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"Your Grace!" Nesera greeted her when she and Jon entered into Missandei's room. "I missed you just as your daughter." she smiled at them, and instead of Dany, Jon was the one who stretched his arms towards his daughter. He held her close to his chest then turned to Daenerys. 
"Look whose here." Jon smiled. "Mommy and daddy together." he tried to make her feel better. Dany grabbed MIssandei's tiny hand and gave a kiss to it. 
"If you don't need me. Then I would leave." Nesera smiled at them. 
"Sure. You can go. We'll spend the rest of our day with our daughter." Jon nodded towards Nesera then turned back to Daenerys. She walked further from them. She was standing in front of the Dragon eggs. 
"Who did this?" she asked quietly.
"Did what?" Jon asked her, and Nesera stopped at the door. She felt some strange thing. Something bad. 
"Who placed the eggs in my daughter's room? With all the candles?" she kept her eyes on the eggs.
"The eggs should be kept warm. If we want those to hatch." Nesera took a step closer. "Samwell sent those here and we take care of those. Just as we took care of Missandei." 
"Missandei is my daughter." Dany turned to her. "Those eggs must be removed. Tell Grey Worm and Daario to take care of it," she ordered her, then turned back. There was hate in her eyes when she looked at the eggs. Hate and pain. Nesera looked at Jon, and he shook his head. He knew she did not mean it... it is just the grief. They made the first step. At least now she let him be around... and it may take a longer time ... but she'll forgive Drogon. 
"Mama" Missandei's voice broke the silence. Dany turned to her direction, and her daughter was smiling. Jon took a step closer and handed her to Daenerys. 
"I love you princess. I love you more than anything." she pressed her to her chest. 
"Just as I do." Jon stepped closer and placed his arms around them. "And everything will be fine," he whispered to them.

Arya was practicing with her sword at the hall. She wanted to release the tension, and there was no better option to do it. She was worried for Sansa, she did not trust Daenerys's common sense after the things Jon told her. There were many things in her mind. She was practicing violently and ardently. 
"There is a better way to calm down" Lilyanna stepped closer to her, but Arya acted as she did not even hear her and continued. "We haven't had time to talk... yet." she stopped right in front of Arya.
"You better go away. In the end, you'll get hurt." Arya made a face.
"You won't hurt me. You have no reason to do it. Yet." Lilyanna smiled. 
"Look I don't wanna talk. Go and do whatever you used to do every day." Arya sighed and frowned. 
"I could be angry with you." Lilyanna continued and did not move away. "There is that man. That kind, handsome and decent man, who is in love with you. But you do nothing else, just play with his feelings. Instead of letting him be happy. If you can't give him the happiness, that he deserves." she was staring at Arya's face. 
"You know nothing about it."
"I know more than you think. And I know more... more than you." Lilyanna gave her a scornful look. 
"And it doesn't matter what you know. He doesn't want you." Arya smiled. 
"It is not about me or him. It is about you." Lilyanna continued. She was so calm, prim and stringent. "You are afraid. You are afraid to let anyone love you and you rather let him suffer, then let him love you. I just don't understand why. What are you afraid of." she stepped closer. "You lost too much. Too many people around you. Your brothers. Your parents. You don't want love to weaken you." as if she was reading in her mind "And this is why you'll never be happy. Not until you can't be able to understand, love not to weaken us It makes us stronger. It helps you to reach inaccessible things. Of course, there are exceptions." she shrugged her shoulder. 
"You think you are very smart, don't you?" Arya frowned. 
"No. I just... have some abilities. To read in people." Lilyanna smiled. "Decide what you want. Before it is too late. He won't wait for you forever." she turned her back at Arya "And you better count with me. There is no man who can resist me for too long." she stated, then walked out from the hall. 

"My beautiful" Daario greeted Nesera in the corridor.
"What do you want?" she rolled her eyes. 
"I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are today." Daario continued.
"We've met today. And you've already told this to me." she spread her arms. "What the hell happened? Do you wanna have sex that much? Then go to a brothel for fuck sake." Nesera shook her head. "And forget me.
"Anything wrong?" Yara stepped next to them.
"Nothing. Daario just wanted to know where is the Queen." Nesera made a face.
"Do not tell me that you and her..." Daario realized what is going on there. And Nesera lied to Yara. Before he could continue Grey Worm appeared there.
"Daario!" he seemed nervous.
"What happened?" he sighed. 
"How the hell did Jon Snow could enter into the Queen's room? It was your responsibility to keep him away from her." he almost shouted with him.
"My responsibility is to serve the Queen as my best judgment. She needed help and no matter how I wanted to keep that man away from her, he was the only one who could help," he answered.
"She made it clear, she did not want him to be around."
"No. You made it clear." Daario answered. "There is some serious problem with Daenerys, and ... I heard what happened last time when she felt grief. I won't let her sink in it. Even if I have to make an alliance with that dribbler monkey." he leaned closer to Grey Worm.
"He killed her last time.
"For fuck sake let it go already" Yara interrupted. "In her place, I would have sent you away months ago. Both of you are unbearable." she sighed. "Jon did what he did, just as Daenerys. We all have past." she rolled her eyes. "But you cannot decide what the Queen wants." she raised her eyes at Grey Worm. 
"Daario is right." Nesera also joined the conversation. He looked at her, and his eyes widen. "Jon Snow is the only one, who can keep our Queen on the right patch. And you better leave them alone." 
"You don't see how dangerous he is." Grey Worm answered with so much rage in him. Nesera was looking into his eyes and placed her hand to his shoulder. 
"You have to let her go. It was not Jon's fault. You lost someone, the most important person in your life but that was not his fault. If you want to blame someone, you only can blame the Queen. It was her decision to go there. Let the past go. Or it will kill you." 
Grey Worm stepped away from her and he surprised. 
"You deny believing in love because you lost it. So you decided that the Queen doesn't need him. But you are wrong. They can win only together. The universe created them for one another. And you are not enough to break their bond." 

Jon was lying on the ground and raised Missandei up. She was giggling so loudly. Cooed and laughed. Jon played as she was flying in the air, and his daughter enjoyed it so much. Dany was sitting right next to them, and watching them with a smile on her face. Jon turned to her and smiled a bit.
"It is good to see your smile again," he stated and sat up. He placed Missandei to his lap and started to rock her. 
"Thank you." Dany swallowed. 
"It is the truth." Jon nodded.
"Not that." Dany smiled a bit and lowered her head. "Thank you for being next to me. Take care of me. Us." she stretched her hand towards Missandei and Jon placed her to the ground. She started to crawl towards her mother. Dany raised her up and giggled with her. Jon also sat closer to them. 
"I'll always be here," he whispered to Dany and kissed her cheek. 
"I ... felt the same... that I felt... after... "her voice fell. "I... I wanted to destroy everything around me. I wanted to take revenge. I...  I felt destroyed. Lost. I ... "she started to explain her feelings. Jon waited in silence. He waited for this. He did not want to ask her, but he wanted her to tell him how she feels. He knew she will when the time is right and he hoped to spend some time together as a family will help her to open up about her emotions. 
"There is a huge difference between the two situations. Last time, I was not next to you." he frowned. "I ... had no idea what to do with your grief and I left you alone. We all made mistakes in our past, and ... I know one thing. I will never make this mistake again. No matter how you want to push me away."
"I wanted to push you away because I love you" she raised her eyes at him. Jon was staring at her, but he did not understand. Missandei pulled Dany's hair.
"Ouch" Dany looked at her. 
"Mommy," she said with a huge smile on her face.
"She doesn't like being out of focus," Jon stated and laughed about them. "We... We'll..." he adjusted her hair behind her ear. "We can talk about it later. If you want to." Jon sighed. "Anytime." he smiled a bit. "Of course when the princess let us have a talk." he smiled at Missandei and took her out from her mother's arms, and raised her up in the air again. They were a family and Jon's plan worked. He pulled her out from the depression at least a bit. There were still many questions. About the war, about the dragons... but they have to move on with small steps. She was staring at them while they were playing again, then her eyes turned to the eggs. Her heart started to beat faster, and those reminded her ... the loss of her child. She shook her head and closed her eyes. She tried to distract her attention. 

"Arya." Gendry greeted her. "I haven't seen you today."
"You probably had better things to do," Arya stated.
"Ahm... I don't know what you mean, but... I wanted to ask... If you... would like to have a walk with me. Now... you averted the danger, we can go out again, and I swear I am going crazy slowly here. Inside." he blurted. 
"When will you finally give up?" Arya rolled her eyes.
"I just..." Gendry frowned.
"I don't want to be with you. I thought it was clear. I don't want to take romantic walks or anything. That ... that thing between us... won't work. It never will. Just let it go. We had some nights together. Two... more precisely, and just let this be enough." she was embarrassed. Even she had no idea why she is pushing away Gendry. She was attracted to him, but somehow her heart did not let her be with him. Or it was her mind. She couldn't explain. 
"I just wanted to take a walk with my friend. I thought... we are friends." Gendry frowned and sighed, then without any more words, he turned his back at her and walked away. 
"I am sorry." She tried, but that was too late, Gendry did not hear it. He turned to the right in the corridor and left her there alone. 
"Idiot." Gendry punished himself. Arya made it clear, why did he even try again and again. Why he let her broke his heart again and again. He did not understand himself. He raised his head up, and that moment he saw Lilyanna. Facing the hallway and his eyes stuck on her. 

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