Chapter thirty two.

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Song of the chapter: Best Song Ever - One Direction.

Layla's p.o.v

February 7th, 2015. (one month earlier)

We made our way through the crowd of excited teenage girls, trying to get through as quickly as possible. This proved to be quite the task seeing as they were extremely eager to get inside the large double doors. I pushed through, pulling Sam behind me and Reese leading the way. We were flying under the radar, trying to get through unspotted which seemed hard as of late.

I breathed a sigh of relief when we broke through the last of the crowd, I was extremely claustrophobic. I walked around the corner of the building scanning the perimeter with my eyes until I located the light blue door that we were told to come to. I pulled at the slightly rusted handle, it wasn't budging. I quickly texted Liam letting him know we had arrived and moments later the door was pulled open and we were ushered inside.

"Layla, Reese, and Sam?" A short man with a quickly receding hairline asked us.

"Yup, that's us!" I responded and he nodded before escorting us down the long hallway. Equipment was being moved around and employee's were scattered everywhere. It was all very high energy and I absolutely loved it.

We were quickly approaching the end of the hall, the man stopped and opened the door on his right motioning us in and he was gone as quickly as he appeared. I shut the door behind me as Reese plopped down on one of the couches located in the fairly large room. There was also a ping pong table, a mini fridge, and a tv. I grabbed a water from the fridge noticing a small card was sitting on the table next to it.

'Enjoy the free food, see ya soon. x' I read the card, from what I could tell it was Harry's handwriting.

"Harry says to enjoy the food, and they will be here soon." I called to the others, they had already started a heated game of ping pong, this should be good. I searched through the fridge on the hunt for food, I was starving. I found a lunchable and cheered in excitment, this caused Sam to look over at me and Reese scored a point.

"Hahahah, Loser! I got ya." Reese yelled and I laughed.

"Hey you cheated." Sam whined.

"Technically Reese didn't cheat, you looked away. Not her fault." Zayn called from the door frame, when did he get here?

"Yes!! Tell him Zayn." Reese said pulling Zayn into a short hug.

"I don't think you guys should be playing that game together, you are both too competitive." Zayn chuckled, I nodded in agreement hugging him quickly as well.

"That's probably a good idea." Sam agreed plopping onto a couch and turning over, guess he's taking a nap.

"Who naps during a time like this? I'm too excited for sleep." I spoke to no one in particular.

"Excited eh?" Liam spoke from behind me grabbing my sides, he does that on purpose. I squealed and jumped away from him while everyone laughed.

"Liam, stop trying to tickle me!" I yelled turning around and punching his shoulder before pulling him into a hug, what can I say, he smells good.

"Ouch, you bruis-" Liam started, before he was abruptly cut off.

"Harry!" I exclaimed, running towards him and leaving Liam to whine. He laughed and grabbed me in a tight hug spinning me around a time or two.

"Lays, hey I missed you, it's been a while." Harry greeted. "I think someone missed you more." He whispered in my ear making obvious eyes over at Liam.

 Night And Day  (one direction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz