Rook's Rest

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There was no sign of fear in Daenery's face. She walked towards to the Martell delegation strongly and majestically. All eyes were laying on her. She was beautiful, awe-inspiring and of course... no one forgot she should have been dead, no one forgot she set fire the whole capital without any hesitation. They were not there but they all heard stories about her. The cruel and crazy Queen, meanwhile she was just a tiny woman. A tiny woman with so much power in her. Quentyn Martell forgot to breathe when he spotted her. He heard stories about her beauty not just about her madness, but she took his breath away at the moment when she appeared. He did not expect that. She stopped a sufficient distance from him with Jenifire and Daario by her side and at that moment Drogon flew above us with a loud and powerful roar. The Martells jumped in their fear, but Dany and her army did not even move. She just smiled a bit, satisfied.

"So you are the big Quentyn Martell, who joined that that Raven in his war, where his biggest task is to kill an innocent child." she was brittle and hard.
"Prince Quentyn Martell, Your Majesty. I am from royal blood just as you." he bowed with his head. "We have very much thing in common. That is why I agreed to meet with you."
"Really?" Dany frowned and she was staring at him without any emotions on her face.
"We both reached the place where we belong because our family died. This is how it had to happen. We're both born to rule." he smirked.
"The rumors seems really true. You are really smug" Dany raised her eyebrow.
"Your Grace" Daario leaned closer to here "We are here to make a possible alliance. Maybe insulting each other is not a good way to make this." he swallowed.
"I did not insult him. I just... said what I heard from other people." Dany shrugged her shoulder.
"A good ruler is complacent and believes in himself. And in his actions." Quentyn answered "I assume you also believed in your actions when you set the city and all the innocence on fire." he told straight to her face.
"I'd pick my words, lest you act like those innocents," she answered and did not let him get her out from her Queen role.
"You don't want to burn me alive. You easily could've done it. But you did not. You want an alliance with me. You want me to fight in your side in this war. Against Brandon Stark. Give me one reason to turn against him and chose you." he was looking at her from tip to toe.
"Your freedom. I don't want to rule Dorne. It can be all yours, and finally, you can call yourself a real King." She told him.
"No." he shook his head. "You have to offer more than this." he laughed a bit. Daario and Grey Worm looked at each other, but Daenerys not even made a face. She kept her eyes on Quentyn. Her cold gaze.
"That is why we are here. To discuss this." she continued. "You wouldn't be here if you couldn't hope more from me than from your current King." she was so confident.
"I want more. I want power." Quentyn answered without hesitation.
"You can get more land in the south. You can get the whole south. The whole land which is south of the capital. You can make a new big Dorne. A new empire under your rule. You can make the Martell's name great again. A name the future proudly remember for. Is this enough for you?" Dany raised her eyebrow.

"Still not the best you can offer." Quentyn made a face.
"Do not play with my patience." Dany stared at his face.
"You are fiery. I love it. I thought that one is on fire" he glanced at Jenifire "but compared to you. She is nothing." he wanted to touch her face but that moment Daario stepped between them and he placed his hand to his sword.
"Step back," he warned him.
"Do it. If you stab me you and your little company will die. I am not that fool to come here without any army. Our archers see us, and if I die, you'll die too." he looked to Daario's eyes.
"And if they start ... even one of them ... shooting any arrow to us... they will all die." Grey Worm looked around and every archer surrounded by some unsullied soldier. Quentyn frowned and he saw what he was talking about. He took a step back from Dany, and Daario stood back next to her.
"What do you want for your help? What do you want to join our side?" Dany asked him again.
"Isn't it clear for you? People think you are smart and you still don't figure it out?" he smirked. "I don't want to be one of the Lords, one of the Kings in Westeros. I want to be the King." he made it clear.
"I cannot give this to you. People in Westeros suffered enough. They deserve to choose their own ruler after defeating their current King." Dany answered.
"We both know it is not true. You would never let anyone else rule, instead of yourself. You want that country. You died for that Throne. You want back what is yours. It can be yours." he was looking into her eyes. "And I'll be the King by your side. That is what I want. That is the price of my help."

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