Chapter forty one.

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I grew to be anxious waiting for Zayn's big surprise reveal. We sat with the boys on the beach, they all listened as Zayn caught them up on our latest adventures. I expected them to be a little awkward at first from the simple fact of Zayn's departure, but it wasn't. I don't know what I expected, they've known each other for five years, they are family.

"I've missed my reesey peicy," Niall's lips was pouted out,

"I've missed you too," I air hugged which caused him to laugh.

"Are you excited for your surprise?" Harry asked.

"I am, I just wonder what it is," I glanced at Zayn, still trying for a hint.

He bent down, kissing my forehead saying "All in good time," which resulted in a huff from me.

"I think Zayn's more nervous than you are excited," Louis laughed.

I was racking my brain for any type of hint, why would he be nervous? I spoke up, "So if you can't tell me what it is, can you tell me when it will arrive?"

"I can," he said pulling out his phone, "In about an hour and thirty minutes, which means we should leave to go drop them off, and pick it up."

"We have to go pick it up?" I asked, he nodded. So we all traveled back to our villa so the boys could relax, and recover from their flight. While they unpacked, I took the opportunity to get a quick shower and freshen up. The heat down here can either be sweltering or subtle, really there is no in between. I pulled the lever to exact spot where the water was perfect. I slid out of my clothes, and into the water. My hair lathered as soon as it reached my roots. When you're washing your hair and it lathers like that, you know you're gonna have a good end result. I conditioned, repeated, washed my body, then dried off with the towel I left on the sink.

"Are you almost ready babe?" Zayn lightly knocked on the door.

"Yeah, just gonna fix my hair and change." The sun was evading the sky, less and less light shinning down.  So I chose my short red/black dress, black leather jacket and black strapped sandals. Back in the bathroom I put my hair into two ponytails, on opposite sides of my head. Curled the strands one by one for the best result of luscious curls. I grabbed my purse and traveled down stairs to where all the guys were sprawled out. "I'm ready,"

"Aw you look pretty," Harry smiled.

Zayn looked over at Harry, "Stop beating me to complimenting my girl!" he laughed. We said our temporary goodbyes and parted our ways. We made our way down the streets that were becoming less and less crowded, hand in hand. "This is nice,"

"What is?" I asked.

"Being me, being with you here in this wonderful city. Being able to roam the streets, undetected. I'm so stress free, my boys are here for a little bit. I'm just at a really happy point in my life." His smile was ear to ear.

"Aw," I said squeezing him tighter.

"Which is why I want to tell you something, I hope you aren't upset." he began, "I've been talking to some people in the music industry, and I'm signing with RCA records,"

We stopped walking so we could face each other, "Of course I'm not mad at you! You are happy and doing what you've wanted to do for so long. You're doing you and that's all anyone wants in life. I am proud of you, I support you." He smiles just kept growing, he pulled me in for a hug.

"I want to take a picture of you," He pulled out his phone.

"Let's take one together," I suggested.

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