Night King

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Jon felt better than ever psychically. He had no idea how it can be possible, but at that moment he did not have time to think about it. His daughter saved him, cured him and they were too close to the enemy. They were trying to cut through the dense snowfall to finally reach the Night King. Missandei kept saying that they are there, they are close. Dany wanted it to end. The whole thing. She wanted all of this to be a horrible nightmare and she wanted to wake up from it. She doesn't want to be here, she doesn't want to risk her daughter's life, neither her lover's life nor her friends. Nor her unborn baby. She must be strong. Again. No matter how much she was afraid and worried. Suddenly while they were walking the snow stopped and the air became crystal clear. As if they were in the middle of the storm. In the storm's eye, and they looked at each other. They knew they reached the line, all of them knew, that there is no turning back from that point. 

"What the hell is this?" Arya looked around and they felt it is getting colder. Jon glanced at Daenerys and he saw how her cheek became almost ice blue. 
"Jon" she barely could say his name, and his beard was covered with ice and snow too. Frozen to it. 
"We have to move." He turned to Nesera and pulled out MIssandei from her arms "Run!" he ordered them, and they did exactly that he asked before their whole body froze there in the middle of the fields. "Run!" Jon yelled again but they barely could move. "We have to get out of here!" he tried to encourage them. "That way" he pointed towards the mist again. They had no idea what is in the mist, but they knew they need to escape. Dany glanced back above her shoulder and she saw how the two small dragons flew up and left them there. They should take Missandei out of there too. She knew she is the key, but she started to lose all hope. 
"Dany." Jon became blurred in her eyes, and his voice came from so far. She felt that she is going to pass out. No matter how she tried to not. Everything became white in the next moment for her and she only felt that two arms caught her. 

Yara was still fighting with Tormund by her side, but they lost sight of the others. They haven't seen Daario, Grey Worm nor Brienne anymore. Drogon kept spreading fire on the deads, but suddenly he stopped and he raised his head up. He moved so fast, they barely could follow him with their eyes, and he disappeared in a second in the air. 
"Fuck." Yara sighed. Drogon helped them a lot, and she still couldn't believe how many deads are there, as if they never run out. 

"Dany!" Jon was kneeling next to her and trying to bring her back to mind. Missandei was in Nesera's arms. He gave his daughter back to her, at the moment he had to catch Dany. They were in the middle of a snowstorm again. The Night King's power was much bigger and stronger this time. That was not a question anymore. 
"Jon." Arya patted his brother's shoulder, and she was staring at one point. She was frightened just like Gendry. They were there. The Night King and some of his wrights were standing not too far from them. They could see them. "Jon." Arya's voice was trembling, and Jon put Dany to the ground and straightened himself. He pulled out his sword and he tried to normalize his breathing. He was facing with the Night King again. They looked at each other, and he could have sworn there was a smile on the blue creature's face. That was the final battle. The struggle that decides everything. The Night King and the wrights started to walk closer to them. 
"Keep Missandei away from him," Jon stated without even looking at Nesera. Ghost immediately stood next to the Red Priestess and some other wolves were surrounding Dany's body. 
"What is the plan?" Arya asked Jon but she kept her eyes on the deads. 
"Kill them all." Jon swallowed "And hurt the Night King because we have to stab him by the heart with fresh blood."
"It won't work. We can't...." Arya was so unsure about the plan.
"We have no other choice." Jon raised his voice but before he could continue Drogon finally appeared above them and made a flame line between the enemy and them, then Missandei just raised her tiny hand towards the fire and exploded it towards the deads. Jon couldn't believe in his own eyes, neither the others, meanwhile Drogon made a fire circle and landed next to Daenerys. The huge dragon leaned closer to his mother and smelled her, then he let a huge roar out and he breathed fire towards the deads again. It just slowed them down, but it did not kill them. Arya spotted how a huge spear was flying towards Drogon but it couldn't penetrate the armor which was on his whole body. Jon trying to pay attention to everything at once, to his daughter, to Drogon, to the enemies who could walk through the fire one by one, to his sister, to Gendry. Everything became so chaotic and fast. He heard how his sister's sword snaps together with another, Gendry tried to help her, and another appeared next to Jon and it almost cut him but he reacted at the last moment and started to fight with him. 

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