'm not your child and you hid this from me ?you both are betrayers , i hate you!".

Hearing this Ajay slapped Rahul , "why do you want to go?"

"I want to meet my real parents".

"Are we not enough for you?"

"No, I want my real parents and if i don't find them then also i'm not coming back as i don't want to stay with you , you never treated me and mummy properly you are just an animal i wish i could take mummy with me but she will not come".

Ajay again slapped him and said " ok, you can go we will not stop you now".

Rahul got to know he was taken from ujjain, madhya pradesh. Taking a bid from his family he went to ujjain . He searched for his parents everywhere and asked in orphanages too but got to know nothing. He was sad and thought that his parents have died and now he can't meet them . One day he was going back home when he saw a house burning . There was no one in that area. He heard some cries from the house and leaving his bag went to save the people inside. When he went indie he saw two boys and a snake . Rahul covered them with a shawl and pushed them outside . as he turned he saw another boy and not a snake. When he looked into his eyes he fell unconscious . When Rahul came into his senses he saw the house was all ok and as he stood up ,he looked out of the window and he could see Mahakaleshwar temple . He was mesmerized by it and kept looking at it. He was looking at it wwe suddenly a snake crept on his feet and he got a shock . Rahul came out and searched for his bag.

Rahul saw it with a shopkeeper when he went to take his bag the shopkeeper said , " why did you come back , you shouldn't have come here . go back."

Rahul found it weird and was walking when he received a call from Rohit, his brother. He got to know that Ajay and Amita are no more ! He was shocked and then when he turned to look at the shopkeeper , he was not there. When he reached his home in the afternoon he saw his parents corpse on the floor. He broke down. His brothers said that they met with an accident . Rahul did his parents' last rites and when he went back home he was thrown by his brothers saying he was not their own blood . Rahul couldn't do anything, he was not in a mood to fight then. He had nothing with him; he was homeless and had nothing with him. He sat on the stairs of the shiv temple nearby . He was tense and sad. He didn't know how he fell asleep . Then someone woke him up.

When he opened his eyes he saw a saint with long hair and a bun tied on the left side . skin covered with ashes wearing rudrakshas and orange clothes .

"What happened dear? Why are you here at this time ?the saint asked.

"Baba i have lost my precious things and can't get it back ,"rahul replied , " i was a n idiot that i forgot that they have nurtured me and underestimated their love, i feel like there is something i'm missing to know".

"The precious thing was ur parents right?" .

"Yes but how do you know?''

"You went to find your real parents who left you and forgot those who loved you very much . you will never find your real parents but i can say that you are right about that feeling of missing something which you must know ".

''How do you know all this?"

"I'm a sage from the nilgiri and I can tell you everything about the person I see in front of me, and I can tell you one more thing ".

" What baba ?"

"You are not a human but a naag a serpent who can shape shift ".

"What? Now I don't believe this".

"Come with me, I will show you everything".

The saint went inside the temple and Rahul followed him. The said went behind the lord shiva idol. There was a secret stairs which went down . rahul and the sait went down. It was a secret temple below and there was a full world but thy were near the shiv temple.

"Where are we?" Rahul asked.

"We are the mahatal lok !",he said.

""Mahatal? The place where snakes live?"

"Yes and here no human can enter ,come sit beside me near the yajna ".

Rahul sat in front of the yajna joining his hands . He could see large burrows but no snakes. Suddenly the color of the flame changed from red to blue. They could see things in the yajna. Rahul saw his parents . His parents were going somewhere when a witch caught them and killed them.

"This is jamini she is finding naag raj and that's you ",the sage said.

"I'm naag raj?!" rahula said confused.

"Yes dear, just close your eyes ". the saint started praying to lord shiva . snakes from their burrows started surrounding rahul . they stared covering his body. His full body was covered . then it turned into a large blue snake . then the snake took it's human form. Rahul had turned into a naag . He wore a blue dhoti and a red drape on his shoulder and some jewelry.

"Your name is rudra now",the saint said

Rudra went straight up to the earth. He went to the same jungle where Jamini killed his parents . He kept finding and reached a cave. Jamaini was sitting their.

''Come , come naag raj , i knew you would come ",she said, "now i would kill you and get powerful taking the naag mani , i will be the most powerful witch in this world".

"I would never let that happen and naag mani will not be urs it has only one owner, lord mahadev",rudra took his half snake form and started attacking jamini.

Jamini started screaming and her voice created sonic sounds . rudra picked a knife and threw it on her. She fell down.

"Snakes can't hear",saying that he threw flames from his mouth and burnt her to death. It was not too hard to defeat jamini . now Rudra's revenge is over, he has to take care of his takshak lok. He was takshak raj 

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