The Truth

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Daenerys and Jon spent their morning with their daughter. Together, as a family. Those were the best moments. Jon sometimes just stared the woman he loved, the woman who he betrayed ... and the woman who forgave him. Sometimes... he still couldn't believe he really got those things from life. Daenerys and Missandei. The two most precious treasure in his life. He belonged to the North earlier... when he was just Jon Snow. Yes, he was born there. He grew up there... but he doesn't belong there anymore. He belonged to Daenerys... no matter where she is. Because he was not just Jon Snow anymore. He had to accept, he also was the blood of the dragon. His ancestors were Targaryens too. He was half fire and half-ice... and that was a hard combination. He often thought about his parents those days. Parents who he never knew. Daenerys told him many things about his father, that she also just heard from Ser Barristan Selmy. He must be a good man, who fought also for his family... until he could. He died to protect them. He died to protect his love and his child. He wishes... he could've known them. He would have so many questions... but ... he had to accept, he never has a chance to get answers for those. Ned Stark... when he last saw him... he promised him he'll tell everything to him, about his mother. Then he never saw the man again, who raised him as his own son. 

"Where is your mind?" Dany asked him softly.
"I've been thinking. About ... my father and my mother. What would they say... If they... were here." Jon answered in a loving voice.  
"They would be proud. And happy." Dany smiled a bit "Did I ever tell you... my brother, my other brother. Viserys. He told me when I was a child... if Rhaegar would have a son... who survived... I would have been married to him. There were no Targaryens anymore, so ... he sold me to Drogo, to get his army and power. To take back the Throne, but originally... if there would be another male Targaryen, who is alive... they would've wanted me to marry to Rhaegar's son."

"It is still weird," Jon stated. Daenerys knew he meant about the relative thing. Even if he did not say it loud.
"Why you've changed your mind? I mean... "Dany was not sure she wanna hear his answer, but she wanted to know "You pushed me away. When you got to know the truth, and now you are here."
"I am." Jon nodded and sighed "It just... confused me. All of it. And how you reacted it. When I've told you. You did not talk about anything else just the Throne, as if my real heritage didn't matter."
"It did not matter. Not for me." Dany lowered her head and staring Missandei "It was not a ... a strange thing for me. I know everything about my family history. Marrying ... or love... someone who I related to... is not a bad or a too special thing. Even some Westeros family did that many times. I ... to be honest, I did not understand, your reaction. Yes, I worried about the throne, cuz that thing about ... you are Aegon Targaryen... changed many things, but not my feelings for you."
"I should've talked about my feelings at that time. But ... I just pushed you away. I know it. I loved you. I never stopped loving you Dany. I just... couldn't decide I can love you or not. Is that feeling is right or not." he caressed Missandei's cheek "Then... after your death... I was still in love with you. To be honest... Tormund put my brain to the right place."
"Tormund? You mean Giantsbane?" Dany raised her eyebrow
"Yes. He told right to my face, that I am an idiot, because... I care about what would people think If I ... stay with you. Not that it mattered at that time... you ... I thought you are dead." Jon sighed. "And then Drogon came for me. And brought me here."
"I am glad he did." Dany smiled at him. 
"I ... "Jon wanted to make her sure, his feelings would never change again. He wanted to tell her those things don't matter anymore, but Sam entered into the room and disturbed them.

"I am sorry. I ... need to talk with you." he started. 
"What happened?" Jon frowned. 

They called Ser Davos to take care of the baby, then they went to another room. Sam looked strained and nervous. 
"I hope you don't wanna come with those... prophecy's again." Jon took a deep breath.
"No. It is another thing." he started "I wanted to tell you days ago, but now I find some other things about it. I ... brought some books... from the Citadel. I had too. And I... " Sam was thinking meanwhile he was speaking, and it was so annoying for Jon and Dany. They did not understand. 
"Sam?" Jon tried to hurry him. 
"It's about the Night King." he blurted it out. 
"I thought he is... gone. Arya killed him. Or... not?" Dany frowned.
"She did. He died. That Night King is dead."
"That Night King?" Jon took a step closer. 
"The ... I don't know how to tell you... to understand." Sam sighed. 
"Sam!" Jon almost yelled with him, to finally talk. 
"The Night King was not bad. Not that bad. He was bad, and evil and wanted to kill the humans, but ... on the other side, it was their justice. It was how they wanted to save the realm. The world."

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