Chapter thirty eight.

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Song of the chapter: Never Enough - One Direction

Layla's p.o.v

I pulled Sam into a tight hug, practically squeezing the life out of him. I was sightly emotional, even though Sam was annoying at times, he still was one of my best friends and had made things a lot more interesting on the trip.

"Alright Layla, time to let me go." He chuckled slightly.

"I'm gonna miss you Sammy boy." I smiled, pinching his cheek teasingly.

"You know I hate when you call me that."

"Eh, you secretly love it." I smirked releasing him finally and stepped aside. "I'm gonna go on back to the car. Let you and Reese have a minute. See ya soon." I spoke and he nodded with a small smile, I made my way back to the car leaving the two to talk. Wiping my eyes as they had slightly teared up. Sam was a good kid, it sucked seeing him go through rough stuff, he didn't deserve it.

Liam and Zayn had stayed in the car, they didn't really know Sam a whole lot so they had bid their farewells from the vehicle, Reese and I had walked him into the station. He had decided to take the train home seeing as he didn't have a car and it was quicker.

"Hey Lay, how're you holding up?" Liam asked as I slid into the back seat, taking my place beside him.

"I'm okay. It's ironic how we didn't want him to come in the first place and now we are upset that he has to go." I chuckled sadly, it must suck even worse for Reese, they were closer, even with all the arguing.

"He will be back I'm sure, think of it as him taking a detour." Liam reasoned.

"You and your travel terminology." I rolled my eyes at him in a teasing manner. He laughed and I sighed slightly, leaning my head onto his shoulder as we all waited for Reese to come out of the slightly over crowded building. He grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together running his thumb along the top side of my hand. My hand fit well in his, it was comforting and made me feel immeasurably better.

"Alright, enough moping." Reese said slinging herself into the passenger seat. "It's horribly boring. Plus we have a Birthday to celebrate." She turned in her seat wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Ew, you two are so cute it's gross." Reese laughed turning herself towards the front and motioning for Zayn to start the car.

I blushed and shook my head slightly, hiding my face in Liam's shirt. His chest rumbled with laughter as he looked down at me with a crooked grin. "So, what does the Birthday girl want to do?"

"Honestly?" I asked, mulling over my options quickly.

"Yup, whatever you want."

"Okay, well this is probably going to sound childish but whatever." I laughed, as did Liam, before I continued. "I have kind of always wanted to go to Sky Zone."

"LAYLA ME TOO!" Reese exclaimed from the front seat.

"Sky Zone it is then." Zayn affirmed having Reese set the navigation system to take us there.

"Why Sky Zone?" Liam asked me raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"Don't know really, it was the first thing that came to mind and I've never been. Plus I really love trampolines." I answered truthfully and he nodded, satisfied with my answer.

We arrived fairly quickly, traffic wasn't that bad seeing as it was early morning on a Monday and most people were already at work or school. We parked and I reluctantly released Liam's hand as we unbuckled and got out of the car. Luckily, we all had appropriate clothes on already so we wouldn't have to change.

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