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"Jon. We are in the middle of the hall" Dany smiled a bit to her love, who couldn't take his hands off of her, he kissed her again. "Jon" she moaned to his mouth while he was kissing her continously. 
"Do I disturb?" Arya asked them, and they split in that minute. Dany adjusted her dress and she tried to be as serious as she could. Jon tried to speak, but the situation was quite embarrassing. Arya just stared them, and she looked serious. Dany noticed she was holding something in her hands. Some bag. She threw it to their feet and it opened. They can see the died raven. 
"I am staying, but please be sure Sam do everything to save our brother. Because that is not him." Arya started. 
"What..." Jon was staring the dead bird on the floor.
"Drogon caught it. I saw his eyes. I saw his white eyes. It was not just a raven. Not a simple raven. I have to accept the fact... that you may right. All in this. Even if I hate it." she continued. 
"Thank you." Dany nodded. 
"But ... " Arya took a deep breath "I won't let anyone hurt my sister. I hope you understand. No matter which side she is in. If you or your army hurt her... I am done. Sansa has no idea what is going on, and she is not responsible for this." she looked at Daenerys. She opened her mouth to answer, but Jon grabbed her arm and tried to hold her back. 
"We don't want to hurt Sansa. She is innocent." Jon started, and he noticed how Daenerys looked up to him. He knew what she was thinking. Sansa was not even close that innocent as Arya thinks she is. She played her cards well, betrayed her own family, to get what she always wanted. The independent North. No matter what was the price. "She is innocent in this." Jon corrected himself. 
"It was not her fault. She may... did some reckless moves. She may tell the truth to the wrong people, but she did not want anything bad. She just wants to save the North and her people. You can't blame her for it."

Jon glanced at Daenerys. She needed every control in her, to not answer to this. Jon almost begged her with his eyes. 
"I should go, and ... check my daughter." she nodded, and left them there. Immediately. Almost in a hurry. 
"You should pick your words more wisely" Jon stated after Daenerys left, and sighed.
"She is not my Queen. I am not afraid of her." Arya answered confidentially.
"What Sansa did..."
"She did it for the North." Arya was so definite.
"She did. Without thinking about the price of it. She did not betray just Daenerys, but she betrayed me when she told the truth to Tyrion. Despite she swore to me, she'll keep it in secret. She was one of the main reason ... why things went in that way in King's Landing. Like it or not. She did not want just the North, but she wanted her to fail. No matter what kind of sacrifices she made to save our home." Jon answered. He had enough. He had enough of the fight between his two-family. He had enough of defending everyone always. He was hard and straight. 
"You talk like her." Arya did not like his words.
"I am an honest man, and no Daenerys is not innocent. She did horrible things there. We all did horrible things in our life. All of us. And you have to accept no matter how much you love your sister, she is not innocent either. She learned from the best. She showed it even before you arrived back to Winterfell. She questioned me in front of everyone, many times, and she always did what she thinks the best. Just as now. No matter how it hurts the others, as long as it benefits her." Jon was almost rude, but finally, he told everything that he felt about Sansa. He never really forgive her. He couldn't. Not from his heart. "Maybe she spent too much time in King's Landing." he took a deep breath and started to walk away. 
"She is our sister. She is not a mythic creature. Just our sister." Arya lowered her head and told him before he could leave the hall.
"She is. And I would never do the same with her... what she did with me," he answered, without turning back to Arya. "And we talked about it earlier. You are the only one, who can convince her... which side should she stand." 

Jon walked out of the hall and left his sister there. 


"Why is that beautiful lady is so sad, on this bright day?" the dornish prince walked closer to Sansa, who was standing in the gardens at King's Landing. She was thinking about what happened to her since she was last there. She turned to the unknown man and looking at him from his feet to top.
"Do we know each other?" She frowned.
"Not officially, but we met once. When we chose your brother as our new King." he gently took her hand and gave a kiss to it "Quentyn Martell, my Lady. The Prince of Dorne." he smiled.
"I am not a Lady. I am the Queen of the North. If you were there that day, you should've known." she was cold and prim. Just as usual. She learned one thing in King's Landing, next to Cercei... next to Littlefinger... through the years, to trust no one. 
"My apologize " he bowed his head a bit "Does this glamorous Queen has a name?" 
"You can't achieve anything with compliments. I grew out of them" She answered. "What are you doing here Prince Martell?"
"Join your brother's war. To save the kingdom from the foreign threat. From the Dragon Queen." he answered so naturally. 
"So... you believe in his goals. That is good to hear. Many turned their back at him it seems." she turned back to the sea, and watching it. "No matter what he did for them."
"My apologies, my Lady.... "he started but Sansa gave her an angry look "Your Grace, but what he did for the people actually?" Quentyn asked her. 
"Do you have doubts in your King?" 
"Never." He clasped his hands "I just wanted to know. Dorne is under his rule, but we don't need help from him. We are a rising, and shining empire, without the toxicity of the capital. I don't really know what is happened under his rule in Westeros." 

"He kept his lands save," Sansa answered after some hesitation. She had no idea. If she would be honest, she would say, he did nothing. Meanwhile, she was traveling there she saw the poverty, the hunger... she really did, but she did not want to deal with it. She was more worried about her sister than the others. 
"I am sure he did. He wants to do this now too, but does he care about his people? In Dorne..." Quentyn continued, but Sansa cut him.
"This is not Dorne. This is King's Landing. This is the capital. It is easy for you. Dorne had not been destroyed by a crazy woman. He has to build everything up." she answered ardently "And he does what he thinks is the best."  She ended the conversation and started to walk away. "If you forgive me," she added. The Prince was looking after her. She was a rare beauty for his eyes, a real gem. A strong and independent woman.... and she was a Queen. What else could he want? 


Jon entered into her daughter's room. Dany was there, he knew she'll be there. She always spends her time with her daughter, when she is upset about something. Missandei always calms her down. Dany was rocking her in her arms. Smiling at her, her smile was the brightest when she is with her daughter. 
"I knew you'll be here" Jon took a step closer.
"I told you I'll be here," Dany answered, while Jon stopped next to her. He caressed her daughter's cheek and she immediately grabbed his finger and she babbled something. 
"Dany I..." he took a deep breath. 
"Not now. Not here. I don't want any quarrel around here. No tension." she answered quietly.
"I don't want to argue." he placed his hand to her shoulder. 
"No, neither of us want... but when it is about your family... your other family... we always end up in a debate." she sighed and turned to the cradle with Missandei. Jon just placed his arms around her body from behind and placed his chin to her shoulder. 

"Mommy always thinks she knows the things better." he was babbling to Missandei and made a cute face towards her. The little girl started to laugh. 
"You are not funny." she glanced at him. 
"If you ask her... I am funny." he gave a kiss to her cheek then took his daughter out from her hands and started to play with her. He raised her up and flying her in the air. She was laughing so loud, and Dany forgot her anger. They were laughing and playing together. Those moments were precious. Those moments were unforgettable. Those moments worth living for. Davos entered into the room, but he did not say a word. He tried to knock, but they did not hear that, so he entered cautiously. He was looking at them for a couple more minutes, with a smile on his face. He never saw Jon ... that way. He was born to be ... this. He was born to be a father. Jon grabbed Dany by her waist and pulled her closer, while he was holding Missandei in his other arm. 
"Watch out!  Do not drop her off!" Dany was worried, she always worried... Missandei was her biggest treasure. 
"You worries too much." Jon leaned closer and kissed his love. 
"Not in front of her," Dany told him quietly, while he kissed her again. 
"Why? We did nothing wrong. Right, my princess? Your daddy loves your mom so much, he can't let her go for a minute." he was laughing and gave a small kiss to Missandei's nose. She laughed out loud. After some seconds later Jon noticed Ser Davos, who was still standing at the doorway, with a smile on his face. Their eyes met, then Davos lowered his head. 

"I did not want to disturb... that precious moment," he told them. 
"What happened?" Dany frowned. 
"Yara and Daario are back. They just arrived." Davos answered. Jon's smile disappeared a bit, he almost forgot Daario's existence. Those days without him, were peaceful, and quiet... even if they have some problems with Arya ... or the news from Sam... but at least there were no assholes around, who try to separate them. 
"I thought it will last longer." Jon couldn't hide his feelings, and he said out loud. 
"Jon. They were fighting for me. For us. To keep us safe. Do not forget that." Dany turned to him and tried to calm him down. 
"You know my opinion about it... about him" he answered while he was still holding Missandei in his arms. 
"I don't trust him less, than your sister. At least he never tried to kill me." Dany answered without thinking, but at the moment she said it aloud, she regretted it. She did not mean that. She did not want to bring that day up when he stabbed her... she did not want to hurt him... she was just thinking about Arya, and how she attacked her when she arrived there... "I... did not mean... that..." Dany tried to save the situation. 
"You better go, your ... they are waiting for you." he turned back to the cradle with Missandei. 
"Jon." she tried again.
"Your Grace" Grey Worm appeared next to Davos. He looked around and saw there is some tension between the people in the room. "Anything wrong?"
"No. Nothing wrong. I assume you came because of Daario Naharis and Lady Greyjoy." Dany took a deep breath. Grey Worm just nodded and turned. Dany followed her, but stopped for a minute at the door and glanced to her love and their daughter. Daario did not even step inside the pyramid and it started again. Davos was standing there quietly and watching the two of them. He just couldn't understand how their mood could change to the contrary in less than a minute. 

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