Chapter twenty one.

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When I got into the candy shop I headed straight for the jelly bean section, grabbed myself a bag and filled it up halfway. I set it on top of the weigh-er when someone rounded the corner holding a big glass container of Candy. When they set it down I laughed. "Strange seeing you here."

"I thought you were a fan getting candy!" He laughed.

"I am a fan, I'm also your friend though. I hope at least." I smiled and shrugged. "SO RING THESE BABIES UP." I said pointing at the bag of candy.

"I forget that sometimes, and of course why would I have asked you guys to come here!" Niall said coming out from behind the counter handing me the bag. "I got you."

"Thank you very much kind sir." I said opening them and eating a few. "Do you guys know how many dream come true's tonight?"

"I hope we are." Niall said fixing his shirt.

I rolled my eyes. "I know you are, cause this is a dream come true for me."

"Stop being all cute and sentimental!" Niall exclaimed bumping his hip to mine.

"Sorry." I chuckled. "Well thank you again for buying the jelly beans, I'm going to go walk around and be dorky." I gave Niall a fist bump and started heading for the door. "byee."

"Bye Reecey Piecey, see ya later." Niall said giving me a salute. Girls headed to the candy shop passed me.

"Enjoy the candy." I winked. Now they don't know what I'm talking about but the second Niall steps out it will register. They'll probably tweet about what I said and then what happened, cause I were them, I would do the exact same thing.

For awhile I just walked around looking at things and having fun all by myself. Ever since Harry Potter came out I was hooked, then when this place was built I knew I would have to come here someday, and here I am. Layla's still out wandering so I messaged Sam.

Me: Sam, come walk with me

Sam: Is that you asking or telling?

Me: Whichever you want it to be if it gets you to walk.

Sam: I'll go with telling, I like a girl telling me what to do ;)

Me: I am eye rolling so hard right now, shut up I'm at fountain.

Sam: That tells me alot?

Me: Don't get sassy with me . I'm near the movie theatre.

Sam didn't answer right away so I just got on twitter and scrolled through my tl. "Can't believe I'm here in Orlando while the boys are here, invited on their behalf." I tweeted, everyone was invited by them so again a normal fan.

"Hey there Liv." Sam said walking up to me. "Oh and I'm not happy with you and Layla ditching me as soon as we entered the gates of this place! I feel so out of place."

I laughed. "Well you could be a fan boy.."

He shook his head. "Nuh uh. They are cool guys but my music taste differs from what they produce."

"Any girls hit on you?" I laughed thinking of him walking around the park all by his self.

"Who wouldn't hit on this." Sam laughed gesturing his hands down his body from his face to hips.

"Me." I said eating more jelly beans.

"Yeah yeah I know." He rolled his eyes. "So why are you just sitting here? This place is your sanctuary."

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