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Dany and Arya were training. She had more reason than ever to learn how to defend herself and her daughter. She was so determined and resolved. They spent the last night with Missandei, after that news, she did not want to leave her for anyone. She knew she can trust some of the people around them, but she still has doubts. Human nature is computable, and everyone always puts him or herself in the first place when death is around. Except him. She raised her eyes at Jon. He always fought for others. He was too good for this world. She smiled a bit, and that moment, Arya smoothly pushed her away and held her training sword to her throat. 
"Got ya" she stated. "You can never lose focus in a fight." 
"There are many things in my mind right now." Dany stood up from the floor and raised her sword again. 
"In combat, those must be forgotten" Brienne stepped closer to them. "You do it pretty well even though you still have many things to learn." 
"We've been practicing for a couple of months." Arya swung the sword in her hand.
"Why?" Brienne shook her head because she did not understand. "You have the soldiers to protect you."
"And I have a daughter who I have to protect if the soldiers failed." Dany looked at Brienne. "Or if someone wants to hurt her." 
"Maybe you should teach something to her too." Arya raised her eyebrow and held out the practicing sword towards her. 

Jon was sitting at the top of the stairs, with Missandei. She was trying to climb to the throne. He was watching Dany with one of his eyes, and he kept his other eyes on his daughter. 
"She wants to be a Queen already," Tormund stated when he arrived there. 
"Well, she is a princess in a way or another." Jon smiled and grabbed his daughter. 
"Pappa" she giggled.
"I don't understand how you could make such a beautiful little kid." Tormund laughed and sat next to him. Missandei looked at the big and disheveled man with huge eyes. Her mouth even fell open. 
"Do not be fooled by his appearance, he does not hurt you," Jon whispered to her with a smile. 
"You are good at this." Tormund was staring at him. "As if you were born for this." 
"I love her. I love both of them." Jon caressed her tiny hand then raised his eyes at Daenerys. "No matter what is the price"
"Even if I want nothing else just a good fuck in a furry bed, after an abundant dinner and lots of beer, you know kid... you can count on me." he nodded. "You saved us many times. She saved us too. Even if she murdered many others, she saved the world. Without her, we would have died there. Without her and her army, and those beasts." Tormund explained.
"Those are not beasts." Jon somehow felt he has to say it. 
"Jon" Sam disturbed their talk. 
"What?" Jon almost jumped up with Missandei in his arms, and Dany noticed Sam's arrival too. She immediately raised her eyes at him, and that moment Brienne disarmed her, but that minute she did not care about it. 
"Your attention." Brienne raised her eyebrow.
"Brienne." Arya placed her hand to her arm, and Brienne lowered her sword. Dany almost jumped up and left them there. She stopped next to Jon.
"Please tell me you found something." Daenerys almost begged him. 
"Maybe." He nodded. "We should talk somewhere ... private." he continued.
"Sure," Jon answered and he looked around. "Arya." He wanted to ask her to take care of Missandei.
"No." Sam stopped him before he could walk down at the stairs. "Bring her too" 
Dany frowned and they looked at each other. They did not understand. Sam started to leave the hall and they followed him.

"It must be hard for them," Brienne stated quietly.
"In the end, you'll support them?" Arya smiled a bit under her nose.
"I did not say that, but that is an innocent child, and I don't really understand those prophecies and myths but ... if those things are true, what that woman said. I don't envy them."
"We will protect the child." Arya turned to her. "With or without you. It is your decision." 
Brienne was just looking Arya's face. She really trusted in Daenerys and in Jon. That was clear. Wish she could trust them in the same way, but Daenerys was still the reason why ... the only man who she ever loved died. 
"My beauty" Tormund arrived at them "Maybe you should show some fight moves for me too."
"This is not the best moment." She answered and rolled her eyes. 

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