Chapter twenty seven.

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𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆'𝒔 𝒑.𝒐.𝒗

"So how are you?" I asked Zayn as I sat down on the log.

"I'm good, you?" He said looking over at me.

"Pretty good you could say." I smiled.

"Thanks for letting us join you guys, It's been real havoc lately with tour starting up soon." Zayn said grabbing a stick.

"I can't imagine how crazy it is." I nodded my head. "If you want to clear your head some, I'm going out further more to get some sketching done."

"That sounds like complete bliss, I will join you." He agreed "Plus who's gonna protect you?"

"Uh that would be me." Sam said walking up to us.

"What if we saw a bear?" I smirked.

"You know what Zayn you can have this one." Sam said patting Zayns shoulder before joing Harry and Louis.

"Alright well I'm going to go get my supplies." I said standing.

"I will too." Layla and I's tent was next to Zayn and Liams. Layla was currently.. cuddling with Liam in his tent?

"Layla!" I whispered.

Her head snapped towards me, she mouthed 'what'.

I pointed my finger at them and smiled excitedly. Liam was distracted by Zayn so Layla whispered back.

"It's not like that!"

"Okay." I said sarcastically adding a wink. I went our tent and grabbed my messenger back from the back that contained all my art.

"Ready?" Zayn said from behind me.

Realizing I had my butt our towards him I backed out quickly and rose to my knees. "Yeah, so on the way in I saw a waterfall I wanted to draw if that's okay."

"Thats's fine I don't even know if what I'm going to draw will have anything to do with nature." He chuckled as we began walking.

"Liam looked happier." I shrugged.

"Yeah, I figured out what was wrong earlier." I said with a sad expression. "Him and Sophia broke up.."

"Oh dang.. I really shipped them." I said shaking my head. "So that's what Layla was doing in there." I hate to say it but now that Sophia is out of he picture, a new one can be painted and this time it can be Liam and Layla. All in time of course, I know how bad breakups are.

"Yeah, I.. shipped them too." He said trying out the word shipped. "So who do you ship?" Mentally I wanted to say ' us ' but I re framed and smiled. "Nobody." I smirked. "Well someone but, I'm keeping that to myself."

"Reese, you are so secretive!" Zayn laughed. "I like it." He smiled.

We walked for couple more minutes going up mini hills and down them. Soon enough we reached the waterfall I was talking about. "This is just beautiful. Jesus is good." I said closing my eyes taking in the smell of the water brought by a breeze. "Shall we?"

"We shall." He said sitting on a rock. A couple minutes later Zayn stopped drawing and looked at me for awhile."Hey Reese?"

"Yeah?" I said turning too him.

His took a deep breath. "I'm really sorry about Orlando, talking about Perrie like that too you. I know it didn't really bother you, I was just being immature."

I could feel my face reddening so I looked away. "No it's fine, don't worry about it."

Zayn chuckled. "If I'm being honest, Perrie and I aren't even doing good." I turned completely around facing Zayn.

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