Chapter eleven.

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"What's up?" I sang into the phone the moment Layla accepted the call.

"I'm so glad you called man," She said a little breathlessly into the phone.

"You good?" I asked sitting upright.

"I'm good," She paused, "I'm just a little upset with Lance, he snuck out. His behavior is significantly worse than when we left. And tonight alone was an event, he managed to start an argument with everyone at dinner. It's truly heartbreaking."

"Are you serious?" I frowned. Lance has taken things to the next level, dabbling in just about everything and anything he can get his hands on. It was bad before, I didn't think it would get even worse. "Do you have any idea where he might be now? If I'm remembering correctly his new friend group hangs at the stoner pit, right?"

"I really hope that's not where he is," She sighed, "This better be just a phase he's going through, just getting it out of his system, I'm going to go check there now,"

"What's the plan if he's there?" I asked.

"Wring his neck," Which was not an exaggeration in the slightest.

I laughed so hard a snort slipped out, "Oops. Just remember if you embarrass him in front of his friends, he'll resent you even more. As much as I love a good ass dragging, maybe hold off on that until y'all are home. Get close enough to snap a photo of him and use it if he refuses to leave, tell him you'll show the rents." Lance always called us snitches during his fits of anger, but we've only ever threatened telling their parents for his safety.

"Yeah that's the better covert option," You could hear the ease in her voice, "I'll text you in the morning, once I've found him I'll probably crash as soon as we get home."

"Okay be careful and aware of your surroundings, love you byeeee," I sang into the phone once more before the line went dead.

I went into my closet and pulled my grey hoodie from the hanger, slipping it on as I descended down the stairs. Ganny was in the kitchen making a pot of coffee, probably to sip on during her evening reading. "Hello dear."

"Hey ganny," I said looking walking around the living room, moving around almost all of pillows and throw covers. "Have you seen my backpack anywhere? I thought I'd left it by my night stand but I guess not,"

"Going somewhere?" She smiled.

"If I can find my bag, I'm going to take a trip to Barnes and Noble. They close in a few hours, I won't be gone too long,"

"You left it on the couch earlier, so I placed it by the table at the front door," She chuckled as she pointed down the hallway. "Let me know when you leave there so I can have the door unlocked."

I looked to the door to see my backpack propped up against the table alongside my purse, I'm entirely too forgetful. "Okay I will, thank you!"  I grabbed both bags on the way out, slinging them over my shoulder as I closed the door behind me.

A couple of stoplights and a few stop signs later I pulled into the semi vacant parking lot. Inside the air smelled of coffee beans that were roasting, already giving me the at home feelings. I personally don't like the taste of coffee, but the smell is ethereal.

I made my way directly to the escalator, hoping my favorite window seat wasn't already occupied. I tried to walk as fast as possible without gaining any attention, but failed when I looked to my left to see a guy around my age chuckling who had probably watched me for the entirety of my fast walking.

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