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Jon and Dany were laying on the floor, on a carpet, and they covered themselves with Jon's cape. They had no strength to go back to their room, after that wild and amazing sex they had. No... they just want to cuddle together and sleep. Maybe not in the best place, but it was perfect for them at that moment. At least no one finds them there. They needed some privacy. Hid from the others.
"Dany." Jon was caressing her face and whispered her name. Her hair was a chaotic mess, and Jon started to thinking about how the hell they will sneak out from this library room, in their creased clothes and frizzy hair. Especially Daenerys. He continued to caress her face and she started to move. She slowly opened her eyes. "Good morning" Jon was staring at her longingly. He was always amazed by her beauty, no matter how many times he got her, no matter how many times they spent together. He was the luckiest man, he knew that. There is no chance, any other woman in the world could have forgiven him, but she did. He still cannot understand how and why... he did not deserve her forgiveness, and he more and more understood why she feels insecure when it is about his Stark family. Even if he knows deep in his heart... and even in his mind, he would never be able to do this again. Not with her. Not with the love of his life, not with the mother of his daughter...
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Dany smiled at him and rubbed her eyes.
"I always look at you in this way." Jon was still caressing her with his thumb.
"Not always" Dany mentioned.
"Maybe you don't see it, but believe me, I cannot look at you in any different way, because I love you." he kissed her soft lips.
"I love you too"
"We should... get up and ... sneak back into our room. Before... anyone starts searching for us." Jon stated, but they did not have more time. A knock disturbed their romantic moment, and Jon just jumped up and pulled his pants on, and with one quick move, he was at the door. Dany tried to get up but her dress was the other side of the room, on the floor. Jon realized it is not possible to let anyone in. He opened the door a notch.

"Sam!" he squeezed himself out through the narrow gap. He was standing there half-naked, topless.
"I just wanted to know... may I can continue my research or not."
"Maybe... a ... bit ... later" Jon raised his eyebrow and there was an embarrassed smile on his face. "I mean..."
"I ... am glad your problem was... resolved." Sam tried to not laugh about his friend, but Jon was the one who started. They were both adults and both knew what happened behind closed doors last night. "I think I'd take a walk before I continue my work." Sam coughed between two laughs and patted Jon's shoulder.
"Thank you." Jon nodded "And... the things you've found. If you can bring back my memories. I want to do it."
"Are you sure?"
"We are sure. We want to know the truth. So if you have to make a potion or some mixture, just do it. Sooner is better. We have to go to the end before they... Jenifire and Daario return." Jon added.
"Right at the moment, when I can ... go back to my workplace, I'll start the process." Sam answered and bowed a bit with his head. Jon opened the door cautiously and stepped inside. Dany was fully dressed but her hair still was a mess. Jon walked closer and try to make it look better.
"You should just... let your hair out." he smiled at her. "I ... couldn't use my mind while you ... were ... "
"While I was kissing your most sensitive part?" Dany smiled at him. "I love when you lose your mind."
"Ahm... " he looked at her face, "I asked Samwell to do the necessary steps to bring my wolf memories back."
"Thank you." Dany smiled and kissed his lips. "We should check our daughter. I am sure Nesera and Yara want to spend some time without our daughter, no matter how they love her." she giggled a bit.


"We should go. And bring good news to the Queen." Jenifire told Daario and looked out of the window. They spent the night in an inn. She had one of the worst nights ever. All the pains, all the suffering that the people feel around in the city... she somehow just felt it, and the worst was the hunger. The hunger of the little children. She placed her hand to her stomach. She never felt that way. It was something strange and new. She was able to crawl in someone's mind but that was something different.
"Are you alright?" Daario frowned and stepped closer.
"Nothing happened in the room, that I did not tell you," Jenifire stated, she knew he still has doubts in her, and how she handled the Quentyn issue at the previous day. "I enchanted him. And his men would have never let you come inside. I avoided a wrangle." she turned to him.
"How I can be sure?" Daario asked her and raised his eyebrow.
"Can't we go? I ... " she looked so pale and tired.
"Why are you avoiding to answer me?" he grabbed her wrist.
"Please, I'll tell you everything just leave this damn place behind, or I can't guarantee our safety." Jenifire looked into his eyes. Daario saw her problem is real. He nodded and let her go. She grabbed her cape and opened the door. She wanted to leave immediately.

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