Chapter one.

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Song of the chapter: Nice to Meet Ya - Niall Horan

☽ 𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆'𝒔 𝒑.𝒐.𝒗 ☾

The mid-days rays of sunshine beamed through my window, creating a sense of warmth. For a moment, I contemplated lying down on the carpet where the sun reflected; something I had done quite often as a child. I then remembered I was already behind schedule and scrambled around my room once more. It appeared I wasn't leaving anything I needed behind, with my hand on doorknob I did one last scan over.

"Reese, we're late! If we don't leave now we'll be stuck in traffic even longer than we'd like!" Layla's soft but assertive voice hollered from downstairs.

I closed the door behind me and quickly descended down the short flight of stairs, "I know, I know. I swear as hard I try to be on time, I'm late. It runs in my family," I shrugged, joking on the last part.

"We both know if I were never on your ass, we would get absolutely nowhere," She laughed from the couch, "I grabbed some poptarts, and milk to go in our tumblers."

"You mean our sippy cups?" Which resulted in her raising her middle finger at me, "Who cares that we still use them? They're a great mess free invention, especially for road trips," I laughed following her out the front door, heaving my slightly over packed luggage behind me.

As I finished loading our things in the trunk of the car, a petite Layla peered over the window at me, "I'll drive the first half," As she was already perched in the drivers seat.

"Sounds good to me," I reclined my seat back immediately upon sitting in the car. My mind pondered briefly about the fun we were about to have this weekend, while Layla shuffled around for the keys in her purse. "I can't believe that Georgia is turning twenty one, this will no doubt be her craziest birthday yet,"

"I'm excited, we haven't seen her in a while. I also can't help but be a tad nervous, I mean look at how much alcohol she previously consumed when it wasn't legal. This is going to be a riot!" She smirked as we backed into the road.

I nodded, "Who knows what we can we can expect from this," then it hit me as it always does, in waves. "What's even more baffling, to me at least, is that I'm in my last year of being a teenager; more precisely less than a year." That's when Layla chuckled, she knew just how much I've been dreading my birthday lately. While most people my age have been counting down the days to be an "adult", I personally have no inclination as to what I want to do with my life. While I've been dipping my toes in the water testing different things out, Layla has already done a double backflip from the diving board.

"Lucky you, here I am still awaiting my nineteenth birthday." She huffed. Watching Layla being annoyed or upset was the equivalent to watching a kitten chase after a feathered toy, but failing to catch it... Hilarious but cute, and It helped her in no way that she was so small in stature. So short that she sits as close as possible to the steering wheel when driving, anything further back would render her incapable of reaching the pedals. I tried to refrain from giggling, but was unsuccessful, "Whaaaaat?" she rolled her eyes.

The air began to grow stuffier as we drove, I decided to roll the windows down to let in fresh air. "It cracks me up when I see how close you sit to the steering wheel, which is probably unsafe due to the proximity from the airbag to your face. I eat my knees every time I get behind the wheel after you,"

"Girl do you want to get smacked up?" The corners of her mouth perked upwards, "Not all of us are lucky to have your height."

I glanced over at Layla whose long brown hair waved sync with with the wind, the tips of her hair barely visible against the sun. "Yeah yeah, before I fall asleep let's get a picture," I said whipping out my phone, but not before Layla could hide her face. "Layla! Take this picture with me, I won't take that many!"

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