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"What a surprise" Daario stated when he saw Nesera and Yara leaving the Red Priestess room. "What were you doing there? Together?" There was a smirk on his face.
"We don't have time for this now, the Queen is waiting for us," Nesera answered, and walked passed Daario, but Yara did not want to miss this chance.
"You'd die to find out, wouldn't you?" she smiled at him, and then she left him there too. Daario frowned, he has a great imagination, and Yara told him earlier she is interested in women also... 
"Finally!" Arya told them when she spotted them on the corridor. "What took that long?" 
"I..." Nesera was embarrassed. She did not experience anything with any woman before... but how Yara kissed her, it was... some unique and enjoyable thing, and she wanted more. But first of all... their duty called them. "I did not feel well," she answered. "I needed some time to... "
"We are here now. We can go to the Queen." Yara stopped her with the explanation and walked forward. 
"Nesera." Arya stopped her. "For another minute. I wanna ask something." 

Jon and Daenerys were still with Missandei. Those family moments are rare and important. For both of them. 
"You look pale." Jon was staring at Dany's face.
"Must be the stress and the worry because of the attack." She answered. "Or I need more sleep."
"I know, this is also my fault." Jon smiled a bit, while rolled his eyes.
"No." Dany placed her head to his shoulder and bit her lower lip. Yes, on the nights... mostly they did not sleep. Not too much. They enjoyed their time together. Alone. Pleased each other in many ways. To be honest, it would be surprising if she wasn't pregnant, but with her it was different. She still did not even understand how Missandei can be real... after those things, that witch said to her many years ago... but it seemed Jon was right. She was not a reliable source of information. Dany felt a little dizzy, but she tried to act everything is right. Jon frowned. 
"Are you sure, you are ok?" he asked again while watching her walking back to the bed. She sat down to the edge of the bed.
"Yes." she raised her eyes at him and smiled. 
"Mama's not feeling well but she would never admit it" Jon turned to Missandei babbling at her. 
"Mammma" Missandei imitated Jon and they were both surprised. Their mouth fell open. Jon looked at Dany with a huge smile on his face, and she jumped up from the bed and went back to them. She took the baby's hand.
"What did you say?" Dany was staring at her little face. "Mama?" her eyes filled with tears of joy.
"She did say that, right baby?" Jon lifted her slightly and laughed. "It would have been better if daddy or papa had the first word but..." he continued with laughter.
"Hey" Dany poked him. "I gave birth to her."
"And I made her." Jon continued to tease her. They were laughing together. They could have not imagined this moment more perfect. Both were there when their daughter said her first word... 
"And maybe I make another." Jon continued and Dany's eyes stopped on his face. She was speechless. "I'd like to." Jon took a deep breath and lowered his head with a smile on his face. "I know it is not the right time to talk about another child, but..." he sighed.

"Sorry for the late" Yara entered into the room. Jon and Dany stepped a bit further from each other. 
"No problem at all. At least we had some time alone." Daenerys answered and tried to find Arya and Nesera behind Yara. "The others?"
"We are here." Arya stepped into the room with Nesera by her side. 
"So... I am listening. What is that great plan?" Dany took a deep breath. 
"A few minutes." Arya raised her eyes to Nesera, and she went around the room. Lightened all the candles around and she stopped at the window. She started to murmur some kind of spell or something. They were all watching her. Just Missandei's thin voice disturbed the silence in the room. 
"What is she...?" Jon wondered.
"Trying to hide us. But it may not succeed... at least we try." Arya answered. "From Bran. Less he knows about our plans is the better for us." she continued when she saw Jon and Dany did not really understand. "So..." she took a deep breath. 
"What do you wanna do?" Dany asked her.

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