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After Daario saw Jon and Missandei in detention, he knew he has to hurry. He had no idea what happened, or when the plan turned in the wrong direction, but he knew he has to save that Stark girl, and then they can help Jon Snow. He also knew that Daenerys won't stay away for too long. He knew her. He knew that she is going to take a step if she is still alive. Because that was not even sure. They walked forward towards the other entrance of the castle and meanwhile the whole city paid attention to Bronn and his prisoners in the center. They easily could hit and kill the two guards there and they were inside. He walked down the hall carefully and slowly. He paid attention to the castle the last time when he was there with Jenifire. The cells must be there in the basement. He indicated something to his soldier, then grabbed a man's throat from behind and cut his throat with a quick move. One of his soldiers stabbed another soldier and they turned to the other corridor.
"There it is." Daario sighed when he spotted the place. "Five guards." he counted and glanced at his soldiers. "Easy task." a smirk appeared on his face and went forward. 

"Do you trust them?" Yara turned her face after Tyrion and Sansa. They just landed near to King's Landing on Drogon. Tyrion told them he has a plan, how they can enter into the city, without anyone notices them. Dany had no other choice, she has to put her trust in him again. They have no other plan. The unsullied, the dothrakies and Tormund with the northerners were marching towards the capital on the fields, meanwhile, Daenerys took a small group to the back gate of the city. 
"No. No, I don't," she admitted and sighed. "But that is why you and she" she glanced at Jenifire "Are here with them." she sighed. "If they want to betray me..." Dany continued.
"I won't hesitate for a moment." Yara nodded and placed her hand to Dany's shoulder. "Do you... really want to go there? On Drogon's back?"
"We should go." Tyrion stepped next to them. "I promise I'll do everything to safe them."
"Do not make promises to me. It is just a waste of time." Dany pulled a face and turned back to Yara. "Find them. I distract his attention from you." 
"The deads are close." Jenifire raised her eyes to the sky, and the clouds were getting darker. Scarier. Not to mention the air became much colder than it was an hour earlier. 
"Where is Gendry?" Daenerys frowned at that moment but none of them know the answer.

Daario waved his sword, and the metals clashed together so loudly. They had vantage over the guards, but they were fighting quite well. Daario underestimated them at first. He saw how one of his soldiers fell to the floor, and the blood spilled from his neck. It made him mad and nervous, and he loved to fight. He stabbed his sword into the other guard's stomach, then he stepped to another one and killed it from behind. "March Forward. Open that gate" he ordered his men and they did that he told them. None of them noticed the one behind Daario. He placed his arms around his body, and Daario felt the tip of the knife on his throat, but then the guard fell to the floor too. Dead. Daario did not understand. He turned back, and he spotted Gendry with an axe in his hand. It was totally bloody.
"What the hell are you doing here? How..."
"I know the capital much more than anyone. I grew up here." he walked passed by Daario
"The Queen?" Daario wanted to stop him, but he has no other intention than save the love of his life. 
"She is fine. She'll be here anytime. Just like the dead. We have to hurry." he warned Daario and they heard a huge noise. The Second Sons just entered into the prison. They hurried up their steps and went inside. 
"Stand guard," Daario told them and followed Gendry. 

He did not have to take too many steps, and he saw Arya. The girl was chained there to the wall, sitting there. She was dirty, hopeless. Gendry never saw her in that way. She was one of the strongest people he has ever known, and now she looked defeated. He crouched next to her and placed his hand to her chin.
"Arya" Gendry whispered her name. She did not even react at first. "Arya. Arya, please. It is me." 
"No...." she shook her head. "You won't fool me again." she pulled a face. 
"Arya." Gendry caressed her face so gently. "It is me. Gendry."
"No." she frowned. "It is not you. It won't work. Leave me alone. It is enough of mind tricks. I hate you." she almost cried but it was clear she was fighting with her tears. Gendry glanced at Daario and he just shrugged his shoulders. He doesn't understand what is going on there. He turned back and stepped out from the chamber to find the keys at the guards.
"Arya It is me. I came here to save you. Please. You have to help me." Gendry kept talking to her.
"How can you do this with me? With your own sister?" she asked him and looked straight to his eyes.
"I am ... I am not your brother." Gendry was surprised, but her eyes were so empty. So confused. He hesitated for another moment, then he pressed his lips to her lips, in the way he did the first time. First, she wanted to push him away, but not a few seconds passed, and she returned his kiss. 
"Gendry." Arya stuttered his name and a tear rolled down on her face.
"It is me." Gendry smiled a bit. "We are going to take you out of here." he kissed her forehead.
"I thought..." she lowered her head. "He was playing with my mind. He ... made me believe that..."
"The keys." Daario arrived back and handed the keys to Gendry. He immediately opened the heave handcuffs on Arya and helped her to stand up. "You look shit," Daario stated when he looked at her from tip to toe. 
"That not helps." Gendry gave him an angry look. 
"Just take me out of here." Arya took a deep breath and leaned on Gendry.
"I am afraid you have to wait with that. Your brother..." Daario started to answer.
"She can't help. Not now. Look at her. She barely could walk." Gendry only cared about her. 
"Just kill him." Arya took a deep breath. "He is not my brother." 
"I did not talk about the raven." Daario sighed. "He captured Jon and Missandei." he finally told it, and Arya's eyes widen. Before she could answer a huge roar disturbed their talk. The roar of Drogon.

The walls were on fire. Daenerys destroyed all the scorpions which they had left. She felt her heartbeat in her throat. She felt how the memories came back to her mind. The memories of that horrible day. The memories of the day, when she set the whole King's Landing on fire. She killed many innocent people that day. She made another circle over the city, to check are there any more weapons or not, but it seemed Drogon burned down all of those. The sky became darker and darker, and this time not because of the smoke of the fire. It became almost pungent cold. She felt it. She closed her eyes for a moment, and Drogon landed on the walls. She looked around, and she saw nothing else just scared people. 
"I am not here to hurt you." she tried to talk as loud as she could. "I know you have no reason to trust me, but I have to ask you to trust me. I came here because your King kidnapped my daughter. I only want my daughter back. And her father. If your King gives them back to me, without any injury, I promise I won't hurt any of you." 

Bran went to the window and smiled a bit. He saw Drogon. He saw how the scorpions were burning on the top of the walls but he did not worry. He glanced at Jon with an evil smile.
"It would be horrible if she does that thing again, right?" he asked him.
"Do not dare." Jon stood up to stop him but the guards stepped to Jon and captured him. 
"How strong is she now? Now... when she has so much more to lose?" he turned back to the window. 
"Bran! Please! Don't." Jon almost begged him, while he tried to escape from the guard's arms. "I know you are there somewhere, you have to fight against him" he tried again. "Bran!" 
The King did not care about him or his words. His eyes turned white.

"Devil. Satan. She is here to kill us." Daenerys heard the voices from the crowd. "Kill her. I hope the king killed her bastard." she closed her eyes and tried to stop the voices. "He did kill them. I saw their dead body on the square." she shook her head. No. It can't be real. "She is just like her father. She is mad. She is just as bad as her father was." Dany tried to breathe, but those voices became louder. "Her daughter died. That man died. The King killed his own brother to save us. Long Live the King." 
"No." Dany tried to remain calm. Tried to remain sane. She was fighting with herself. She was fighting with her pain. Even if he killed them, she can't burn innocent people again. That won't help. That just makes things worse. "She has no one. She is lost. She has to die. She'll burn us all." the voices continued. Dany was squeezing the armor on Drogon. "Burn them all." she heard her father's voice in her head. "Burn them all." It became louder. "They destroyed you. Destroyed your family. They killed everyone you ever loved. They caused your downfall. Burn them all." 

Jon kept his eyes on the window, he could see Drogon too. 
"Dany don't. Please," he whispered so quietly. "Please don't do this. Dany. Please." he knows she doesn't hear him, but he trusted in her. He had to have hope in her and her mind. Her decisions. She has to know that they are there, alive and if she starts to burn down everything they probably going to die too. Jon did not even pay attention to Missandei, neither the guards. They just wanted to be sure to keep Jon Snow away from the King, but it was not Jon Snow who meant risk for the Raven. Missandei took some steps towards Bran, and Jon finally noticed that she is going to do something. He wanted to stop her, but he has a feeling too, that he has to let her do what she thinks is right. He kept his eyes on his daughter, meanwhile tried to get all the attention fo the guards. He was still trying to get rid of them, and they did everything to hold him back. Missandei reached Bran and she raised her hand up and placed it to his arm. 

"Burn them all!" Dany heard that sentence again and it was harder and harder to make it stop. To erase this thought from her mind. "Don't" she heard the soft, familiar, and kind voice at that minute. "Mom. Don't."
"Missandei" she whispered her daughter's name and raised her eyes at the rebuilt tower. 
"We are here." she heard Missy's voice again. "Both of us are here and alive." 
Dany took a deep breath and directed Drogon to raise up to the air, and he flew towards the tower. 
"NO!" Bran opened his eyes and shook the little girl off himself. "Kill them! Kill both of them. NOW" he yelled with the guards and they drew their swords. Missy raised her eyes at Bran and looked straight to his eyes meanwhile Jon tried to avoid their attacks to save his daughter. 

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