Chapter thirty nine.

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𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆'𝒔 𝒑.𝒐.𝒗

June 5th 2015,

My journey so far has gone better than expected, really took a turn for the better when I started traveling with someone special to me, we can talk about that someone later. News on Layla? Well her time with her guy has been extended, turns out one month wasn't enough. They aren't public yet, public might imply that he's someone who's known by people, ooh secrets. My time with Z going around the world has been major bliss. Seeing amazing sights with a significant other is the cherry on the top. I've seen places I've only ever dreamt of going, done things I never thought I could; I really can't put into words the fun I've had, and the memories I've made. So with that I lead you on into the next topic, my special someone.

Let's just call him Z for now, okay? I met him in a bar, only now do I realize how bad that sounds... It was for a friends birthday party, Layla pointed out that he had been looking at me so I said "I'm just gonna go sit over there" and I did, we started talking. I thought that would be the last time I would ever see him for certain reasons. Weirdly enough Layla ran into his best friend the next day and he invited us to play soccer with them. We became friends, in the beginning he had a girlfriend but they had a falling out. In time we grew closer and then BLOOP we're dating. People don't know one hundred percent about us, but it's speculated a lot. I don't have much else to write right now, but expect some more entries after this week. Oh yeah one last thing, I have a surprise for Z. Okay bye now!

"Zayn," I said as I hit the post button, "Wanna go get something to eat?"

"Yeah, I'll change," He said ducking into the bathroom. I went to my dresser and pulled out my options on what to wear out today, deciding it was to hot to wear anything super cute I decided to wear my ombre tie dye shirt and ripped jean shorts.

"What do you want to eat?" He said walking out, wearing shorts and a simple tee shirt.

"Something light, I have something planned for you later tonight," I hinted,

"Like what?" He smiled tilting his head

"It's a secret," I shrugged,

"Don't avoid eye contact Reese," he said walking up behind me,

"I'm not, just busy making sure my things are in my purse," I laughed.

"Mmmmhm," he teased. " Let's go get some lunch, only if everything is in your purse though," he continued to joke.

"It is, let's go," I said spinning around him out the door. "Wanna go to Santorni's Café?"

"Oh yeah," he said happily.

One we were out of the villa and walking down towards the café I pulled out my phone and sent Niall a text, "when will you guys lift off?" then locked my phone before Zayn could see. Cars zoomed past us, little scooters beeping by are them. This town full of life, people always out and about. I think it's why it's been on of my favorite places, it's so alive. We entered the café and sat in our usual spots, the owner immediately saw us and waved. We've stayed here the longest out of any other city.

"I'm going to the restroom, order a chicken wrap for me, with chips?" He asked standing, I nodded and he headed off towards the back.

"What can I get you Reese?" the waiter named Dareious. "One chicken wrap with chips, and a lentil soup," I smiled.

"Gotcha," he nodded before going to pin up the order.

Next to me a girl sat down with a load of books and a back pack on her shoulder, she sat her books down and when she did her pens fell onto the ground. I bent down and picked them up, handing them back to her. "Exams?" I smiled.

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