Chapter forty six.

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Song of the chapter: Moments - One Direction.

Layla's p.o.v

I think it was safe to say I hadn't been back to sleep since Zayn called, this was so unlike Reese. She number one, always had her phone, and two was a constant updater, she liked to let us know what she was doing at all times. For her to not do that was extremely out of character and had me on edge.

I turned over in my bed for the hundredth time tonight, glancing at the sleeping figure beside me. Soft breaths escaped his lips, he had fortunately been able to go back to sleep, good thing one of us could. I jumped, startled, as my phone began to ring. I picked it up quickly, it was Zayn.

"Hello?" I answered, a short yawn leaving my mouth.

"I'm so sorry to call you again so early." He apologized.

"No, it's okay, I haven't been to sleep." I assured him. "Did you find her?" I asked, but judging by the worry present in his voice I knew that he hadn't.

"No, I was just calling to give you an update, we are all out looking for her." He sighed.

"Where did she say she was going?" I asked, mulling my brain, had she said on the phone? I wasn't sure.

"The library."

"Okay, well think like Reese, I haven't been around there and I don't know the area, but you have. Where would she go? What path would she take? Is there anywhere she would stop?" I spoke, quickly rambling off anything that I thought would help him. "Start from the place you're staying and walk around the hotel first, taking all possible routes to the library, she probably took the weirdest route, you know how she is. I hope you find her soon Zayn. Please keep me posted."

"Good idea, thanks Layla. I'll call soon." He replied briefly, ending the call after that.

"Zayn?" Liam asked, making his presence known.

"Yeah. No sign of her yet." I sighed sliding into a spot on the floor, placing my phone beside me face up, I couldn't risk missing a call right now.

"They will find her Layla." He assured me, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"I want to believe that, I do. They have been looking for hours with no sign of her, she's in a place she barely knows right now, I don't know why she even went alone. For all I know someone has kidnapped her." I replied, my voice was shaking as I spoke, showing how terrified I really was.

"Layla, you can't talk like that. It won't help anything, alright? Listen, I know Zayn, really well in fact, and I know that he won't stop until he finds her, and he will find her. You don't need to worry." Liam spoke in a soothing tone, calming me as much as he could.

"I hope so, I don't know what I would do without her." I spoke, my voice cracking slightly.

"Come back to bed alright, we can't be of any help running on no sleep. We will figure things out in the morning." I stood up slowly, curling into bed beside Liam. I laid awake for hours, waiting for a call or text when I noticed the light peering in around the edges of the curtains. Deciding there was nothing I could do at this moment, I slowly began to drift asleep.


I woke up a bit later that morning, checking my phone immediately. It had been roughly four hours since my last phone call from Zayn. Deciding I had waited long enough I called him, I waited in silence as the phone rang endlessly, voicemail. I tried Harry next, to no avail his phone went to voicemail as well, weird. I called the rest of the boys after that, and Reese's parents, no one answered.

"Liam." I spoke softly, shaking his shoulder to wake him.

"Yeah?" He groaned turning towards me slowly.

"I've called all the boys, Reese's parents, and even Sam. No one is picking up." I spoke, my stomach turning.

"Weird. Let me try." He grabbed his phone from the charger clicking on Zayn's name and waiting for him to pick up, no answer. He tried this three more times, still no one picked up. After calling all of them several times we gave up.

"Something's wrong Liam."

"I know." This was the first time he even showed the slightest bit of worry, I was glad that he had held out for as long as he did because now I felt physically sick.

"We need to go Liam."

"Go? Layla, we just got here. There isn't anything we can do right now." He reasoned.

"I don't care Liam, if something has happened to her and I didn't go I would never forgive myself. She's my best friend, you have to understand."

"I do."

"I'll explain to my mom, she will be fine with it. We can come back anytime, for now I need to book us a flight. Do you care to start packing?" I asked, pulling out my laptop and logging on quickly.

"Sure, just try and relax. It won't do anyone any good if you get sick alright?"

"Okay." I forced a small smile, typing in our destination and finding the first flight out. The first one I found was in two hours, it was a thirty minute drive to the airport, we would probably be an hour getting packed if we rushed. This left no time to say goodbye to my family but it would have to do. I purchased them immediately, logging off of my computer and shoving it in my bag.

"Did you get a flight?" Liam asked, shoving various items into his suitcase.

"Yeah, we leave at noon." I sighed, grabbing my own suitcase out, packing my clothes hastily.

"Noon? That's barely two hours."

"It's only thirty minutes to the airport. We will make it."

"We won't have time to tell your family goodbye."

"I'll call them, they will understand. Promise." I assured him, rushing around the room. It felt weird repacking the clothes I had unpacked just last night.

"Ready?" Liam asked, an hour had flown by before I knew it and we loaded our bags into the truck. I would have my parents pick it up from the airport later.

"Yeah." I replied, speaking of my parents, I needed to call them. I grabbed my phone and typed in my moms number regretfully, I hated having to leave her so soon.

"Hello, Layla. I was just making brunch. Are you on your way over." She chirped into the phone, adding to my guilt.

"Mom, somethings come up with Reese, I'm afraid we're leaving."

"What, leaving? What's happened?" She gasped.

"I haven't got a lot of details, I just know she went missing last night and now no one is answering their phones, we need to find out what's going on. I have a really bad feeling and I need to get there." I explained.

"Oh, of course you need to go. Please call me and keep me updated on what's happening."

"I will mom, I'll leave the keys in the glovebox of the truck, we will park it in the back lot at the airport, I love you."

"I love you more Lay, be safe."

"Of course." I replied, hanging up the phone with a heavy sigh.

We pulled into the back parking lot as planned and exited the truck, leaving the keys in the glovebox. Grabbing our bags from the tailgate we high tailed it into the airport, we now had twenty minutes until our flight was leaving and we hadn't even checked in yet. This was going to be a long trip.


Exciting things in store for Bailey's chapter so stay tuned! This was mostly a filler but I hope you enjoyed, love y'all lots.

-Paige x

 Night And Day  (one direction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora