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The waves of the sea gently slammed the shore. The sun was shining brightly and there were many huge ships in the bay. A pleasant breeze blew, which make the heat of the sun more bearable. A crowd of people walking towards the castle on the staircase from the shore. Laughing, talking. The huge doors of the castle were open, and the whole place filled with joy and happiness. There was a lot of food and drink everywhere around and many were talking about the help that Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow sent throughout the whole Kingdom. They sent gold, supplies, and even soldiers, men to help to rebuild everything that the winter and the dead destroyed earlier. There were no signs of contempt or fear. They were not there because they were afraid of the Targaryen girl. They were there because they were grateful to her. To her and to Jon Snow. The noble son of Ned Stark, who has been unjustly convicted. They supported Cersei Lannister back then, because of fear, but they did not feel that anymore. They were free.

Jon Snow was standing at the stone fence, on the other side of the castle. Staring the sea, staring at the dragons in the sky. That was the place where the whole story began. The story of him and Daenerys. Of course, they met at the throne room in Dragonstone at first, but that was the place where they had the first conversation alone. Just the two of them. He remembered how much colder that day was. Her hair was braided back in a very strange way, she acted like a though and insensitive ruler, but when he looked into her eyes that day he could see immediately that she has a good heart. They went through many things... and now they were there again. He smiled a bit under his nose. 
"Jon." Sansa walked down the stairs. He glanced at his sister, then turned back to the sea. "Are you hiding?" she smiled a bit and stopped next to him. Placed her hands on the stone fence. "It is beautiful. Not more beautiful than the North." she teased him. "But I have to admit it is an amazing view." she giggled a bit. 
"I am glad you are here," Jon answered. 
"I couldn't miss this day." Sansa glanced at him. "I am proud of you. And... I know our father would be proud of you too." she added and sighed. "He would be more proud of you than of me." she lowered her head. 
"He was a noble and honest man. Always true to his words. He was too good for that world." Jon added. "Too ... naive and he died because he wanted to tell the truth to everyone. Because that was the right thing to do." he shook his head. "I hope someday the world be like that. Where a man like Ned Stark could have lived happily." 
"I am sure" Sansa nodded and placed her hand on Jon's shoulder. "Ahm... you should come. It starts soon." 
"Just one more minute" Jon answered and Sansa left him there. 

Daenerys was standing in her bedroom. Her hair was down, curled gently around her face. She was looking out of the window, playing with her fingers nervously in front of her snow-white silk dress. She looked down and adjusted it. Her growing belly can be clearly seen. She placed her hand to it. She felt how the baby inside kicked a little. She giggled and caressed it. "Shhh, my boy. Soon it is the time," she told to him quietly. 
"Your Grace." the door opened and Gilly entered the room. "I found it. I have no idea how I left it in the other room." she was holding a white long veil in her hands. 
"Just Daenerys. Please." Dany turned to her with a smile on her face. 
"You are shining," Gilly told her and raised the veil. "May I?" she raised it more, and Dany turned her back to her and let her put it to her head. "It is perfect." Gilly took a step back and staring at her. "He is a lucky man that is sure."
"Not luckier than I myself," Dany answered with a giggle. 
"Your Grace." the door opened again and Ser Davo stepped inside. He wanted to continue but the words stuck in his throat. "Ahm.."
"I help. You want to say that she looks beautiful." Gilly smiled. "I go and get the kids. We'll be down there." she nodded towards Daenerys and walked out of the room. Dany nodded too, and Ser Davos stepped out of her way to let her outside. 
"So... it is the time?" Dany asked Ser Davos. 
"Everything is ready. Everyone is waiting for you." the old man nodded and offered his arm to her. She stepped closer.
"May I ask something?" Dany hesitated.
"You don't have to worry about him. I know him for a long time, I saw many things Your Grace, but never saw Jon Snow that happy as he is since you two found each other again. He smiles and laughs a lot. Every day. You are his happiness. You and his family. His children. Even the one who is not yet born. You gave him everything that he ever wanted deep in his heart." Davos explained with a smile, and Dany noticed the small tear in his eyes. 
"Thank you." Dany took a deep breath and wiped her cheek. "I just... needed to hear it. I think." she frowned.
"Can we go?" Davos offered his arm again and Dany placed hers around it. 

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