Chapter 71 ~ Vanilla

Start from the beginning

"We did." She insists, getting him to roll his eyes. 

"Fine. You win, we won't go on that date I have planned. I win, and I get to take you out tomorrow too." 

He leans forward, letting his lips meet the tip of her cute nose. Her eyes had crossed, following his lips, and a fresh wave of color washed over her face. 

"I--How is that fair ?" She demands. "You know I want to go !" 

"Oops." He smirks, walking with her down the stairs. 

They continued to bicker all the way to her car, but Lisa turned when a group of boys hooted at the sight of her. "Maybe I should go change." She murmurs, about to turn around. Jung kook's hand momentarily touches her back, gently nudging her closer to her car. 

"If you like it, wear it." He shrugs. "Don't change." 

She felt a goofy smile take place as she settles in the passenger's seat of her car. The keys were already in, but the engine hadn't been turned on. "Ready to go ?" Jennie asks. 

"Yup." Lisa smiles, slipping on her seatbelt and rolling down her window to talk to Jungkook. "I'll beat you, punk." 

"You little shit." He laughs. "You won't even get close."

"I'll beat you to the ground." She winks. "Bye." 

"Bye." He waves, turning on his heel only after the car had rounded the corner. 


"It looks pretty nice in here." Lisa nods. 

"Let's make a bet." Jennie suggests, getting Lisa to blush in record time. 

"God no, I've had enough of those." 

"Are you backing out of a competition, Manoban ?" Jisoo challenges. 

Lisa clenches her jaw and backs away next to Chaeyoung. "Let's hear the offer." 

"If I win, me and Chaeyoung get to drive to the mall and leave you guys here. If you win, you and Jisoo can drive to the place of your choice and leave me and Chaeng behind." 

"No, that's so reckles-" Jisoo starts before Lisa interrupts. 

"Fuck yeah !" 

"Why did I think she was going to say no ?" Jisoo shakes her head. "She's nuts." 

30 minutes later ~ 

"So...." Lisa kicks at the floor of the arcade sheepishly. "We lost." 

"Our team is you and me, did you think we would win ?" Jisoo grins, patting the empty seat next to her. "At least we're losers together." 

"Aw, that's...kinda sweet. I didn't expect that from you." 

"No, I mean everyone else is a winner. I'm forced to be a loser with you." She smirks. 

"Should've seen that coming." Lisa smiles. 

"Well now we've got to figure a way to get back to the dorms." 

"It's all the way across town." 

"Call Jungkook." 

"Oh no...." Lisa mutters, clicking his contact anyway.

"What, you think he won't pick you up ?"

"No he will, he'll just tease me the whole way back." She mutters begrudgingly. 

The moment the dial tone started to play, he picked up. 

"Short stack." He greets. "Have you lost yet ?"

"More ways than one." 

"You never fall short of my expectations." 

"Hey, can you pick us up ?"

"Who's 'us' ?"

"Jisoo and me. Let's just say I lost a bet." She mumbles sheepishly. 

"I've never been happier to drive to an arcade." He laughs on the other end. 

"Bye." She smiles. 

"No, talk to me. It's a long drive, you know." 

"I guess I owe that to you."

"Yup." He says. She could hear his car roll onto the highway. 

"What do you want me to say ?"

"Anything." "

"I'll just end up rambling." 

"Don't care. It's cute to listen to." 

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