Chapter seventeen.

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Song of the Chapter: Up All Night - One Direction

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The night we'd stayed up until dawn watching all kinds of movies, eaten our weight in snacks, and eventually talked ourselves to sleep. The boys left only a few hours later when their phones started blowing up, leaving us to say our goodbyes to one another before parting ways. Layla and I then proceeded to sleep in until nearly twelve, while I was accustomed to such things, Layla was not. Waking up at noon for her was basically waking up at five pm.

When I entered the kitchen Layla was sat at the counter with her eyes glued to her planner, her pen in hand as she spun it round rapidly. "We should start planning this trip,"

"While I agree on this, I am also the least helpful person to help you make a decision. My indecisiveness dictates me, not the other way around," I said scooping a spoonful of rice krispies into my mouth.

She paused a moment before letting out a huff, "If I'm being honest I have no idea either. I'd love to travel anywhere, the problem is where to start."

My mind resorted to how most of my decisions were made, "Let's just write a bunch of places down, fold them and draw from a bowl," I shrugged. And so we did, I grabbed my notebook from the couch and Layla went to the kitchen cabinet. We spent a few minutes tearing up pieces of paper and writing down the places we'd like to visit before dumping them all into a bowl.

"Okay you pick," Layla extended the bowl towards me.

I shut my eyes and dropped my hand into the bowl shuffling the papers around. I grabbed for the piece that called to me before plucking it out and opening it, "We're going to," I paused, "Orlando Florida!"

"Not bad at all," She exclaimed, "I have so many bucket list spots in universal alone!" She broke into her infamous happy dance.

"We're going to need two days alone for Harry Potter world," I replied.

The glass door slid open from the backyard, "Good morning girls, or afternoon I should say," She chuckled. Ganny had spent all day rearranging her she shed for the new items she'd bought and planned on selling on eBay.

"Afternoon," We answered in unison.

"We just decided on our first destination for our trip," I handed her the slightly crumpled piece of paper.

"Orlando, how nice! And very far from here," Ganny said with the slip in one hand and her other reaching for a muffin.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone turning the corner which nearly made me jump out of my skin, looking to see who it was, my fear shifted into slight annoyance. Sam. I looked to Layla and rolled my eyes before he made it to the table.

"Morning ladies," He said plopping down in the empty chair next to me, reaching for the paper that Ganny had placed on the table. He then proceeded to fumble his hands in the bowl of potential location, reading them aloud. "What's all this for?"

"The girls are going on a trip soon, they just picked their first spot," Ganny replied before sipping on her coffee. I could see what thought had popped into her head by the face she began to make, and it wasn't one I was fond of. "You know girls, having someone like Sam with you would most definitely make this trip a lot safer. How do you feel about Orlando Sam?"

My mouth could've hit the floor, "I'm sure he's busy and has no time to spare on something like that," I said to her.

"I've always wanted to go, Universal has so many places I need to see all on it's own," You could practically see the gears turning in his head as he began to mentally work out all the pieces, and I'm sure my frustration was just as visible, "I have enough money and time, but who would take care of your lawn for you?"

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