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"Lady Sansa. I mean ... Queen Sansa. Welcome to the capital" Tyrion greeted her with a huge smile. He always loved that woman and adored her because of her strength. Sansa smiled back at him.
"Lord Tyrion. I hope all is well with you." she answered.
"Where is he?" Tormund stepped closer and asked.
"Giantsbane. What the ... what are you doing here?" Tyrion was surprised. He raised his eyes to Sansa, but she avoided to look at him. 
"Your chosen King plans to kill my friend as I heard." he went closer to Tyrion.
"Not that loud." Tyrion gave a look to him. Sansa frowned and did not understand. She looked around and she spotted some dornish soldiers, also the Knights of the valley, but Tyrion acted weird. He looked up to Sansa. "Follow me" he tried to fake a smile. Tormund turned to his men and waved to them with his hand, meanwhile Sansa caught up next to Tyrion. 

"Where is my brother?" she asked quietly.
"In his room. He is always there. He ... is planning the destruction of Meeren and Daenerys."
"So is it true?" Sansa asked.
"Decide for yourself." Tyrion stopped and sighed "I ... maybe ... " he looked up and he spotted the King at the window. "I... am glad you are here." 
"Tyrion?" Sansa placed her hand to his shoulder. "What you don't tell me?" 
He was just looking at Bran, and Sansa raised her eyes to the window too, but he was not there anymore. A raven overflew their heads and landed to the fence next to them. As it blinked, his eyes turned white, then back to normal. Sansa noticed it, she noticed how that dwarf is afraid. There must be something with Bran.
"We should go. He is waiting for you" he tried to smile at Sansa. 


They were still discussing the issues with Samwell. He told them what happened in King's Landing since he left. 
"And... what did you know about his power?" Dany crossed her arms.
"His power took over the control. Of him. Bran Stark is lost. He is not there anymore. He..."
"Your Grace." Nesera entered into the room. 
"What happened?" Dany turned to her and scared a bit. Nesera should be next to Missandei, not there. 
"She is hungry. It is time. And... very hysterical." she told her quietly and smiled. 
"I... " she turned to Jon, then looked to Sam. 
"Just go." Jon nodded. "If you want to... we ... wait until you come back. If you wanna hear with your own ears." he sighed. Dany went closer to him and held his arms, then looked to his eyes.
"I trust you. Just... find a solution." she took a deep breath. 
"We will" Jon smiled a bit at her, and caressed her hand. She slowly took a step back and walked out of the room. Jon stared at her since she left. 

"I've never noticed... that... you have those deep feelings for her." Sam stated.
"I love her, Sam. More than anything. I know you have ... problems with her, but ..."
"No. No. I... get it. I .. to be honest, it is good to see. I mean. You. Not being... grumpy." Sam smiled "I ... you really love her. And... she loves you. It is so clear. I ... did not want to destroy it, Jon, I just... you need to know the truth." 
"Wish you've never said it." Jon sighed. "I was happy, with her. I thought I can have a ... normal life. With love, family. Then I... just pushed her away. Screwed up."
"It seems you can still have a family with her. You ... have a daughter." Sam answered.
"I killed her, Sam." Jon raised his eyes to his friend "Her wound will never heal. That is not a thing ... that can be changed. Even if she loves me... It is not the same."
"You did that you thought is right" he walked to Jon. 
"No. I did that everyone else thought is right." he sighed "I should've just ... love her... and in that way maybe I could've saved her." 
"You still can." Sam took a deep breath "I mean... it may sound weird, but ... "he started to thinking "I think it has to happen in this way."
"I've already heard it. The Red Priestess told me, that she had to die, because... our... union could've not been created." Jon tried to remember Kinvara words "But that is nonsense." 
"No. No, it is not. " Sam stood up and started to search for something in his bag. He took out some papers and turning those. 

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