chapter twenty.

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Song of the chapter: One thing - One Direction

Layla's p.o.v

I shoved another bite of food in my mouth chewing in silence as everyone around me was talking excitedly.

To my surprise we had made it all day without anyone taking notice of the boys. Apparently, throwing on some false hair color and sunglasses proved to be a good enough disguise.

So far we had visited this go-kart arcade place which we had spent half the day at playing games and kicking ass on the track. Not to brag, but Reese and I took the winning spots every time. I was practically professional.

Liam and I had both found a common interest in air hockey, he even beat me a couple of times. More than a couple really, he was very good at it.

Now we were all sat around at a restaurant in downtown Orlando enjoying lunch together. At the moment, it was just Reese, Niall, Liam and I. Zayn was staying in with Perrie today and no one really knew where Harry and Lou had run off to today.

It was weird how comfortable I was coming with the boys as of late. I could carry on a casual conversation with them as if I had known them forever. If you would've told me six months ago that I would be friends with them now, I would've laughed in your face. It was still surreal to me and Reese both.

Liam tapped on my shoulder and I looked over at him. "Yeah?"

"You're being awful quiet." He said to me, I looked over at Reese and Niall who were deep in conversation.

"Oh sorry, I just don't have much to say right now." I laughed gently.

"That's unusual." He laughed.

"What are you saying?" I laughed at him and he shook his head at me.

Reese had purposefully slid in the booth beside Niall so that I would be sat beside Liam. She also felt it necessary to throw me and over exaggerated wink, one that Liam noticed. Thankfully, he just shot her a glance and didn't ask any questions.

Soon, everyone had finished their food and we all agreed to get back to the hotel so we could get ready for the boys tv special that they are filming. Reese and I were both overly excited to get to go to the Harry Potter world.

We paid and exited the restaurant together and all filed into the cab. As we were getting in I noticed a young girl eyeing Liam and Niall strangely. A fan maybe? Then again she didn't say anything.


I dug through my bags as Reese got dressed in the bathroom that we shared. I had previously picked out my outfit but now I was second guessing it. I continued searching as Reese came out of the bathroom.

"How does this look?" Reese questioned.

"It looks really good." I answered.

She was wearing black skinny jeans and a loose black top, she had on some light brown ankle boots and a cream colored sweater. It went together really well. She walked over to the mirror and began straightening her hair.

I finally decided on an outfit before hopping in the shower, I quickly washed my hair before jumping out and using some spray gel to lightly scrunch my hair leaving it to dry in loose waves. I grabbed my outfit, I decided on some black jeans, a knit sweater, and tan sandals.

Pretty soon we were all ready and we had met the boys in the hotel lobby. Me and Reese were going a bit early, arriving the same time as the fans were. I was more than excited to go, I had been dreaming of going to the Harry potter world since it opened. Reese and I were so excited that we may or may not have brought our wands with us.

We arrived shortly and entered the park blending in with the other fans, we split up soon after coming in because we both had different locations in mind. She was saying something about candy and needing to go there first, so she ran off in that direction as I laughed at her.

Meanwhile, I was going to check out some of the rides. I walked into the line of the first one I saw, it looked really cool. I went through the line and it looked relatively short so I decided to stick with this ride.

"Hey, I'm Maya." A tall brunette smiled at me. She was holding the spot in front of me in line.

"Hi, I'm Layla. Nice to meet ya." I smiled back at her.

"It's nice to meet you too. I think it's so nice what the boys are doing for us. This is such an amazing experience."

"I know, they're amazing people." I replied with a smile.

"They really are. So where are you from?"

"I'm from Seattle. and you?" She asked me.

"I'm from a small town in Cali, Grover Beach."

"Really? I love Cali."

"Same, it's beautiful there."

"So are you here alone?"

"No, my friend is here with me she just decided she wanted to go somewhere else. You?"

"Same here." She laughed.

Maya and I stood in line for another thirty minutes waiting to get on the ride, it gave me a chance to express my inner fangirl and let me tell you. It felt good. We exchanged numbers right before we got on the ride.

I strapped myself in before the attendant came around and checked, Maya sitting beside me. Slowly, it started moving before we paused at a spot so the people in front of us could go through. I was avidly chatting with Maya when she asked me who my favorite band member was. I was about to reply when the girls on the ride started freaking out.

I turned to face the commotion and none other than Louis Tomlinson was standing in front of us dressed as Harry Potter, maybe wishes do come true. Momentarily forgetting that I was friends with him I had a slight problem breathing.

"Holy shit." Maya murmured next to me. Louis had just finished talking to the girls next to us and made our way over to us. Maya immediately began rapidly talking to him because she knew our time was limited.

"Layla, hey. I didn't even see you there." He chuckled.

"Oh, hey Lou." I smiled, Maya and the rest of the girls looked over at me in shock.

"It was nice to see you guys but it looks like the ride is about to begin. Enjoy guys, See you soon " Louis called before walking towards the next group of screaming girls.

"What in the actual hell Layla, you know Louis?" Maya all but shouted at me.

"It's a very long story." I laughed. "I'll explain after this okay?"

"Deal." She agreed as the ride took off.


Hi, update. Louis looks so damn cute in that Harry Potter outfit kay. Also, happy 19th birthday to C-hood. Have a great day, and don't forget to vote.

Stay tuned(:

-Paige x

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