Chapter two.

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Song of the chapter: Polaroid - Liam Payne

Layla's p.o.v

The morning sun was harsh on my newly opened eyes, my head was throbbing from what I can only assume to be lack of sleep. I hadn't even drank the night before, I was too busy playing babysitter to the other girls, not that I minded. Last night really was a lot of fun, but it's safe to say I won't go clubbing again anytime soon, it takes a toll on a girl.

I stretched out and sat up before realizing that one, I was still in my outfit from last night, shoes and all, and two I never actually made it to the bed. I was laying on the floor without so much as a blanket to sleep with. The sad truth about this, is that i'm probably in better condition than the rest of the girls, aside from Reese.

I scrambled up off of the floor and went on to look for my suitcase. I searched for a few minutes before I finally remembered that I had shoved it in the closet before heading out last night. I opened the doors to the closet grabbed out a simple outfit, anything would be better than what I had on.

I exited the room leaving a peacefully sleeping Reese behind, taking note of the fact that even  though she had changed clothes sometime between arriving home, and passing out, she had misplaced her shirt. I laughed softly as I walked down the somewhat unfamiliar hallway, and after trying three different doors I finally found the bathroom.

I stepped in and shut the door behind me before glancing in the mirror, I had to do a double take. I was taken aback by my reflection, my hair was an absolute mess and my makeup was completely smudged, leaving a trail of mascara along my left cheek. In the midst of staring at my reflection I began to wonder if I remembered to pack my toothbrush, I hoped that I did because if I'm being perfectly honest my breath was dreadful. I dug through my bag, finding my toothbrush quickly. I pulled it out of the bag and squeezed a decent sized drop of toothpaste on to the brush. I know that you're only supposed to use 'a pea sized amount' but honestly, tell me the fun in that. I quickly brushed my teeth, rinsed out my mouth, and stripped out of my clothes turning the shower on to let the water heat up.

I stepped into the steamy shower and was met with a burst of hot water, this shower was exactly what I needed. I quickly covered all the basics, shampoo and condition, shave, and last but not least wash yesterday's makeup off my face, I felt a weight lifted off of me as the old makeup, and last of the soap ran down the drain, leaving me completely refreshed.

When I finished, I turned off the water, immediately missing the warmth and dried off with my towel. I threw on my clothes quickly, wrapping my hair into a turban like fashion with my towel, and grabbed my dirty clothes and bathroom bag. I dropped my stuff into mine and Reese's bedroom, and headed into the kitchen to scrounge for food.

I am assuming that none of the girls were up yet because I had yet to pass anyone in the hallway, and no one was in the kitchen. I looked at the clock on the kitchen stove, relieved it was only ten. I didn't want my time here to be wasted. I decided, that since no one else was up, and I was hungry, that I should cook breakfast. I walked to the fridge and pulled the door open and was met with nothing but empty shelves, and a single bottle of ketchup. The same thing with the cabinets, absolutely empty besides a salt and pepper shaker.

I walked up to the room and hung up my towel, ran my fingers through my hair, and slid on some shoes. I walked around the room in search of Reese's keys, I needed to do some grocery shopping. I ended up finding them under her bag, I grabbed the keys and my phone in one swoop before walking out the door, closing it quietly behind me. Several of Georgia's friends from the club last night were sprawled out across the living room floor sleeping. I laughed to myself, imagine the hangover. I slid into the driver's seat, and put the key into the ignition, the car started with ease, now all I had left to do was find a grocery store.

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