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"Look whose here." Nesera entered to Jon's room with Missandei. She immediately let her hand away and with quick steps, almost running she went to her father. Jon smiled and sat up on the bed. His arm still hurts, but he tried to hide it from his daughter. Only Nesera noticed it. Missandei spread her arms and Jon raised her up. She was so lightweight so he can do it with one arm. 
"My Princess" Jon kissed her forehead and placed her to his lap. 
"She wanted to see you, and who am I to prevent it." Nesera smiled and crossed her fingers in front of her body. "She is quite willing... when she wants something."
"Baby, things not always happen in the way you want it." Jon looked at Missandei"You have to learn... sometimes you have to obey the others. Especially when you are a child. Nesera only wants good for you. When she asks or told you something, accept it, okay?" he smiled at her, and she nodded. Jon kissed her forehead again then raised his eyes to Nesera. "Daenerys is..."
"Your daughter is a princess." Dany entered into the room. She heard Jon's words and waited a bit before she entered. "It seems she already knows how to use her power." she was smiling towards Jon and Missandei and took a step closer. She was wearing the armor Gendry made for her, and the sword. It was on her side. Jon couldn't take his eyes off of her. 
"If you don't need me." Nesera bowed with her head and took a step backward, then left the room. 

"You look different," Jon stated and just watching his love. 
"Thank you, Jon. For ... "she looked down at her body. "For this."
"I just wanted... to ... prevent that any idiot with a dagger near you ... to harm you." He smiled and tried to make a joke about the situation. Even Dany smiled at his words. 
"Mama leave?" Missandei raised her eyes at her mom, and Dany walked to them then crouched in front of Jon. She took Missandei's tiny hand. 
"I won't be away for too long. I promise. But you have to promise something to me too." she caressed her hand "Always do what your father asks. He wants the best for you." she glanced at Jon. "He always wants the best for both of us." 
"If he sleeps again?" Missandei asked her. 
"I won't." Jon laughed a bit and he placed his hand to their hands. "Maybe only at nights, but if you need anything darling, you just have to wake me up."
"With this?" she raised her palm and the cut still can be seen. Dany frowned and looked into Jon's eyes. 
"No honey." Jon sighed. "You don't have to go through that thing again." 
"I have to go." Dany stood up and took a deep breath. Jon grabbed her wrist. He wanted to hold her up. He did not want her to leave. She saw how he was holding his daughter with his injured arm, and it was clearly seen in his face, it hurts her but he hid it. Or at least he tried to hide it from her. Dany leaned closer and kissed Missandei's head. "Take care of your dad," she whispered to MIssandei then leaned to Jon and kissed his lips, quickly. She felt how his clamping weakens and that moment she stood up and left the room, as soon as she could. She knew if she stays another minute, he can convince her to not leave. Jon looked up to the ceiling and he couldn't do anything else... he just wished... everything was going well. He knew she won't be alone. She knew Daario, Grey Worm, an army will be there with her. Still... he had a bad feeling. 


The castle of Winterfell was in front of his eyes. He sent all of his people forward. He knew they don't have too much time, and he needed to empty all the north as soon as he can. Before the Night King and his army reach it. He knew they don't have a chance to hold them back. If they stay, if they try to hold them up... his army will grow. The two wolves were standing right next to him. Together. They both were injured but they did not move away from him. They followed him, and he knew they both would do everything to protect him. The other wolf followed Ghost's rules, that was clear. That wolf honored Ghost and he became his leader or more. He wondered how that wolf survived all through these years alone. Or she was not alone. He was thinking for a while, but the gates opened and two guards were facing him. 
"What do you want wilding?" one of them asked. 
"North is not safe. I want to talk with your ... leader." 
"I know you." the other stepped closer and that moment the two wolves caught Tormund around. They have defended him. "You were there, before the Queen and the army left."
"And you have to leave. You, the children and the women too. Or you're all gonna be dead within days." he continued.
"We are not afraid of you wilding. Not even from your horde."
"You don't have to be afraid of me but the deads are coming again. They are near. They are close. Closer day by day. You have to leave Winterfell as soon as you can." he was serious but the two soldiers were just staring at him and not a moment passed when they started to laugh at him. 

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