Chapter forty three.

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𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆'𝒔 𝒑.𝒐.𝒗

"This is a problem," Layla's said in a low voice.

"What is?" I said stepping out onto the balcony.

"Kai," she paused, "Liam asked me who he was, not even ten minutes ago!"

I scrunched my brows, only to remember she couldn't see me. "Why? What brought him up?"

She left out a huff, "Of all things, of all things he could have done... He just had to leave a note for me in one of my cd cases, the cd case that Liam just so happened to pick up,"

I couldn't help but start laughing, "I think it's fate, he was meant to find that letter. Probably God letting Liam know just how creepy and crazy Kai can be,"

"I had to fill him in, it was no big deal but still. I mean, I took his key to our house from him? How on earth did he get in?" She asked.

"Maybe a window was unlocked, he could've climbed in?" I suggested.

"We both know I wouldn't leave a single entry way into this house, I lock everything," she replied.

"Then we need to change the locks, I don't even want to think of him having full access to our home." I stated.

"You're right, I'll have it done before I leave." She agreed, "So what time is it there?"

"It's seven o'five in the am," I said looking at my homescreen, "Speaking of AM's" I squealed.


"I KNOW," I joined in with the yelling.

"Wait, the boys are there with you?" She asked,

"Indeed," I smiled.

"Tell them I said congrats, and that I'm so proud and excited that I can't begin to explain," you could hear just how pleased she really was when she spoke.

"Guess who else is here,"

"Your mom, dad, and Sam?" she asked, somehow already knowing.

"How di-" I stopped, "Did Zayn tell you?"

She giggled, "Zayn, Sam, your mom, and your dad,"

"All that's missing is you," I frowned,

"I know, I feel a part of me is missing. It's weird I think it's the longest we've been apart," She sighed, "But don't fret we'll see eachother soon enough,"

"I was thinking about coming to London, Zayn's got to do some recording so," I trailed off.

"Yes, yes, you must come back here and we can celebrate," she encouraged, "Where is Zayn?"

"He went out with the boys, we decided to spend some time with our people. I miss my family and, I hate to say it but I missed Sammy more than I expected,"

"Oh hush, you know you don't hate it that much," I could practically see her rolling her eyes by the tone of her voice.


"Welp, it's getting late here," she yawned, "I'll ring your digits soon,"

"Okay, love you b-"

"WAIT-" Layla cut me off, "Liam asked if he could join me in the shower," she was whispering now,

"I'M CRYING STOP," I said in a fit of hysterics, "I'M WEEEEAAAAKK, HE'S SO, SO, SO CHEEKY!"

"I was mortified, I all but froze!" She whined while laughing,

"Let him," I shrugged,

"Wha-" she began

"Love you bye, good night" I ended the call still laughing. I sat down on the cushioned chair, propping my feet up on the rail.

"Liiiivvvviiiiiaaaa," Sam cooed in my ear,

I swatted at him, "Saaammmsssooonn"

"Did you really just say my birth name," he rolled his eyes as he sat in the chair next to me.

"Not fun is it?" I taunted,

"I like it so it's whatever," he smirked.

"So how's the good ole Cali been?" I asked.

"Comforting," he smiled, "After all that traveling, it was nice to come home to something familiar,"

"I miss it, bunches." I nodded.

"You can always come home," he shrugged.

"I could, but I'm not done with my quest," I pursed my lips.

Your quest?" he asked,

"Yeah, I wanted to travel the world ever since I was little. I've always felt I'd find myself on this adventure, who I am you know?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, but if you wanted to know who you are why didn't you ask one of us?"

"Well I could have done that, but I want to find out who I am to me if that makes sense. It's different, I just want to find out what kind of person I am."  I shrugged.

"I know you don't need me to tell you this, but I'm going to anyway." before I could object he continued, "You are a beautiful, kind hearted, loving, compassionate girl. You read like it's nobody's business, you're a fucking wiz with an art brush, an athlete who works hard. You put others before yourself, you make sure everyone else is okay before you make sure you are. You are always looking out for all of us, all the time. If anyone needs anything you make sure you're there if they need you. You give the best damn advice, I always said you'd be a great therapist. I also have always said you're to special to be anything but extraordinary. You care about the little things like bugs, if they are drowning in water you get them out of it. You are a risk taker, a prankster. If anyone wants to have some fun, you are who they go to. You're adventurous as hell, as kids you were always dragging Layla and I out of the house to go explore. Anywhere with you was magical, you just had this thing about you. You still do, every moment seems to be memorable. Laying down in a hotel room for hours doing nothing, is something. Driving down an endless interstate not saying a word was enchanting. You are the girl every guy dreams, and prays of finding. The girl every girl hopes to befriend. Reese you are so special, beautiful, caring, kind, and magical."

I just stared at him for a couple seconds, "I uh- thanks" I smiled, "That means a lot,"

He just continued to loo at me, "I mean it, every word."

After awhile of just looking at each other, I smirked. "So, you think I'm beautiful?"

"Don't flatter yourself," He laughed.

"I'm not, you flattered me." I said standing to hug him.

"Don't get used to it," he joked. "Anyway I'm going to go back in, I have some work I need to get done before we do anything exciting today,"

"Okay," I laughed. I followed in behind him shortly after, "I'm gonna go to the library for awhile,"

"Okay, love you," My mom and dad answered.

"Love you too," I said grabbing my bag off the kitchen counter. I went down the wooden stairs, out onto the brick road. Five minutes in at almost being there I turned down the familiar back ally, it makes the slightest time difference. Something about it compels me I guess, otherwise I'd be to afraid to take it alone. It was beautiful in an artists perception, graffiti aligned the walls in sync. Where one drawing stopped, someone took the liberty to add on to it. As I was about to turn the corner when the world faded from me. Black seeped in over me, quickly I grabbed for the wall. Finding it I pushed my back up against it and slid down onto the ground, an excruciating burst of pain shot down my body.  Then nothing... 


Authors Note: Um I'm seventeen now?? Hope you enjoyed this update, also I have received  my permit! I got it over a month ago so whoop whoop! Thanks for reading,

Stay Rad ~Bailey. x

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