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"Compared to yourself you are very quiet," Yara stated and staring at Daario.
"I am waiting for our Queen."
"I almost thought you are still shirty about my refusals," she answered with a satisfied smile.
"I am not.." he started to answer, but that moment the door opened and Daenerys entered the hall with Grey Worm. Daario immediately forgot about Yara existence and took a step forward, knelt down and gave a hand kiss to Daenerys. "My Queen"
"I am glad your both back. Harmless." Dany smiled at them. "Our losses?"
"Nothing serious." Daario stood up "Those masters can't fight, they have nothing just their money."
"Money is a huge power sometimes," Dany noticed and walked passed Daario. 
"We repelled them," Yara confirmed that Daario told earlier. "And you were right. The Iron Bank tried to merge their power in Essos against you." 
"Do we know that for sure?" Dany raised her eyes to Yara.
"A little torture always helps to know the truth, My Queen" Yara smiled.
"I left an army there." Daario stepped forward, it was clear he wanted to be in the center of this talk. Yara rolled her eyes, and Dany noticed it. "To keep the Dragon's Bay under your rule in save."
"I always knew I can count on you, Daario Naharis." Daenerys nodded towards him.
"I would do anything for you. Anything." he was looking into her eyes. Dany lowered her head and avoided to look at him. It was more and more clear if she doesn't reject him in a firm way... he would never stop with those flirtatious comments... she has to do it, but not in front of others. 

"You must be tired. You deserve some rest." Daenerys told them "Thank you for your service." 
"We did not return empty-handed." Daario tried to hold her back. She turned to him and frowned.
"We brought the gold with us. Many golds. For you, My Queen." he continued. 
"Give from it to the poorest families around," Dany answered. "No one will starve until I am the one who is sitting in that throne in Meeren," she ordered them. "And I would like to have a word, with Lady Greyjoy."
Daario nodded and he nodded towards his soldiers with his head. They bowed and walked out of the room. He was still standing there and did not move. 
"Alone." Daenerys looked at him prestigiously. He wanted to say something, but she frowned and staring him. He just bowed his head and walked away accompanied by Grey Worm. Yara was smiling at him. She would have laughed at him... 
"Do I have any reason to worry about his loyalty?" she looked at Yara and turned the topic seriously.
"I don't think so. He serves you with all his moves. And ... " Yara smiled under her nose.
"And I don't think he would be too hurt... if you refuse his feelings. Those are just words, but he is a man."
"Don't tell me ... you... " Dany almost giggled. 
"No. He has his charm, I have to admit... but I am just not interested in him. If it depends on him... he would have shown me how perfect he is in bed. Or at least he believes he is." Yara laughed. 
"I couldn't complain" Dany stated quietly with a smile on her face, Yara understood what she meant "Anyway, thank you for the help and to keep your eyes open." 
"I will continue. Now If you forgive me My Queen." she bowed a bit, and Dany nodded. She walked away and left Daenerys there. She knew a harder talk has waited for her. With Jon. She had no idea what she could do with his jealousy. It was just... nonsense and pointless. She did not want anything from Daario. Not anymore. He... was just... made up for the shortage. She never had real feelings for him. She wished Jon could understand this. She loves no one else. She never loved anyone that much, as she loves Jon. No matter what he did... 

Dany started to walk back to Missandei's room. She was immersed in her thoughts. She did not want to fight with Jon, but she knew she hurt him. Even if she did not want to. She did not mean her words... in the way he thinks. Will it ever be better? Will they ever get over that thing? She understood why he was hurt, but she can't understand his jealousy. 
"Ahm. My Queen" she ran into Gendry at the corridors.
"It is a bit late to walk around in the corridors. Insomnia?" Dany smiled at him. 
"I... I... "
"Don't worry, your secret is in save with me. But... you should tell him. I don't think he has any problem if he gets to know it. He likes you, and Arya couldn't choose a better man for herself." Dany told him kindly. 
"To be honest, she sent me away. This is why I am here. She ... wanted to be alone." Gendry sighed and lowered his head.
"It seems this family is not easy to handle." Dany smiled a bit. "She loves you. It is clear. You did not see her... when you arrived. She was happy. She was happy to see you again."
"I wanted to marry her." Gendry answered. "After the battle of Winterfell. I proposed her to be my wife, but she refused me."
"Arya is ... an independent soul. A warrior. Not a lady. Not an average woman. She trained to be an assassin. I am sure... she is confused and even she doesn't know what she should do." 
"This is why I love her. Because she is not just an average woman." Gendry smiled at her. Daenerys was smiling at him. It was good to hear. She really liked Gendry, since he met him for the first time. He seemed like a very kind and reliable man. No matter who his father was. He was living proof ... the child can be different than his parents. She did not know Robert Baratheon tho, but she knew he wanted to kill her. 
"Do you think... she'll ever love me in the way I love her?"
"I love a man who put a dagger to my heart. Despite the thing, that he did... I love him with all my heart. We can't fight against love... I mean... we can... but not for so long. Sooner or later, this feeling defeats us and our hearts leads us, where we belong." Daenerys answered, from her heart. 
"Jon is a very lucky man." Gendry nodded and they were smiling at each other. 
"I am not sure he feels that way." Dany raised her eyebrow.
"He does. This is why he is... jealous." Gendry glanced at Daenerys. She was looking at him, wondering. "He doesn't wanna lose you."
"Ahm.. "she felt how her cheek went red. She never had such an honest conversation with Gendry. She had no idea, why she was talking about her feelings. "I should go. Goodnight" she nodded towards him and he returned, then she walked away.

Daenerys entered into Missandei's room. It was silence, the light of the moon dimly lit the cradle. She walked there and looked down to her daughter. She was sleeping. Dany smiled and whispered an "I Love You" to her. She looked around in the room and saw how Jon was laying on the bed. He was sleeping, or at least he acted he was sleeping. He did not move, and Dany could only see his back. "Jon" she whispered but there was no reaction from him. She changed her dress as quiet as she could and slipped into the bed beside him. She wanted to caress his back but then she just pulled her hand below her head and closed her eyes, keep the distance from him. She couldn't sleep. She was just tossing and turning next to him for minutes until he turned to her. His eyes were still closed but Dany moved a bit closer to him. Placed her forehead to his chest. She felt how he took a deep breath. He was not sleeping. She knew him. She was snuggling even closer to him, and he finally placed his arms around her body. "I love you" she whispered so quietly and closed her eyes. Jon opened his eyes and squeezed her by her waist. He vowed... he won't let her that close until they made the situation clear, but she was his weakness. In the minute, when she laid next to him, he knew he has to cuddle her close. He wanted it. He wanted to feel her close. Jon gave a kiss to the top of her head and then he finally could fall asleep.

When Daenerys opened her eyes in the morning she was alone in the bed. She hated it. She wanted to wake up next to him. She wanted to talk to him. Tell him how much she loves him, and no one else. She had nightmares. She searched Jon in her dreams... she searched him everywhere but he was just disappeared and her heart was so broken. She got up from the bed and went to the cradle. Missandei was not there. She frowned and looked around in the room, but she was alone. It was empty. She dressed up and walked down to the hall. She was searching for them. She had to admit she worried a bit. 
"My Queen. You are shining bright today." Daario stopped her.
"Ahm. Have you seen Jon and Missandei?" Dany ignored his compliment. She wanted to know her daughter is in save. 
"No. Are they missing?" Daario frowned, but Dany just went forward, and he followed her. She went out to the garden and at that moment she spotted them. Jon was laying in the grass and their daughter was in his lap. He was playing with her. She never saw Jon laugh and smile that much, as when he was with his daughter. She was staring at them and smiled. 
"I would not say he is a great warrior based on what I see now." Daario tried to joke. 
"He is a great warrior, but above all, he is the greatest dad in the world. And this is... one of the many reasons...  why I love him that much." Dany told him, while she did not take her eyes off of them. Daario wanted to answer something, but her words make him froze. Jon spotted them in the next moment. Daario and Daenerys. While standing there. Together. He looked at Dany for a second, then turned his attention to his daughter. 

"If you forgive me." Daenerys left Daario there and walked closer. She crouched next to her family. Her family. Those words... meant everything for her. The man who she loved with all her heart, and a child... what she never thought she can have. "I was worried," she stated and took Missandei's tiny hand. 
"We did not want to wake you up. She was hungry and crying aloud. Right princess?" Jon smiled at her daughter. 
"I hate to wake up ... you... not being there." Dany answered and looked to his eyes. 
"And you hate to let me sleep when you can't sleep, right?" Jon asked her with a small smile.
"I love you, Jon. Just you. Not him. Not anyone else. You. And... I ... am sorry. I really did not mean that ... what I've told you yesterday. I ... just meant Daario is loyal to me, just as Arya is loyal to you, but we may question both of their loyalty and ..."
"Have you finished?" Jon placed his hand to her cheek and his finger to her lips. She gave a small kiss to his finger and she closed her eyes while he caressed her face with his hand. 
"You are not mad at me," she stated quietly.
"I am. But I love you and... I won't let him..." he looked up and saw Daario was still standing there, and watching them "to make any conflicts between us." he looked back to her eyes. 
"I think I've just told him... how much I love you. When I saw you with her. Laying here and playing... I just... loved you more. If it is even possible." she smiled to her daughter and she stretched her little hands. Dany took her off from her father's lap and held in her arms. 
"I hope he understood that time," Jon stated while he pulled her closer to his arms. She and their daughter too. He placed his arms around them and continued. "Because if he still wanna play his games...  I will not be arguing with you, but show him where is his place. Even if you like it or not." he finished his sentence, and Dany felt he meant his words. She looked up to Daario, and in that minute he turned away and walked back to the Pyramid. 

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