Chapter nineteen.

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"Can I drive?" Sam said stepping out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel.

"I don't know what you aren't understanding." I rolled my eyes. "You aren't touching my car."

"This isn't fair. You two clearly need more sleep and I'm well rested." He groaned.

"Sounds to me like you're the only one who needs more sleep, with all that whining over there." I snickered.

"You two get along." Layla said eyeing us while pointing her finger. "I'm driving the rest of the way so It's settled."

"I'm in the front." I said before grabbing my clothes. Sam rolled his eyes and I just smirked stepping into the bathroom.

I ran my bath water before starring in the mirror, When it was halfway full I turned it off and got in. Liking someone who is in a relationship is the worst thing ever. No flirting is allowed and you have to contain yourself, unless you're the type to be a home wrecking tramp.. Which I'm clearly not. Which means I need to be extra careful.

I washed my hair and quickly got out not even leaving time to relax and chill. I blow dried my hair to its frizzy fluffy nature, minutes later straightening it and changing into my outfit for today.

I slid on my light navy blue sun dress and my patterned cardigan. My black tights next and my tan heeled boots.

"Cute outfit." Layla smiled. "Also you left this in my room at Gannys, figured you'd want it on this trip." she shrugged handing my silver moon necklace she got me for Christmas last year.

"I'm so glad you brought this, I'm definitely wearing it today." I slipped in over my head. " Anyone seen my black hat?"

"The wide brim one?" Layla said walking over to one of my suitcases. "Here."

I caught the Frisbee throw she did. "Thanks." I put it on and did a once in the full length mirror. "Do when do we hit the road?"

"Now actually." Layla said as I started brushing my teeth.

"No shower?" Sam said scrunching his nose. "C'mon Lay even for you that's gross."

She smacked his head. "When you two were asleep I woke up and took one. Oh and Sam did I see your arm around Reese's waist last night?" Layla smirked.

My eyes widened. "What?" I went to the sink and lifted up my dress rubbing my waist with hand sanitizer.

"Really Reese?" Sam said shaking his head at me. "If that's true, it's cause I sleep with a body pillow and I'm used to sleeping with my arm around it. Plus you had a shirt on, my arm didn't even touch your skin."

"Or that was the only way you could make a move on her, when she's asleep." Layla laughed making Sam even more red in the face.

"I'm going to be sick." I said grabbing my suitcases walking outside to my car. I popped the hatch and placed my things inside. I sat in the drivers side and waited for them to join me.

"Layla you have to stop busting my balls in front of Reese. It gives her more amo!" Sam whined before they got in the car.

"Thought I was driving?" Layla said getting in the passenger seat.

"Changed my mind." I started the car and we began the end of the way to Orlando. "Sam touch the radio and you're getting in the trunk with the luggage."

"Why must you always drag me?" Sam said falling onto the seat next to him.

"Why do you make it so easy?" I said cocking my head to the side.

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