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Arya and Jon walked into the Pyramid, but Daario stopped them. 
"Where are you going?" he asked them and it was clear, he did not trust them. Why would he? The new pieces of information only confirmed they are cannot be trusted. 
"To the Queen." Jon stepped forward. 
"Do you think I let you two close to her?" Daario facing against him. "She tried to kill her."
"She is my sister."
"Then it is a family trait, isn't it?" He asked back. Jon hesitated.
"Let us go, to talk with her." he answered and sighed.
"I don't trust you." Daario did not move away. "I won't let you or her close to her again." 
"Do I have to remind you, it is not you who decides it? I wanna talk with Dany. Now." Jon was definite. 
"You think I am afraid of you? I killed more dangerous men than you. You are not an opponent for me." he grimaced with an irritating smile. 
"If you threatening my brother, you are threatening me. I almost defeated you. Wonder how it would end if he did not interrupt us." Arya stepped close to Jon. 
"If you touch her with one hand..."
"Then what?" Jon asked back. 
"Both of you can say goodbye to your lives." he leaned forward and told it to his face. Daario turned around and led them to Dany's chamber. 

"My Queen." He nodded towards to her, then walked next to her. Dany turned to the direction of Jon and Arya. Daario stood so close to her. Jon couldn't concentrate anything else. Daenerys and Arya were looking at each other. Both of them waited for the other to say something finally. 
Dany noticed how Jon stared at Daario. 
"You can go now." she turned to him.
"What?" Daario frowned. 
"Please, just leave." Dany told him again.
"She almost killed you, I am not going anywhere." he turned to her with his whole body. 
"I am sure Jon Snow would've not brought her here if she still wanna kill me. Or Am I wrong?" she raised her eyes to Jon. He shook his head. 
"Let me stay. I don't trust them" Daario told her quietly. Almost whispering to her ears. Jon felt how the jealously filled his whole body. He wanted to go there. Arya looked up to him and she saw it. She never saw Jon acting like this. 
"You have many other things to do. And I am sure, I am in safe." Dany answered to Daario and looked at her back over her shoulder. Drogon was standing in the balcony. "You can go." she told him again and they kept the eye contact for some seconds. Daario frowned but then took a step back and started to leave. He gave a look to Jon when he passed by them then closed the door. 

The silence was huge in the room after Daario left. None of them knows how to start. 
"I told her everything." Jon broke the silence finally. "About your resurrection, Bran, and... about our daughter." he finished with a big swallow. Dany surprised. She couldn't believe he told her they have a daughter. What if she came exactly because of that. To kill their daughter. 
"And?" Dany tried to be calm. Jon looked to Arya. She was still looking at her suspiciously. 
"He convinced me to give you a chance." she answered finally.
"At least he could convince you now." Dany raised her eyes to Jon. 
"I am not sure you deserve it." Arya was serious. "But I would never harm an innocent child neither a mother. Even if she is not that innocent. We are different." 
"I understand why are you hating me now. I accept it. I did horrible things in King's Landing. A horrible mistake." Dany started.
"You did" Arya agreed quickly.
"But I can't understand why you did not give me a chance. When I sacrificed my army to save Winterfell and humans." she finished. "I had one sin then. I loved your brother." She raised her eyes to Jon "And you did everything to break us apart. You and your sister."
"That is not an excuse for what you did." 
"No. It is not." Dany raised her eyebrow, then sighed. "And I paid a huge price for it. The man who I loved killed me." 

"Past is in the past." Jon tried to distract the topic. "We... no matter what we did. It happened already. We all ... all of us made terrible mistakes. Even you" He looked down to Arya. He was right. He also killed people, but never innocents, but yes. She killed the whole Frey family, because of what they did. "We learn to live with those mistakes, or we let those mistakes control our lives." he was standing between them. 
"It not depends on me." Dany turned to them. "I don't want revenge. I don't want anything. Just keep my daughter in save. No matter what is the price." she was staring Arya. Jon walked to her and raised his eyes to Arya. 
"And I will do the same." he answered. He was standing right next to Dany. She was surprised. Jon Snow was there, stood next to his love, and against his sister, if that was necessary. "My daughter and my family are more important than anything." 
Dany felt how her heart beat faster. She looked to Jon barely noticeable and smiled a bit. She was proud, she was happy. She finally felt... maybe he really loves her. 
"So? What is your answer?" Jon asked Arya. 
"If I stay " She walked towards them "That not means I trust you." she was talking to Dany "But I trust my brother. And his daughter is my family too.  And we have to protect our family." 
"And what about your other brother? The King? Who wants to see me dead. He wants to see him dead." she nodded towards to Jon "And our daughter too." 
"Time will tell." Arya turned her back at them and walked out of the room. Jon took a deep breath and turned to Dany. She smiled a bit to him. 
"You can trust her." he added.
"As she said. Time will tell." she answered quietly and walked a bit further from him. 
"Yes?" she turned to him
"Thank you. To let her stay. To... stopped him to kill her. To...  Give her a chance, after... everything. That means a lot." Jon lowered his head.
"She is your sister after all." she nodded. "But I still don't understand what is she doing here." 
"She had adventures on the sea. Then she found Essos. And... Kinvara sent her here."
"What?" Dany raised her eyes to him and frowned.
"She went to the Red Temple and met with her. She told me, Kinvara offered her to come to Meeren. Maybe that means she is not a threat, or why the servant of the Lord would've sent her here?"
"I don't know. I hope you are right." she sighed. 
"Just keep your bloodhounds on a leash." Jon couldn't resist to mention it. How Daario acted with them. He was more worried about Arya now than Dany or himself. "Maybe it is time to return. As their Queen."
"Those bloodhounds" she walked to him. Close. "swore to protect me at the cost of their lives. Their leader swore to protect me at the cost of his life. If your sister doesn't try to kill me again. She is in save." 

Their eyes stuck. Jon narrowed his eyes. He felt again. He felt how he wanted to kiss her, and he wanted to choke her at the same moment. The jealousy what he felt towards Daario makes him mad, and how Dany defended him it just makes those feelings worse.
"You can go now. Find a chamber for her." 


Two more days passed and Ser Davos finally reached the Greyjoys castle. He went alone, on smuggling routes. He did not want anyone to find him or spot him. He already took a huge risk, and he knew it. He did not talk with anyone. 
"Davos" Gendry hugged his old friend when he saw him, and he did the same. "I came here as soon when I got the raven. But I don't understand."
"You will. Just go. We have to talk with Yara." he went forward and Gendry followed him. 

"What did I do to deserve the honour of your presence?" Yara smiled at Ser Davos. "Lord Baratheon" she nodded towards to him.
"Lady Greyjoy" Gendry smiled.
"I assume, you already got my message." Davos told her. 
"I did." Yara turned her back at them "And... I am sorry if I cause disappointment to the King, but I won't go to Essos, to defeat a woman, who they think is Daenerys Targaryen."
"Why not?" Davos asked back.
"Because even if it is true, if she is alive. She saved the Seven Kingdoms from a tyrant. With fire and blood, yes. But she did not deserve the fate she got. If she is alive... " Yara explained.
"She is"
"How do you know?" Yara shrugged her shoulders.
"Because I saw with my own eyes when a man came back from the dead. After he stabbed by his heart. But he is alive." 
"So if she is alive... and if she wanna fight for the Kingdoms again maybe I'll join her." Yara was honest. She did not care about Bran or his visions. 
"This is treason" Davos answered.
"This is the truth. I was just honest." she stepped closer and they stared each other.
"Jon is with her." Davos stated. 
"To kill her again?" Yara frowned and walked more close.
"To save her. And their daughter." he answered. "Because the family is the most important thing. Isn't it?"
"It is." Yara handed her arms towards to Ser Davos.
He started to smile and Yara smiled back at him. They understood each other without any more words. 
"Few hours and we can go." Yara walked passed by them to get her men together. 
"We can go to where? I don't understand." Gendry spread his arms. "She just told, she won't help. Now she wanna go." He was puzzled. Davos went closer to him and patted his shoulder. 
"Am I the only one who doesn't understand any of this?" Gendry asked him. Ser Davos looked around then gave a small piece of paper to his hand. 
"Do not forget, who gave you a new life. Now it is the time to repay." he told him, and left him in the middle of the room. He slowly opened the paper and there was only one word in it. ESSOS.


"They arrived." Daario told Daenerys, who was ready to welcome the Dothraki army in Meeren. Her hair was blonde again. Fallen to her back. She made two little braids too in the top of her head. She took a deep breath. 
"The Second Sons?"
"I called them. They are waiting for the announcement." Daario answered and bowed towards to Dany.
"Where is Jon?" 
"Outside. With his sister. They are waiting for you too." 
She nodded towards to Daario and left the chamber. He followed her. 
"Are you ready?" Jon looked to her eyes.
"I am." she answered, but there were still fear in her eyes. Jon noticed it. 
"Dany." he stopped her, taking her hand. 
"I'll follow you, just a minute." Dany told to Daario. He looked down to Arya and they both left them there. 

He was facing her. Grabbed a pin of her hair and adjusted it, while he was staring her in silence. 
"Jon. They are waiting for me." Dany told him.
"I know. I just... I wanted to be sure" He hesitated "You are ready for this."
"You worry." Dany frowned.
"You told me not to long ago... that you are not ready, to get on Drogon again." he was still holding her hand "Of course I worry." he caressed her hand with his finger. 
"I have to." she answered "For her. They have to see me again as the powerful Queen they all knew."
"You are." Jon answered. "You don't have to prove it." 
"I just. Want to... get over this. And then you can go and bring Missandei home. Where she belongs. To us." 
"To us." Jon smiled. Maybe that was the first time when Dany talked about the three of them as a family. He caressed her hand one more time then placed one of his hand to her neck. Pulled her close and gave a kiss to her forehead. 

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