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"Have you seen Nesera?" Samwell asked the first person who he runs into. It was Daario. He started to laugh sardonically.
"Why? You want some fresh babe?" he patted Samwell's shoulder. 
"It is serious. Have you seen her or not?" Sam remains serious. 
"No. No, I haven't." his smile gone. "What happened?"
"If you find her, send her to Daenerys room. Immediately." He told him, then walked forward "But..." he stopped and turned back to him. "Do not touch her. I am not kidding"
Daario frozen. He nodded, but he still did not understand. He was standing in one place and wondered what is going on. He knew Dany is back, and he knew she is not in good condition, but he couldn't go to check her, because Jon was there. And now this thing. 
"Where is Nesera?" Samwell stopped next to Gendry and Davos, but they just shook their heads. "Ser Davos. Jon needs you. He'll tell you everything. Just go to the Queen's room." he told them, then he almost ran forward. He worried. He knew how this disease spreads, he knew what it can cause, and he was not sure Jon remembered well or not. If Nesera touched Daenerys and then Missandei... the consequences will be terrible. He had to find her. Sooner is better.

"Jon" Davos entered their room. Jon was sitting next to Daenerys. His face was in his palms. He swiped a tear away from his eyes. 
"What happened?" Davos wanted to go closer but Jon raised his hand and showed him to stop. "Jon?"
"Take of Missandei. Please. And do not let anyone else touch her." Jon asked him. "It is important."
Davos was still looking at him questioningly. Jon did not say any word, he turned to Dany, and removed the blanket from her leg. Davos stepped closer and he forgot to breathe. That wound. That greyscale. He knew that moment, the problem is bigger than he ever thought. 
"You've touched her," he stated.
"Of course I did." Jon nodded. "I brought her here. When Drogon landed with her. She should have not ... " Jon tried to hold back his tears, but he couldn't stop thinking about the danger that she brought to the Pyramid. To her daughter. Not to mention his unborn child was in danger too. He should've never let her go. He hated Drogon at that moment too. Because he took her there. And he looked hateful to the eggs too. Daenerys was still sleeping. Sam gave her some pyretic and tranquilizer. She was shaking, and she was clearly dreaming something. Jon took her hand. It helped to calm her down. Even if she has no idea he is there, his touch calmed her down. He loved her. He was mad at her, angry with her, but he was still in love with her, and his worst fear was losing her. Her or Missandei. He placed his other hand on her belly. 
"Hold on, please" he caressed it.
"Do you want me to take Missandei away from here?" Davos sighed and standing next to the cradle. "Probably, Sam starts your curing soon and I don't think it is good for her to stay here." Davos sighed.
"Yes, yes. Please, but Davos..."
"Don't worry. I know. I won't let anyone else near her. I promise." he nodded. He knew that disease. He knew it can be ... deadly to the children. He wanted to ask about the other baby, but he thought it better not to. He raised MIssandei up from the cradle and placed her to his chest. Jon was watching them until he walked out with his daughter from the room.

Nesera was standing right in front of Yara's room. Jon sent her away, and meanwhile, she couldn't do more in that situation, she decided to solve her own life. Daenerys status just proved everyone is brittle, no matter who she is. Their lives are breakable, and they can die at any minute. They were in danger, all day, every day. She almost died not too long ago, and she doesn't want to die... before she confesses her feelings to Yara.  She knocked on her door. 
"Nesera, what are you doing here?" Yara opened the door.
"Can I come in?" she asked while she was staring into her eyes. Yara stepped out from her way.
"Nesera!" Sam caught her in the last moment before she could go inside. She took a deep breath and she can't believe. She just wanted some moments alone with Yara.
"Yes?" she tried to smile at Sam "What can I do for you?"
"Did you touch Missandei after you touched Daenerys?" Sam immediately came to the point. There was no time to waste. 
"What?" She frowned. There was fear in his eyes.
"Did you touch Missandei after you touched Daenerys? It is important! Did you?" He raised his voice.
"I... I don't know, I... " Nesera shook her head. 
"Think! This is not a game now! Did you?" Sam raised his voice more.
"Stop!" Yara stepped next to her. "It won't help if you yell with her." she turned to Nesera and wanted to place her hands to her shoulder, but Sam grabbed her wrist. 
"Do not touch her," Sam told her with a serious face. 
"I do what I want!" Yara frowned and reached out her hand from his. 
"Daenerys has greyscale!" Sam finally spit that out. "And Nesera touched her. This is why it is important, that you touched Missandei after that or not." 
Nesera's face paled. The information shocked her. 
"Nesera?" Sam tried again. "I can cure the greyscale, don't worry. I can cure you, but... I can't cure Missandei. For a child it is deadly. Please. You have to remember. Did you touch her or not?"
"No." she shook her head but stared at the floor. "I did not. She was sleeping in her bed, I ... just walked out. I wanted to help but Jon Snow sent me out of the room. Asked me to leave to be precise. 
"Stay away from everyone. The best if you come with me and I lock you into your room until the first signs not come out in your skin. Then I... I'll cure it." Sam tried to make her calm. "Don't worry. If you don't touch anyone since then... everything will be fine."
"I ... I did not." she took a deep breath, and tried to think. 

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