Chapter forty.

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Song of the Chapter - Midnight by Liam Payne.

Layla's p.o.v

"Are you all packed?" Liam asked, approaching slowly from behind me.

"Yes, I think." I nodded, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Good, we need to leave in twenty to make it to the airport on time." He smiled pressing a light kiss to my forehead before exiting the room to take the last of my bags to the vehicle.

I grabbed my purse and turned off the light, doing a once over just before to make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind. Liam and I had been spending a lot of time together, we had separated from Reese and Zayn over a month ago, I missed them both immensely but spending alone time with Liam was really nice, we have been together for a while now, not long after I came to his house we made it official. To say I was happy would be a really huge understatement, he made me feel like the most important person in the world.

The original plan was for me to stay for a month, within that time the boys didn't have many shows so I attended the few they had and the rest of the time we spent at Liam's place. After the month was up we decided we weren't quite ready to part, so I chose to stay for a while longer. Today, we are leaving for my parent's house, Liam wanted to meet them and I was happy to see them again.

I locked the door and made my way out to the car, sliding in the passenger seat and fastening my seatbelt. Liam closed the trunk after finally getting the bags to fit the way he liked, he was a tad OCD but I wouldn't have him any other way honestly. He started the car shortly after, turning up the radio and singing along as we made the short trip to the airport.


"Attention all passengers, we are about to begin landing. Please keep all seat belts fastened and remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop and the light above you goes off. Thank you for flying with us today. With that said, welcome to Grover Beach, California, and we do hope you enjoy your stay."

"Finally." I sighed in exhaustion, it had been a series of long flights to get here.

"Tell me about it." Liam laughed slightly as the light from overhead flashed off, he unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up grabbing our carry on's from the overhead compartment. "So, are we going to be staying at your parent's house?" He questioned, handing me my bag.

"No we will stay at Reese and I's house, my mother converted my bedroom into a workout room, which she has maybe used three times, tops." I laughed, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Nice to know." Liam chuckled as we exited the plane, my family was supposed to be waiting for us around baggage claim, I could tell Liam was nervous simply by the way he was walking.

"Relax." I said grabbing his hand and pulling it into mine. "They're literally a bunch of goofballs, Lance is the only one who may give you a tough time but he will warm up quickly. I mean what's not to love." I spoke hoping to ease some of his stress.

"Layla, I'm scared I'm going to forget their names." He admitted, shooting me a sideways glance, squeezing my hand a bit tighter.

"Liam, we have been over this, I have showed you tons of pictures and you've recited them to me like four million times you've got this." I laughed, gently poking him in the side. "Plus, mom already loves you, she has all the CD's in her car."

"Wait, really?" He asked in slight amusement.

"Yup, she knows every word too. Big fan." I chuckled, thinking back to the time I told my mom about them, she squealed, no joke at all. I haven't told them that we're dating yet, so that part is going to be a surprise.

"That's amazing." He laughed. "I wonder how she is going to feel about us dating, I haven't thought about your Dad yet. Oh my gosh, Layla, what if he doesn't approve?" He asked, his hands were slightly sweaty from his anxiousness.

"He will love you, they all will, Promise." I assured as we approached the baggage claim. We watched for a few minutes, my family no where in sight so we decided to just wait for our bags to come around, hoping they would show up in the meantime.

I spotted my bag and picked it off of the machine before Liam did the same, I jumped as I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me, I quickly turned around grabbing the twins into a tight hug. They clung onto to me for a minute before taking notice of Liam and hiding behind my legs, one peeking out on each side. He laughed at them before sending them a small wave, assuring them it was safe to come out.

"Hi, I'm Liam," He smiled, Lilly was the first to come around, studying him intently but staying quiet. "And you must be Lilly." The twins were hard to tell apart, they were identical except for the color of their eyes, Lilly's were bright blue, Leigha's were brown. Leigha stepped out from behind me now, and began to study him as well, I laughed down at them quietly. They were very shy until they got to know you, then they could talk your ear off.

"I'm Leigha." She spoke, it took me by surprise, Lilly is almost always the first to speak, Leigha is more of a follower. "I like your eyes, they're kind of like mine. Except shinier." She spoke forwardly with a timid smile.

"I think your eyes are quite nice as well, very shiny indeed." Liam laughed at her in amusement, kneeled down to her height.

"Thank you." She smiled before turning back to me and tucking into my side. "I like him, he's nice." She whispered into my ear.

"Very nice." I agreed.

"Lilly, Leigha. What did I tell you girls about running off like tha-" My mom said slightly out of breath from chasing after the twins, stopping when she noticed our presence. "Layla! I've missed you so much." She exclaimed pulling me into a hug, the twins let out a sigh of relief knowing they were momentarily off the hook. After releasing me she turned to Liam, who had been quietly watching our exchange. "Liam, it's so very nice to meet you." She pulled him in for a hug as well, lingering for a moment. Like I said, she's a big fan. I laughed to myself watching them break apart.

"It's lovely to meet you as well Mrs. Harrington." He greeted warmly.

"So mannerly, but please, call me Liz. I must apologize but my husband couldn't make it, he got called into work."

"Aw, Dad's not here." I sighed, slightly disappointed. I really missed him.

"No, dear. I'm sorry, he will be home sometime Tuesday." Today was Sunday so it must be an important job.

"That's too bad, at least he will be here for most of the week." I shrugged. "Where's Lance?"

"He fell asleep in the car." Mom laughed, that's Lance for you.

"He is so lazy oh my goodness." I chuckled. Liam grabbed both of our bags rolling them behind him as we walked outside, arguing about it would be pointless so I just let him carry them.

"You're such a gentleman, I am so glad my daughter has you as a friend." My mom complimented. Motioning to the bags he was carrying.

"Well Mom, I was waiting to tell you in person but Liam and I are actually together now."


Kind of a cliffhanger, sorry it's been so long a lot is going on right now. Love you all lots.

-Paige x

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